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A comparative study of the internal law of basic education schools in Syria and France considering total quality management principles

دراسة مقارنة للنظام الداخلي لمدارس التعليم الأساسي في كل من سورية و فرنسا في ضوء مبادئ إدارة الجودة الشاملة

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 Publication date 2016
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The aim of this study is conducting a comparison between the internal law of the Syrian basic education schools and the corresponding law in French schools in order to determine the extent to which each law is consisting with total quality management principles, so as to benefiting from French experience in this field. To achieve this aim, a comparative approach is adopted. The results showed that the Syrian internal law has not been designed according to the total quality management principles intentionally, where it focused on some principles and ignored others. For example, it focused on matching student's need as beneficiary, but ignored both graduate's need for work and marketplace itself as beneficiary. In addition, the internal law did not give sufficient importance to supporting top management principle to achieve quality. In contrary, the corresponding French law focuses on the total quality management principles intentionally. Despite not having exactly the same names as mission, the vision and quality councils, even though they are incorporated in the content. It is suggested that there is a need to benefit from strength points in the French law taking into account the Syrian conditions.

References used
BAILLY, Michel CABANES, Catherine GOGUE, Jean-Marie, La Qualité à lécole Paris, ECONOMICA, Paris, 1998, 207p
Freeman,R Quality assurance in secondary education, Quality assurance in education, 1994, 2 (1): 5- 21
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The aim of this study is to highlight the extent to which the internal law of basic education schools issued by the ministry of education conforms with the principles of the Total Quality Management (TQM). To achieve this aim, the contents of the i nternal law were analysed quantitatively and qualitatively. The results show that the internal law has not been designed according to TQM principles deliberately where the vision, the mission, quality councils etc…are not mentioned. However, some articles in the internal law are consistent with TQM principles either directly or indirectly. While some principles are focused on, others are ignored. The principle of focusing on the beneficiary came first (In terms of frequency) despite ignoring work place as beneficiary. The principle of supporting top management came last. A revision of the internal law is suggested as to conform with the TQM principles and also the need for further studies regarding the extent and the actual application of its contents.
This study aimed at identifying the reality of the application of the principles of total quality management in training programs in Textile Co., Lattakia, as well as to identify problems that prevent its application in the company. The researcher pr epared a questionnaire and distributed it to the research sample, which amounted to (33) members of the trainers who are working in the company. She also conducted in-direct interviews with some managers, and some workers who have received training in the company. The researcher found a set of results, the most important of them was: - The company contains a section of the company's quality management, which means the quality of the final product, which provides to consumer to achieving his satisfaction only, but it does not contain a section of total quality management for the entire company's activities. - the high management supports training programs, as the trainees are selected on the basis of their training needs، and choosing of the trainers based on the competencies and skills required. - The company does not involve trainees in the design of training programs، and decision-making related to them. - There are great problems prevent the application of the principles of total quality management in the training program for the company، the most important of them was centralized management and the lack of devolution of powers، in addition to the many burdens and business entrusted to the trainers in addition to their work in training، makes them distracted and unable to focus properly investigating the required quality. The researcher recommended the need to make a special section of TQM in the company, and subjecting workers to intensive courses in TQM, in addition to granting authority, confidence and motivation to all members of the training team, to make decisions for the preparation of the training program, implementation and evaluation it.
This study aimed to identify total quality management in higher education services and it's role in developing according Market needs. To achieve the research objectives a convenience sample of 37 professors in the AL Baath University was selected, and used SPSS program to analyze data and test hypothesis, the study reached a number of findings, of which the most: There is good recognition for available dimensions: leadership. Data and information management, participation, continue improvement, and empowerment And There is impact of perceptive level for total quality management in developing the higher education services according dimensions: data and information management, continue improvement, and empowerment. But there is not impact of perceptive level for totalquality management in developing the higher education services according dimension: leadership, strategic planning, and participation. The study has reached a number of recommendations in view of the study results.
This research aims to decide on a set of standards for measuring the quality assurance of the content of the fifth grade reading textbook for the basic education (part1) and its indicators. It also aims to find out the extent to which these standa rds and indicators are realized.
The research aims to detect the possibility of secondary schools management in the city of Lattakia, according to total quality management from the perspective of teachers, And to know the differences in attitudes towards management of secondary sc hools, according to the concept of total quality depending on the following variables (sex, educational qualification, years of teaching experience). To achieve the objectives of the research, a questionnaire composed was designed including (72) items distributed to the seven areas (scholar strategic planning, the quality of teaching and learning processes, Educational Evaluation, openness to the community, educational leadership actors, organizational culture in the school, and information management at the school). The questionnaire was conducted on a sample of (278) teachers, with (18%) percentage for the academic year 2014-2015. Validity of the questionnaire was established though a jury of (7) of the teaching staff of educational at Damascus and Tishreen Universities and the Reliability was established by Cronbach – Alpha Reliability at lest (0.7).
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