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Effect of Mineral Fertilization Rates and Method of Superphosphate Application on Some Growth and Fruits Indicators of the Grapevine Cultivar, Al-Helwani

تأثير معدلات التسميد المعدني و طريقة إضافة الفوسفات I - في بعض مؤشرات النمو و مواصفات ثمار العنب الحلواني

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 Publication date 2010
  fields Groves
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The research experiment was carried out during the 2007, 2008 and 2009, seasons on grape variety Al- Helawani (10 years old) to study the effect of N.P.K. fertilization rates and the triple superphosphate (T.S.P) application method on some fruits characters and growth indicators. Three fertilization N.P.K rates were used, rate 1 (75:25:50) kg/ ha, twofold and fourfold of rate 1, in three replicates in addition to control. The application of (T.S.P) was on soil surface and at 30 cm depth, the percent of leaf area, shoot length, the degree of berry colour, berry firmness were calculated. The results showed a significant increase of leaf area, shoot length and the Berry colour compared to control. The third rate was the best for increasing the leaf area and shoot length, while the first and second rates were increased the colour of Berry. At the same time, there was a gradual significant decrease in Berry firmness compared to control when the rate of fertilizer was increased. It was also noted a significant increase in leaf area (11%) and shoot length (4.5%) in deep T.S.P application compared to the surface application.

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
تتناول هذه الدراسة تأثير معدلات التسميد المعدني وطريقة تطبيق السوبرفوسفات الثلاثي على بعض مؤشرات النمو والثمار لعنب صنف الحلواني. أجريت التجربة خلال مواسم 2007، 2008، و2009 على كروم عنب عمرها 10 سنوات. تم استخدام ثلاث معدلات تسميد N.P.K (75:25:50) كجم/هكتار، ومضاعفاتها مرتين وأربع مرات، بالإضافة إلى مجموعة ضابطة. تم تطبيق السوبرفوسفات الثلاثي على سطح التربة وعلى عمق 30 سم. تم قياس نسبة مساحة الأوراق، طول الفروع، درجة لون الثمار، وصلابة الثمار. أظهرت النتائج زيادة ملحوظة في مساحة الأوراق وطول الفروع ولون الثمار مقارنة بالمجموعة الضابطة. كان المعدل الثالث هو الأفضل لزيادة مساحة الأوراق وطول الفروع، بينما زادت المعدلات الأول والثاني من لون الثمار. في الوقت نفسه، كان هناك انخفاض تدريجي ملحوظ في صلابة الثمار مقارنة بالمجموعة الضابطة عند زيادة معدل السماد. كما لوحظ زيادة ملحوظة في مساحة الأوراق (11%) وطول الفروع (4.5%) عند تطبيق السوبرفوسفات الثلاثي بعمق مقارنة بالتطبيق السطحي.
Critical review
تعد هذه الدراسة مهمة لفهم تأثير التسميد المعدني على نمو وثمار العنب، إلا أن هناك بعض النقاط التي يمكن تحسينها. أولاً، كان من الأفضل تضمين تحليل اقتصادي لتكاليف التسميد مقابل الفوائد المحققة من زيادة الإنتاجية. ثانياً، لم تتناول الدراسة تأثير التسميد على جودة الثمار من حيث الطعم والقيمة الغذائية، وهو جانب مهم للمزارعين والمستهلكين. ثالثاً، كان من الممكن توسيع نطاق الدراسة لتشمل أنواع أخرى من العنب أو حتى محاصيل أخرى، مما يزيد من تعميم النتائج. أخيراً، كان من المفيد تضمين توصيات عملية للمزارعين بناءً على النتائج، مما يعزز من تطبيق هذه النتائج في الواقع العملي.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي معدلات التسميد N.P.K المستخدمة في الدراسة؟

    تم استخدام ثلاث معدلات تسميد N.P.K (75:25:50) كجم/هكتار، ومضاعفاتها مرتين وأربع مرات، بالإضافة إلى مجموعة ضابطة.

  2. ما هي الطريقة التي تم بها تطبيق السوبرفوسفات الثلاثي؟

    تم تطبيق السوبرفوسفات الثلاثي على سطح التربة وعلى عمق 30 سم.

  3. ما هي المؤشرات التي تم قياسها في الدراسة؟

    تم قياس نسبة مساحة الأوراق، طول الفروع، درجة لون الثمار، وصلابة الثمار.

  4. ما هي أفضل معدلات التسميد لزيادة مساحة الأوراق وطول الفروع؟

    كان المعدل الثالث هو الأفضل لزيادة مساحة الأوراق وطول الفروع.

