تكمن أهمية البحث من طبيعة المشكلة التي يتعرض لها، و التي تتمثل في ظاهرة الاغتراب و استطالاتها التي صاحبت الإنسان منذ القدم، فهي ليست نَتاجاً لفرد معين، و ليست وليدة هذا العصر بالذات، بل تضرب بجُذورها في عُمْق التاريخ.
يعدّ مفهوم الاغتراب من أصعب المفاهيم لما يكتنفه الكثير من الإشكال و الالتباس، و ذلك لتعدد مجالات استخدامه. من هنا يسعى هذا البحث إلى تسليط الضوء على مفهوم الاغتراب و رصد تحولاته و دلالاتها اللاحقة.
و من الأمور الأكيدة أن ظاهرة الاغتراب، بوصفها ظاهرة إنسانية شاملة، هي أكثر حِـدَّة في المجتمعات الرأسمالية؛ نتيجة لِما عرفته من تطور اقتصادي هائل، و تغيُّر اجتماعي صارخ قاد إلى تحكم الآلة و المادة في الإنسان.
و هكذا فإن النظام الرأسمالي أسهم مباشرة في تعزيز الشعور بالغربة، إذ صنع مجتمعاً استهلاكياً يجتث الإنسان من جذوره و يُخضِعُه لنظام لا علاقة له به. فيحوِّل الأفراد إلى جماعة غير واعية،كما يتحول الاغتراب من قضية فردية إلى ظاهرة اجتماعية عامة.
The importance of this research is the nature of the problem it handles , which is the
phenomenon of Westernization (away from homeland) and its long term that accompanied
the man since ancient times. It is not the product of a particular individual, and not the
result of this day and age in particular, but rooted deep in history.
The concept of Westernization is one of the most difficult concepts of what is
shrouded in a lot of confusion and ambiguity due to the multiplicity of areas of use. From
here this research seeks to shed light on the concept of Westernization and observes
subsequent transformations and their implications.
It is proven that the phenomenon of Westernization, as a comprehensive human
phenomenon, is more severe in capitalist societies, a result of what it results of the
tremendous economic development and social change which has led to a stark machine
control and material aspect in humans.
Thus the capitalist system directly contributed to strengthening the feeling of
alienation and Westernization, making it a consumer society that uproots man from his
origin and carries a system that he has nothing to do with it. Individuals, shall be
transferred to the non-conscious group, and the Westernization of the individual case turns
into a general social phenomenon.
References used
Carnevali, Barbara, La faute à l’amour-propre: Alienation et authenticité chez Rousseau, Annales de la société Jean Jaques Rousseau, Volume 48, DROZ, Geneve, pp 79 -103. Recupéré le 25 avril 2014 de
Carnevali, Barbara, La faute à l’amour-propre: Alienation et authenticité chez Rousseau, Annales de la société Jean Jaques Rousseau
Sarfraz, Hamid. (). Alienation: A Theoretical overview. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research Vol.12,Nos.1-2, 1997
Through examining some prophetic texts which include numbers, following its
explanation and analyzing the scholars`statements (WORDS); this research tries to
collect the evidence which were mentioned by the scholars who prefer to take the
This research tries to examine the concept of self within the framework of modern
philosophy and contemporary philosophy, in an attempt to highlight the role of this
concept in the formation of most of the philosophical doctrines from the Greek era
This research aims to show the meaning of "the philosophical
system" and the recognition its structure, and explaining it. Because of
the scarcity of such studies, especially in Arabic, beside the unavailability
of the references related to the su
The principle of causality is considered one of the most important philosophical and
scientific principles that played a seminal role in developing scientific and epistemic
research. This started with the commencement of philosophical thought. Sinc
It seems that the concept of experimentation in terms of conceptual semantics and conventional meanings is essential, inevitable, due to frequent trading and its prevalence among researchers, specialists and non-specialists in addition to what the co