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الدور التنموي للاستثمار في المؤسسة المصغرة في الجزائر

1211   3   49   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2009
  fields Economy
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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No English abstract

References used
دريه محمود ابراهيم الموصلي: اقتصاديات صناعة دباغة الجلود في مصر، رسالة مقدمة لنيل شهادة ماجستير في العلوم التجارية، جامعة عين شمس، مصر، 2000.
سحنون سمير: إشكالية تمويل المؤسسات الصغيرة والمتوسطة- حالة الجزائر، رسالة مقدمة لنيل شهادة الماجستير في العلوم الاقتصادية، تخصص اقتصاد التنمية، جامعة تلمسان، 2005
rate research

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The study aims to analyze the developmental role of Islamic banks operating in Syria. To achieve this goal has been set of financial indicators relating to Islamic banking under study account (Sham Bank, Syria International Islamic Bank, Al Baraka Bank) relating to the ability of these banks to attract savings, employment of resources, creating value, and its ability to create jobs.
The research handles a vital topic regarding the developmental role of investment activities in the free zones. The free zones are the most important economic instruments employed by countries to achieve the development goals, especially. In Attrac ting foreign and domestic investments and the increase in traffic trade. Besides, the free zones play a developmentally and socially positive through polarization and running cheap national labor in it's different levels through job creation. Through comparative analysis approach and reviewing the historical growth, development of free zones and their importance in addition to the importance of investment in Syrian free zones and its success and investment activities on the one hand, and the developmental role of investment activities in the Syrian free zones, on the other hand, this study seeks set of results which the most important of it: - The investment climate in Syrian free zones as a catalyst for foreign and domestic investment. - There is a clear growth in traffic trade. - There is a weak role of Syrian free zones in reducing unemployment in the community.
يهدف البحث إلى معرفة الدور الوقائي و التنموي للمؤسـسات الرياضـية و التربويـة للمجتمعات في ظل العولمة، كما يهدف أيضاً إلى التعرف على ماهية العولمـة، و مـا الآثار السلبية و الإيجابية لحركة العولمة و الرياضة التي تعيشها مجتمعاتنا اليوم، حيـث يبين الب حث بعض تعريفات العولمة، و يبين اختلاف وجهات النظر ما بـين البـاحثين و المهتمين بهذا المجال. و قد توصل الباحث إلى عدة استنتاجات و توصيات، منهـا أن هناك اختلافات في تعريف مفهوم العولمة، فكل باحث يعرفها من الزاوية المهتم بهـا سواء أكانت "اقتصادية أو تربوية أو رياضية أو سياسية ...الخ". كما أن هناك ثلاثـة اتجاهات للعولمة، الاتجاه المعارض، و الاتجاه المؤيد، و الاتجاه الوسطي المعتدل.
This paper is concerned with the theme of divine justice in The Spanish Tragedy (1592) by Thomas Kyd (1558-1594), a famous English Elizabethan dramatist. It first defines the term "didactic", and then moves to discuss the Portuguese playlet in Th e Spanish Tragedy as a miniature play-within-the-play which reveals the issue of divine judgment. This paper concludes by asserting that this play is a tragedy of divine justice and punishment.
This research paper includes a general study of the possibility of investment in the Toll Road projects, this starts from previous data of transport system and road network in Syria with analysis existing data to start the future vision of the targ et central network of road in Syria, according to the expectations of traffic volumes and economic trends which is expected to make Syria the most important transportation node in the region. The essential objective of the research is to complete what was done by the Ministry of Transport represented by the public establishment for road communication (PERC) in a report (economic feasibility study of highway projects Based on B.O.T system in Syria(, where introduced the Ministry of Transport of those mega-projects to compete under the name of investment transport projects in accordance with (Public-Private-Partnership) (P.P.P) The technical side of the proposed project to investment was displayed and it is a freeway from northern Syria to the south and the other one from eastern Syria to the west with the factors affecting the project and evaluate the success or failure depending on the expected gains with an indication of the results and recommendations display.

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