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التحليل الإحصائي القياسي لميزانية الأسرة و اتجاهات سلوك المستهلك "النظام اللوغارتمي غير المباشر"

1087   1   52   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2008
  fields Economy
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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No English abstract

References used
هيكل، عبد العزيز "أساليب التحليل الاقتصادي"، بيروت، دار النهضة العربية والنشر الطبعة . الثانية 1993
عبد العظيم، فاروق وآخرون: "مقدمة في طرق البحث الإحصائي وتحليل الظواهر"، دار المطبوعات الجامعية، الإسكندرية 1995
Balvir, S., ¢¢On the Determination of Scales in Household Consumption¢¢, International Economic Review , Vol. 13 , No. 2, 1992
rate research

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This paper deals with conversational implicature in discourse. It aims at investigating the degree of pragmatic awareness as far as implicature is concerned in third-year students of English at Albaath University.
This research aimed at studying the effect of demographic variables on consumer behavior of buying towards packaging size of the preserved food and the place and the time of shopping in the governorate of Latakia. Using descriptive analytical study of the impact, a sample of 400 consumer was selected from among the study society in Lattakia spread over four districts namely: Saliba, Al Ziraa, Tishreen ave and North sand, in addition to the four regions of: Al-Haffah, Jableh, Al Qardāḩah and Lattakia rural area; a questionnaire was used across the sample. After analyzing the data the study showed that there is an influence of personal factors (education, income) on consumer preferences: In terms of temporal and spatial shopping. While there is no effect of gender, age, marital status or family size on consumer purchasing preferences, for place and time shopping. The study also showed, that there is an effect to consumer address, on consumer purchasing preferences, for place shopping while no effect of the consumer address on the time of shopping. The study also showed that there is an influence of personal factors of the consumer (family status, age, family size, address, education, and income) on his Buying behavior, for preserved food packaging size.
The research focuses on the demands on the study of the total investment evolution, agricultural, investment and knowledge of the nature of the changes taking place during the period (2000-2011), and evaluate the performance of the economy and its ability to attract investments from the lack of it, in addition to the analysis of the factors affecting the total investment, agriculture and investment in Syria. Using descriptive and analytical approach, and quantitative analysis of the record, and it was the most important findings: that the annual growth of the net balance of payments is negative rate and the rate of 18.35-%, which will result in the deterioration of its value from year to year, as demonstrated by the total flexibility to function total investment transactions that increase the value of both exports College (x1), and foreign reserves (X3), and the deficit in the state budget (X8) 1% can lead both to increase the total investment by 3.5%, in total flexibility transactions to function agricultural investment showed that the increase in the value of each of the total exports GNP (X2), and foreign reserves (X3), the net balance of payments (X6) 1% can lead both to increase the total investment by 22.3%, and is the former variables of the most important determinants-oriented investment product and agriculture in Syria. Accordingly it requires the Syrian economy in order to increase its investments create the economic climate, and political investment and economic development.
This paper presents a study on the application of vibration signals to detect the presence of defects in gears. Several gear failure prediction methods were investigated and applied to experimental data from a test gear apparatus. The primary obje ctive was to provide a baseline understanding of the prediction methods and to evaluate their diagnostic capabilities. The methods investigated use the signal average in both the time and frequency domain to detect gear failure.
يتضمن هذا البحث دراسة أحد أساليب التحليل الإحصائي متعدد المتغيرات هو أسلوب التحليل التمييزي الذي يعد من الأساليب الإحصائية المتقدمة التي تستخدم في توصيف و توزيع الأسر داخل الهيكل الاقتصادي الاجتماعي للمجتمع، و يساعد في رسم خطط التنمية الاقتصادية و الاجتماعية التي تهدف إليها الدولة و الوقوف على أنسب الطرائق من حيث عدالة توزيع الدخل و العبء الضريبي و الإعانات الحكومية لأسر المجتمع بصورة أكثر واقعية. يطبق هذا الأسلوب من خلال عدة متغيرات تُحدد من قبل الباحث من أجل الوصول إلى الأهداف الآتية: توصيف و توزيع الأسر داخل الهيكل الاقتصادي للمجتمع. تحديد العوامل و المتغيرات التي تؤثر في توصيف و توزيع الأسر داخل الهيكل الاقتصادي الاجتماعي في المجتمع. محاولة تطوير أساليب و تقانات التحليل الإحصائي و تطبيقها في الدراسات الاقتصادية.

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