أجريت الدراسة على (73) مريضا أجري لهم عمل جراحي على الدرق في مشفى الأسد الجامعي في اللاذقية بين عامي 2012_ 2014 .
حيث قسمت الدراسة إلى: استرجاعية (32 مريضاً ) دراسة استقبالية ( 41 مريضاً ) و خضع (11) مريضا منهم لعمل جراحي ثان بسبب وجود خباثة بنسبة (16,66%) .
كان الاستئصال التام في الجهتين هو التداخل الأكثر شيوعا" بنسبة (57.14%) يليه استئصال فص تام مع برزخ (28.79 %) .
نسبة المضاعفات القريبة الكلية (11.9%) و قد كان التكزز هو المضاعفة الأكثر تكرارا من المضاعفات بنسبة (3,57%) يليه إصابة العصب الحنجري الراجع و الحنجري العلوي و النزف بنسبة (2,38 %) لكل منها. حصلت النسبة الأعلى من المضاعفات في العمليات البدئية في عمليات الاستئصال التام البدئي يليه استئصال تام بجهة.
جراحة الدرق الناكسة تحمل خطورة مضاعفات أكثر من المداخلات البدئية .
The Research has been made on (73) patients for whom a surgical operation was
made on the thyroid in Al-Assad University Hospital in Lattakia in 2000-2007. The study
was divided into: retrospective (32patients), prospective (41patients) and (11) patients of
were subjected to second operation due to existence of a malignant cancer with a
percentage of (16,66%) .
The Total Thyroidectomy on both side was the most spread intervention with a
percentage of (57,14%) and next to it was the thyroid lobectomy with a percentage of
The percentage of Total Early complication is (11,9%) and the Tetania was the most
repeated complication with a percentage of (3,57%) and next to it was the Recurrent
laryngeal nerve ,the Superior laryngeal nerve and the bleeding with a percentage of
(2,38%)for each . The higher percentage of complication has occurred in the starting
operation of the Total Thyroidectomy and next to it the Thyroid lobectomy .
The surgery of the Relapsed Thyroid is subject to more dangerous complications
from the starting intervention .
References used
BRUNICARD,C;ANDERSON,D;BILLIAR,T;DUNN,D;HUNTER,J;POLLOCK, R.SCHWARTZ 'S principles of surgery . 11th edition,5112
GIOVANI , S ; D'ALIA , C ; TONANTE ,A;GALIANO, E; TARANTO,F; LOSCHIVO,M,G. The recurrent laryngeal nerve related to thyroid surgery. The American journal of surgery .Italy , 1999, p:485-488
GONZALEZ . J.H ; LAURIDO , D. Hypocalcemia after total thyroidectomy: Incidence , control and treatment . Spai .2013, p:102-107
The study included 40 cases of supracondylar humeral fracture in children whose
attended al-Assad University Hospital in Lattakia between 2013 and 2014. Patients' ages
ranged between 2 and 13 years , the ratio of males/female was 3,4/1. Greatest ra
Many studies have been conducted to investigate the relationship between breast cancer and thyroid disorders, and these studies have yielded conflicting results among themselves. Some of these studies have indicated a relationship between breast canc
Both dentists and patient are interested to know the complications following
periodontal therapy. The purpose of this study was to document this
incidence following periodontal therapy carried out in a postgraduate
periodontal clinic at Damascus u
Malignancy is the second most common reason of death in most countries. Diagnosis of thyroid cancers is one of the most difficult medical problems. Therefore, it important to use diagnosing methods that bring about quick results, are less costly, and
ERCP is an im portant means of diagnosis and management of diseases of the biliary
and pancreatic ducts, and this procedure can be associated with certain complications
.This study was conducted to assess the frequency of complications following ER