تمّ تحديد كمية دقائق الغبار الصلبة المترسبة على أوراق بعض الأشجار المنتشرة على امتداد الساحل السوري و تراكيز بعض العناصر المعدنية الثقيلة فيها (Zn, Fe, Pb, Cu, Ni, Cd, Co, Mn), حيث تمّ انتقاء مواقع قريبة من مراكز النشاطات الصناعية و أخرى قريبة من قطاعات النشاط البشري الزراعي , و مواقع بعيدة نسبياً عن مصادر التلوث. أظهرت النتائج أن كمية دقائق الغبار الصلبة المترسبة على أوراق الأشجار و تراكيز بعض العناصر الثقيلة مثل الكوبالت Co, الكادميوم Cd , النيكل Ni, و الرصاص Pb فيها تزداد بالقرب من المواقع الصناعية و الحركة المرورية الكثيفة لتنخفض في المواقع البعيدة نسبياً عن مصادر التلوث المباشر, كما أن أشجار السرو تحتجز كميات أكبر من دقائق الغبار الصلبة , لتأتي بعدها أشجار الازدرخت و الكينا و الأكاسيا و الدفلة و أخيرا النخيل.
This study deals with the determination of the quantity of solid dust particles deposed
on the leafs of some trees along Syrian coast and the concentration of some heavy metals
in it (Zn, Fe, Pb, Cu, Ni, Cd, Co, Mn) .Some sites near to human and industrials activities ,
and others near to agriculture activities , and others relatively far from pollution sources
has been selected. The results showed that the quantity of solid dust particles on leafs
trees and concentration of heavy metals in it such as (Pb, Ni, Cd, Co) increasing near the
industrials activities and dense traffic, and decreasing in the sites that relatively far from of
pollution sources. However Cypress trees attach solid quantities more than Pride of china,
following Rever red gum and Blue-leafed wattle and Oleander, and the Palm tree come in
the last.
References used
WARK, K.; WARNER, C.; DAVIS, T. W. Air pollution, its Origin and control. 3 rd. ed. , Addison - Wesley Longman Inc, USA , 1998 ,410
SEYMOUR, C.; HAROLD, M. Hand Book of air pollution technology.J0hn Willey & Sons, Inc New York, 1984, 760
SAWYER, C. N.; MCCARTY, P. L.; PARKIN, G. F. Chemistry for Environmental Engineering and Science . 5th ed. , McGraw- Hall, USA, 2003,386
The aim of this study isto determinat the concentration of (Pb, Cu, Cd, Co, Cr , NiZn,
Fe) in storm water and their content of sediments during four seasons, the samples were
collected in four areas along Tartous beach. After make necessary treatme
Amount of dusts deposition were determined amount of dusts
deposition on Olives leafs and green houses in surrounding of
cement manufactory in Tarrtous. Concentrations Zn, Fe,Ni,Cu,Mn
Were determined. The results showed that dusts amount
The study focused in this research to determine the trace of some heavy metal
elements (Copper Cu, Cadmium Cd, Lead Pb) in some types of marine macroalgae
scattered on the shore of the city of Banias during 2014, using atomic absorption
The aim of this study was to determine the trace of some heavy metals elements pb,
Cd, Cu, Zn & Fe in the leaves and periderm of the Avundodonax L. using Atomic
absorption spectroscopy. The samples were collected from twenty locations and divided
In this study, the quantity of deposited particles on some trees leaves at
Syrian coast has been determined; and the seasonal changes in the
concentration of trace metals (Zn,Mn,Cd,Pb) at both sides corresponding
to the land and sea have been identified.