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The usage of mobile phone in the development of academic education in dentistry

استخدام الهاتف المحمول في التعليم الأكاديمي في كليات طب الأسنان

1354   2   0   0.0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2020
  fields Dentistry
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Mohammad Dayoub

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This research aims to study the positives of using the mobile phone in the development of academic education in the faculty of dentistry.

References used
Al Dahshan, Jamal. 2016. Using the mobile phone in education:  between advocation and rejection. Retrieved May, 2016 from blog-post_27.html,
Andraus, Tayseer Selim. 2012. Mobile learning technology, a theoretical  study published in The Cybrarians Journal. Retrieved April, 2016 from http://www.journal. .edu&cat id=259: studies & Itemid = 92
Al-Dahshan, Jamal and Majdi, Younis. 2010. Mobile Education: a new  version of distance learning. A paper presented to the First International Conference of The Omani Society for Educational Technology 2010, .Sultanate of Oman 6 Amman, 6-8 December 2010
Mobile Phone Applications in the University Classroom: .)3813( .Ashour.1 Learning and Digital –E .perceptions of undergraduate students in Jordan .Media 3
rate research

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This study aims to assess the feelings of children toward dental treatment in the department of pediatric dentistry in order to point the reason of dental fear. The sample includes 385 children (191 males, 194 females, aged 4-12 years) come to facu lty of dentistry between 1/10/2015 – 1/6/2016. The questionnaire form was adapted. Data were analyzed using statistical program SPSS. SMA was: fear = 2.96 , anxiety = 2.82 , trouble = 2.74 , like (desire, preference) = 3.56 , feelingsafter treatment = 3.37 , discomfort of the transaction = 1.82 , desire to repeat the visit = 3.97. The result showed most of the children were not afraid, not worried, not upset, and they like to repeat. While 9.9% trouble and 6.5% don't like to repeat it. We concluded that the dental services in p.d department are effective and acceptable.
With the large development of connection and information technology and spreading the internet in large way all over the world. Business organizations turned the using it in promotion for businesses and products. So the online advertising was one o f the important factors for electronic promotion, which these organization used them for what it produced from characteristics and advantages and specially its ability for saving huge amount of information, which consumers need and search for. So the online advertising became and specially in Syrian important device. Which consumer use for getting on the information which he wishes. About the products that advertise about by these organizations. this research aims to knowing the role which the online advertising plays in the stage of collecting information that correlated in purchase process for consumers of mobile phone in the Syrian coast. through survey study group of consumers for the mobile phone in the Syrian cost in which 185 questioner where distributed. And from the results which the researcher came to that high fast is not available in the internet, which can help the consumer in watching the online advertising continuously. in addition to that online advertising enable the consumer from getting a lot of information about the product, which he search about as qualities of this product, its places and its prices. Also it enable consumer from comparing between different brands. The research advises by working on developing the internet and increasing its fast. So that the consumer can watch the internet and get the information in addition to working designing the online advertising in a way which a attracts the consumer and makes him watch this advertising.
The aim of this research is to study the impact of offers on Syriatel network (as a marketing innovation) in building the image of its customers. The researcher distributed 210 questionnaires to syriatel users, 194 of which were valid for the analysis, (92.4%) which is good for the study.
This research is a clinical survey of trauma cases that have presented to Damascus University, Pediatric dental clinic, postgraduate studies. The research studies have following objectives: A survey was preformed of the trauma cases that presented to our clinic, tables of the different classifications of fractures were prepared, total number of cases presented, distribution according to several factors, treatments offered to the patients and their success rates.
This paper presents a study on current trends in the development of cross-platform mobile applications in order to provide an overview of the actual situation of this area. The research mainly focuses on several things: first of all, it clarifies the full landscape of the cross-platform development by reviewing the most important various types of cross-platform apps, which are: Web applications, hybrid applications, interpreted applications and generated (cross-compiled) applications. Secondly, it presents basic issues for each kind of application and it performs comparative analysis to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each type. Thirdly, it highlights the fallacies and pitfalls in various multi-platform development approaches to raise awareness about such issues and to assist in the selection of an appropriate way. In the end it presents some conclusions about cross-platform mobile app development approaches.

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