References used
Abou Nuqta F. (1995). Enviromental Impact of Fertilizeres Use in Syria Proc. seminar production and Use of chemical fertilizers and environment, Al Foully (red) NRC. Cairo. рр 35-50
Antep, S, (1997). Evaluation of some chemical method of soil nitrogen availability based on 15 nitrogen technique. Commun. Soil.Sci. plant. anal .Vol, 28 .PP. 537-550
Aroutunian, A. C. (1965). Vineyard fertilization. Kolos, Moscow. (In Russ). P. 462
rate research

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The research experiment was carried out during the 2007, 2008 and 2009 seasons on grape variety Al- Helwani (10 years old) to study the effect of NPK fertilization rates and the triple superphosphate (T.S.P) application method on some fruits chara cters.Three fertilization NPK rates were used, rate 1 (75:25:50) kg/ ha, twofold and fourfold of rate 1, in three replicates in addition to control. The application of (T.S.P) was on soil surface and at 30 cm depth. The results showed significant increase of the total soluble solids (TSS), pH and vitamin C compared to control. while the content of TSS in juice increased by 40.9%, 44.6%, 50.3% in the three rates, respectively, compared to control, pH increased from 5.45 in control to 5.92; 5.89; 5.73 in the three rates, respectively, in turn, significant decrease in total acidity (TA) was noted by 15.3, 11.1 and 42.8%, in the three rates, respectively, compared to control. ASignificant increase of (TSS) by 2.5% and vitamin C by 10 % in deep T.S.P application compared to the surface application, on the other hand, (TA) decreased significantly by 4.2%, while, there was no significant differences in pH, in both treatments.
This research was carried out through the 2012-2013 season on 10 years old, grafted on the rootstock B41,grapevines of Al-Hulwani cultivar. Three levels (10,20,40 t/ha) of organic fertilizers of cow, sheep plus and poultry were used, in addition to three treatments from mixture of this levels (3.33,6.66,13.32 t/ha) for one type of the fertilizers. The research also included three treatments from mixture of mineral fertilization with (N,P,K) at the rate (1:1:1) by using urea 46%, super phosphate 46% and potassium sulphate 50% in three levels (100-200-400 kg/ha), in addition to the control without fertilization, to study their effects on Some quantitative and qualitative Characteristics of the grapevine cultivar Al-Hulwani. The results showed the following: The use of organic and mineral fertilization gave in all levels and types superiority in all studied characteristics compared to the control. Most levels of organic fertilization and its treatments are superior to mineral fertilization in all studied characteristics. The first level of sheep plus (10 kg/ha) gave the better results in weight of cluster and quantity of product, but the first level of poultry gave the better results in weight of 100 fruits. The use of organic manure was with positive effect on fruits color and was superior to mineral fertilization. The yield/vine increased significantly from 65.77kg/vine to 118.5 and 97.8kg/vine when the low level of sheep puls the mixture of the medium levels of mineral fertilizers were used.
The aim of this research is to determine the role of mineral (NPK) and organic fertilization (Chicken manure, Cow manure and Chicken with Cow manure) on vegetative growth and flowering of Zinnia (Zinnia elegans). This research also examines the possi bility of relying on this organic manure to present nutrients for the plant in order to reduce mineral fertilization. The results show that the use of NPK (30, 20, 20 g/m2) or Chicken manure (2Kg/m2) has a positive impact on vegetative growth (plant height and average number of branches andleaves on the plant). They also show a positive effect on the flower developmentand flowering (early flowering, number of flowers and flower volume). These positive effects are reflected on the proportion of dry matter both in the vegetative and flowering part. The results indicate that plants fertilized with NPK or Chicken manure realize higher economic profit than the control and those fertilized with Cow manure.
The research was carried out at Jeb Ramlah Research Station – AlGhab Research Center - General Authority of Scientific Agricultural Research at 2017 growing season. The objective was to investigate the effect of three organic and bio fertilizers (B acillus, Humic acid and Amino acids) and three fertilization methods (Soaking seeds, Vegetative spraying and Plant irrigation) in some morphological and production traits of cotton cultivar 124 (Gossypium herutum L.) The experiment was conducted according to RCBD with three replications. The first factor (fertilizer type) occupied the main plots, while the second factor (fertilization method) occupied the split plots. Statistical analysis was carried out using the Genestat.12 software and the least significant difference L.S.D. at 5% level was calculated. Studied traits included (at the beginning of Blooming stage): Plant Height, Plant wet weight, Plant dry weight, Leaf area and plant production of cotton. The results showed that the average of treatment of amino acids was superiority significant on the others in terms of plant height (70.70cm), Plant wet and dry weight (201.50, and 83.41g), respectively, Leaf area (4240.15cm2/plant) and plant production of cotton (75.13g). For fertilization method, Vegetative spraying average was superiority significant on the others in terms of all studied traits.
In this study, the effect of different concentrations of sodium chloride (NaCl) (0, 50, 100, 150 mM) on some physiological characteristics and some growth indicators of SO4 grape rootstock propagated in vitro was studied at the laboratories of Gen eral Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR), Damascus/Syria. Results indicated that the increase of NaCl concentration up to 100 mM in culture medium led to reduce the growth indicators (survival plants, average of the plant length and average number of buds) with significant differences when compared with the control plants after 4 weeks from culturing on multiplication media, while treatment with 150 mM of sodium chloride led to death of all plants. Using the concentrations 50 and 100 mM of NaCl also caused decreasing the total chlorophyll content in the leaves.
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