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The Evaluation of The Using of Research Operations Methods in Decision-Making in Choosing Optimal Product Mix "A Field Study on Engineering Industry Companies in the Syrian Coast"

تقييم مدى استخدام أساليب بحوث العمليات في اتخاذ القرارات الخاصة باختيار المزيج الإنتاجي الأمثل "دراسة ميدانية على شركات الصناعة الهندسية في الساحل السوري"

2787   0   72   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2013
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This research focuses on an important sector of the national economy sectors, which is the industrial sector and, especially engineering industry. This research aims to explain the importance of using research operations methods in the process of decision- making, especially in choosing optimal product mix in engineering companies in the Syrian coast. These methods play an essential role in making scientific and logical decisions to solve problems which face decision-makers in these companies. They provide a set of alternatives that help decision-makers on choosing the best alternative among available alternatives set to solve the problem that face them. This positively influences the work of these companies, which, in turn, positively influences their role in industry and national economy. The researcher found to following results: - Using research operations methods requires a definition of these methods, availability of proper financial support, suitable work nature, availability of required data and availability of computers. - Using research operations methods helps to improve the decision-making process in choosing optimal product mix through decreasing production costs, optimal using of available resources, optimal investment of production power.

References used
BOVEE, L. C; and, Marketing. Second edition, Mc Graw- Hill. Inc, 1995, 269
ARSHAM, H; and, A simplified Algebraic Method for System of Linear Inequalities with LP Applications. Omega (35), 2009, 876-882
KARAKAS, E; and, Fuzzy Programming for Optimal Product Mix Decisions Based on Expanded ABC. IJOPR, Vol.48, No.3, 2010, 729-744
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This research aims to evaluate the relationship between using the quantitive methods in decisions making and improving the performance in the industrial engineering companies in the Syrian coast , The importance of these methods and they are large role that its playing in making scientific and logical decisions to solving problems, which faces decision makers in these companies. These methods provide a set of alternatives that help decision makers to choose the best alternative among these available alternatives to solve the problem that face them, this reflects positively on the performance of these companies, and their role on industry.
Project risk management plays a pivotal role in the decision-making process, this research aims mainly to study the impact of the dimensions of project risk management in contraction firms operating in the Syrian coast on the quality of decision-ma king and to identify the most influential dimension in the interpretation of this quality. The researcher had followed the survey method in his study, and the study population was included all construction companies operating in the Syrian coast. The researcher adopted probability sampling (random sampling), and the study sample size was 75 units. The researcher used a measure of the maturity level of project risk management that developer by (Ciorciari & Blattner, 2007), and another instrument to measure the quality of decision-making designed by (Donelan, 2013). The findings of this study shows that There is significant positive relationship between events identification and the quality of decision-making and events identification variable occupies first place among project risk management dimensions in terms of impact on decision making quality, because this dimension explains a rate equal (9.61%) of decision making quality. The relationship between the dependent variable quality of decision-making and the seven remaining dimensions of risk management projects namely (monitoring of risk management - risks response - objective setting - risk assessment - control activities - risk management culture - information and communication) is a positive and significant relationship, and risk management as a whole explain what percentage of (22.6%) of the quality of decision-making. The most important recommendations reached by the researcher that the contraction firms working in the Syrian coast should to spread the risk management culture at all levels of management to enhances the application processes PRM because it will reflect on a more quality of decisions making.
Information quality plays a pivotal role in the decision-making process, this research aims mainly to study the impact of the dimensions of information quality in construction firms operating in Syria on the quality of decision-making and to ident ify the most influential dimension in the interpretation of this quality. The researcher had followed the descriptive approach- survey in the study based on the problem of the study and objectives that he seeks to achieve, and included a study population of all construction firms working in Syria.
The current research addresses the impact of the impact of the elements of promotional mix (Public Relations, advertising, personal selling, sales promotion) to increase the competitive ability of the service organizations by conducting a field stu dy on private hospitals which works in the Syrian coast , and to achieve the objectives of the research, A questionnaire was built and this questionnaire has applied on managers administrators in those hospitals, marketing Specialist, if any, or are responsible of advertising, where the researcher used the method of comprehensive inventory which concerns with collection the information on the hospitals studied, and the number of distributed questionnaires (61) questionnaire , recovered them (57) questionnaire , and the response rate (93.44 %), after study and analysis of the study found the following results: 1 - There is a significant correlation between the of the public relations method used by the departments of private hospitals operating in the Syrian coast and its ability to compete in the health market. 2 - There is a significant correlation between the types of advertising used by the departments of private hospitals operating in the Syrian coast and its ability to compete in the health market. 3 - There is a significant correlation between the of personal selling method used by the departments of private hospitals operating in the Syrian coast and its ability to compete in the health market. 4 - There is a significant correlation between the of the sales promotion method used by the departments of private hospitals operating in the Syrian coast and its ability to compete in the health market.
The research aims to study the impact of cultural and social differences, namely (language, aesthetics, customs and traditions, family, women, education, reference groups) on the process of international product packaging. To achieve the objectives o f the research were built identify and Toseahaaly workers in companies food industry in the Syrian coast (refining and filling oils), The number of questionnaires distributed (122) form, where the re-ones (113) form a complete and valid for statistical analysis, and by answer was (92.62%) . And using appropriate statistical methods was one of the most important results: 1-affect cultural and social differences (family, women, education) on the process of international product packaging, where it was found a significant correlation and a very tough between these factors and the process of international product packaging. 2-affect social and cultural differences (language, aesthetics, customs and traditions, reference groups) on the process of international product packaging, where it was found a significant correlation strong between these factors and the process of international product packaging.
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