شملت الدراسة 40 حالة كسر فوق لقمتين عضديتين عند الأطفال ممن راجعوا مشفى الأسد الجامعي في اللاذقية بين عامي 2013-2014. تراوحت أعمار المرضى بين 2-13 سنة, و نسبة الذكور للإناث كانت 3,4/1 . اليد اليسرى هي الأكثر اصابة بنسبة 77,5%. استخدمنا طريقة الرد المغلق و الأسياخ عبر الجلد عند 33 مريض و الرد الجراحي مع أسياخ متصالبة عند 7 مرضى. حدثت الاختلاطات بعد العمل الجراحي عند 7 مرضى بنسبة 17,5% منها 5 اصابات عصبية و حالة واحد لإنتان سطحي حول الأسياخ و حالة واحد لتأخر اندمال, و تم شفاء كلالحالات دون عقابيل. النتائج الوظيفية بعد 5 أشهرمن العلاج الفيزيائي مرضية عند 97% من المرضى المعالجين بالأسياخ عبر الجلد, و عند 71,4% من المرضى المعالجين بالرد الجراحي .
The study included 40 cases of supracondylar humeral fracture in children whose
attended al-Assad University Hospital in Lattakia between 2013 and 2014. Patients' ages
ranged between 2 and 13 years , the ratio of males/female was 3,4/1. Greatest range of
injury in left arm 77,5% . Closed reduction and percutaneous pinning was used in 33
patients and open reduction with cross-wiring in 7 patients .Postoperative complications
occurred in seven(17,5%) patients. They consisted in iatrogenic nerve injuries in five
(12,5%) patients ,one case of infection around the pins ,and one case of nonunion, All
recovered without sequels.
Satisfactory outcomes were noted after 5 months of physical therapy in 32 (97%)
patients in
the percutaneous pinning group,and5 (71,4%) patients in the open reduction with
cross-wiring group .
References used
Aitken,A.T.Fractures of the epiphysis .1 St , ClinOrthopRelat Res ,New York, 1965,22
Farnsworth ,C.L; Silva, P.D; Mubarak, S.J. Etiology of supracondylar humerus fractures. PediatrOrthop USA,J.1, 1998,38-42
Nork, S.E;Hennrikus, W.L;Loncarich, D.P .Relationship between ligamentous laxity and the site of upper extremity fractures in children: extension supracondylar fracture versus distal forearm fracture. PediatrOrthop Berlin,J.2, 1999,90-92
The fixation of the humeral,s supracondylare fractures in children by percutaneous pinning is considered a new and good principle in without the disadvantages that appear by treating it by open reduction and internal fixation . A prespective and pers
Introduction: Ileus commonly occurs after abdominal surgery, and is associated
with complications and increased length of hospital stay. Post-operative ileus (POI) is an
important reason for remaining patients not permit oral (NPO) in post-operativ
The Research has been made on (73) patients for whom a surgical operation was
made on the thyroid in Al-Assad University Hospital in Lattakia in 2000-2007. The study
was divided into: retrospective (32patients), prospective (41patients) and (11) pa
Background& Objective: the early surgical intervention for neurological caludication cases which are often caused by severe degenerative lumbar canal stenosis gives excellent results especially on near term.
To confirm that early surgical interventi
Closed reduction and percutaneous pin fixation is considered
standard management for displaced supracondylar fractures of the
humerus in children. However, controversy exists regarding whether
to use pins from the lateral side or medial and latera