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Purchase determinants among consumers of chicken meat in Lattakia Governorate

دراسة محددات الشراء لدى مستهلكي لحم الدجاج في محافظة اللاذقية

1407   1   64   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2016
  fields Agrarian Economy
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The research aims to study the determinants of purchase to the consumers of chicken meat in the province of Latakia, and see how it affected the consumer when making a purchase decision, respondents were surveyed (500) the consumer, was the distribution of a questionnaire allocated for this purpose. Use the statistical and analytical method for the study and analysis of the data, which used randomized complete block design, and testing of F in accordance with the SPSS statistical program, the research found a range of results, including: • purchasing decision influenced by a variety of factors: the level of consumer income - Product Specifications - the price of chicken meat - other meat prices - the views of friends. • Low impact of consumer life and the views of the seller and the Declaration on the purchase decision process.

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
تهدف الدراسة إلى تحليل محددات الشراء لدى مستهلكي لحم الدجاج في محافظة اللاذقية، ومعرفة مدى تأثير هذه المحددات على قرار الشراء. شملت العينة 500 مستهلك، وتم استخدام استمارة استبيان لجمع البيانات. استخدم الباحثون المنهج الإحصائي والتحليلي، واعتمدوا على تصميم العشوائية الكاملة واختبار F باستخدام برنامج SPSS. توصلت الدراسة إلى أن قرار الشراء يتأثر بعدة عوامل منها: مستوى دخل المستهلك، مواصفات المنتج، سعر لحم الدجاج، أسعار اللحوم الأخرى، وآراء الأصدقاء. بينما كان تأثير عمر المستهلك، وآراء البائع، والإعلان ضعيفًا على قرار الشراء. أوصت الدراسة بضرورة مراقبة جودة اللحوم، والمحافظة على أسعار مقبولة، وتقديم تسهيلات للباعة ذوي السمعة الحسنة، وإيلاء أهمية أكبر لعملية الدعاية والإعلان.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: تعتبر هذه الدراسة مهمة لفهم سلوك المستهلكين في محافظة اللاذقية، ولكن هناك بعض النقاط التي يمكن تحسينها. أولاً، العينة المستخدمة قد لا تكون كافية لتمثيل جميع فئات المجتمع في المحافظة، حيث أن توزيع الاستمارات كان محدودًا في بعض الأحياء والمناطق الريفية. ثانيًا، الدراسة لم تأخذ في الاعتبار العوامل الثقافية والدينية التي قد تؤثر على قرار الشراء. ثالثًا، كان من الممكن استخدام تقنيات تحليل بيانات أكثر تعقيدًا للحصول على نتائج أكثر دقة. وأخيرًا، يجب أن تكون التوصيات أكثر تفصيلًا وقابلة للتطبيق العملي.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي العوامل الرئيسية التي تؤثر على قرار شراء لحم الدجاج في محافظة اللاذقية؟

    العوامل الرئيسية هي مستوى دخل المستهلك، مواصفات المنتج، سعر لحم الدجاج، أسعار اللحوم الأخرى، وآراء الأصدقاء.

  2. ما هو تأثير عمر المستهلك على قرار شراء لحم الدجاج؟

    تأثير عمر المستهلك على قرار شراء لحم الدجاج كان ضعيفًا وفقًا للدراسة.

  3. كيف تم جمع البيانات في هذه الدراسة؟

    تم جمع البيانات باستخدام استمارة استبيان وزعت على 500 مستهلك في محافظة اللاذقية.

  4. ما هي التوصيات التي قدمتها الدراسة لتحسين عملية شراء لحم الدجاج؟

    أوصت الدراسة بمراقبة جودة اللحوم، المحافظة على أسعار مقبولة، تقديم تسهيلات للباعة ذوي السمعة الحسنة، وإيلاء أهمية أكبر لعملية الدعاية والإعلان.

References used
BRUNTON, C. Chicken Meat Usage And Attitude Survey. Rural Industries Research And Development Corporation, Australian Government, Australia, 2009, 12- 13
COETZEE, Z; MEYER, F; DEBEER, J. Chicken Meat. The National Agriculture Marketing Council And Commark Trust, 2007, 43
DEMIR, P; CEVGER, Y; AYDIN, E. An Economic Assessment Of The Chicken Meat Feed Price Interactions Turkish Broiler Sector. Book of proceedings, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey, 2008, 225 p
rate research

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This study aimed to identify the concept of sensory marketing and its importance and the definition of the concept of impulse purchase decision, as well as to analyze the impact of sensory marketing on the impulse purchase decision among consumers. T o achieve this, the researcher conducted a survey on consumers of Seif beauty clinic in Lattakia governorate. The study reached a set of results, the most important of which was the existence of a significant relationship between sensory marketing on the one hand and personal, external and circumstantial factors affecting the impulsive buying decision among consumers of Seif beauty clinic products and preparations: The research also presented a set of proposals and recommendations that could help companies specialized in marketing such products to understand how to influence the consumer's buying decision, especially (impulse buying).
The research aims to study the effect of some demographic variables (education, income) for consumers of chicken meat in the province of Latakia on preferences in terms of market share of chicken meat.
Due to the importance of food security in the Arab Countries in general and in Syria in particular, the agricultural policy in Syria has emphasized on exploiting all the energies and agricultural resources for the production and provision of food. He nce came the thinking in producing poultry meat in the modern commercial sectors which are not much affected by natural factors and climatic conditions. They are characterized by their low prices and the fast capital turnover when producing them. They are one of the most types of meat that highly contain animal protein. This research aims to achieve the following objectives: 1- Analyzing production costs of table chicken in Lattakia Governorate. 2- Economic assessment for the production of table chicken in Lattakia Governorate. The study conclusion shows the most important results reached by the research, and they are: 1- The annual net profit achieved in the farm (per dunum) amounted to /1059662.4/ Syrian Pounds. 2- The production efficiency for table chicken breeding in Lattakia Governorate amounted to /1.36/. 3- The total economic efficiency for table chicken breeding in Lattakia Governorate amounted to /1.53/.
This research aims to assess and study the evolution of broiler breeding in Syrian Arab Republic in general and in Syrian Coast and Lattakia Governorate particularly, in period between 2003 – 2012, and account of production costs for all stages of broiler breeding according and analyze these costs, and economical evaluation of production broiler by using some economic indicators, and clarifying the impact of crisis in Syria the process of broiler breeding and production in Lattakia Governorate, by comparing the prices and costs befor and after the crisis.The research shows the production efficiency for table chicken breeding in Lattakia Governorate amounted to /1.85/ in year 2010, and /1.20/ in year 2014, while the economic efficiencyreached /1.72/ in year 2010, and /1.09/ in year 2014, the return of capital period was 1.3 years in 2010, then it became 9.8 years in 2014.
This study were conducted on 450 samples of raw chicken meat ( 150 samples of thighs- 150 samples of breasts -150 samples of wings ) were collected from retail marketin Hama city,to detect contamination of staphylococcus.
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