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الوقاية و العلاج من إصابة العين من الكتاب و السنة و فقه الأئمة

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 Publication date 2002
  fields Sharia
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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References used
بالي، وحيد عبد السلام: الصارم البتار في التصدي للسحرة الأشرار،مكتبة الصحابة ،جدة، ط3 , 1992.
البخاري،محمد بن إسماعيل: صحيح البخاري،تحقيق:د.مصطفى البغا، دار ابن كثير، اليمامة، بيروت، ط3 , 1987.
البغدادي، علاء الدين علي بن محمد(الخازن): لباب التأويل في معاني التنزيل ، (تفسير الخازن)، دار الفكر،بيروت،د.ت. وبهامشه تفسير النسفي.
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تعيش أمة الإسلام أسوأ أيام حياتها؛ حيث ديست الحياض، و دنست المقدسات، و انتهكت الحرمات، و هتكت الأعراض، و أُذلت النفوس، و نهبت الثروات، و رمتها قوى البغي عن قوس واحدة، فصارت تترنح تحت ضربات الأعداء، كغريق في ظلمات بحر لجي، أحاط به ثلة من الأوغاد، ك لما حاول الخروج منه ركلوه بأرجلهم، فلا يلاقي فيهم شفيقًا، و لا يجد منهم رحيمًا.
أردت في هذا البحث تجلية و توضيح مفهوم الوسطية في الفكر الإسلامي، لما له من أهمية كبيرة جداً، جاء الإسلام لترسيخها، و الدعوة لها على صعيد الكتاب و السنة، لكنني اقتصرت في هذا البحث على بيان هذا المنهج الأصيل من خلال السنة المطهـرة و الحـديث النبـوي الشريف فقط، و لم أتعرض لسائر التفصيلات في العبادات و غيرها، فلها بحث مستقل، و لـو جعلته عاماً من خلال الكتاب و السنة لطال البحث.
This study was carried out in the Department of Anesthesia and Reanimation at AL-Assad University Hospital Lattakia Syria during the year 2012-2013 the study included 200 patients between 12 and 65 years old the most common surgical procedures they h ad were general surgery, urinary surgery, orthopedic surgery, genecology surgery. Patients were divided into two groups: for the first group: Propofol was used for induction and an inhaling gas with a suitable minimum alveolar concentration MAC was used for maintenance the gas used was Sevoflurane. For the second group: Thiopental or Propofol was used for induction and Sevoflurane for maintenance with MAC less than the suitable concentration. The aim of the study was to show the importance of Minimum Alveolar Concentration and keep a deep anesthesia in order to prevent awareness and recall. The result was better in the first group because the percentage of awareness and recall was less than in the second group. The study shows that the use of inhaling anesthesia is well, but the Minimum Alveolar Concentration MAC (Sevoflurane is the studied gas) must be controlled.
The aim of this research is to study statistically erysipelas cases and its precipitating factors and also to determine the possibility of considering intramuscular injection of lincomycin as an effective treatment of uncomplicated erysipelas instead of intravenous penicillin G. 60 cases of erysipelas were studied and evaluated. There was no significant relation to age, sex and site of infection. The most affected sites were lower limbs, then face, and upper limbs. The most important risk factors were fungal intertrigo, vascular impairment and finally diabetes mellitus. The response to lincomycin treatment was excellent in 71.71%, intermediate in 23.91% of patients, while there was no response in only 4.34% of cases.
The research aims to identify the nature of the relationship between the level of ambition and decision-making among a sample of first year students at the University of Damascus, revealing the significance of differences in performance on the lev el of ambition scale and attributed to two variables: Gender and competence among the research sample, revealing the significance of differences in performance on a scale of decision-making which is attributed to two variables: Gender and competence among the research sample. The sample totaled 170 students, 70 males and 100 females from the firstyear students in the University of Damascus. And may researcher used a questionnaire to the level of ambition and a questionnaire to make the decision, two of the prepared after making sure of their sincerity and steadfastness.

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