أجريت العديد من الدراسات لتقصي العلاقة بين سرطان الثدي واضطرابات الغدة الدرقية وحصدت تلك الدراسات نتائج متضاربة فيما بينها حيث اشارت بعض تلك الدراسات لوجود علاقة بين سرطان الثدي وقصور الغدة الدرقية بينما دراسات أخرى أشارت لوجود علاقة بين سرطان الثدي وفرط الغدة الدرقية ودراسات عديدة لم تجد أية علاقة بين سرطان الثدي واضطرابات الغدة الدرقية
Many studies have been conducted to investigate the relationship between breast cancer and thyroid disorders, and these studies have yielded conflicting results among themselves. Some of these studies have indicated a relationship between breast cancer and hypothyroidism, while other studies have indicated a relationship between breast cancer and hyperthyroidism, and many studies have not found any relationship. Between breast cancer and thyroid disorders
References used
Venturi S: Is there a role for iodine in breast diseases? The Breast 2001
This study aimed to assessing the relationship between locus of control and
depression among breast cancer patients. The study was carried out in the chemical and
radiational treatment center in Tishreen University Hospital – Latakia, Data collecte
We prove in the following study, the physical mechanism of the EMF effects
produced by the electric blankets and beds , on the nervous cells, and its relation with risks
of breast cancer on women.
Sensitivity of the melatonin compound to the EMF a
A retrospective study included 25 cases with inflammatory breast cancer. The patients were admitted to AL-Assad University Hospital, Lattakia, Syria (average age 55, and range 49-61 years old). The most common clinical signs and symptoms were: erythe
This study aimed to detect the relationship between some metabolic
indicators of energy with fertility results in the period: 8 weeks
before calving till 8 weeks after calving in dairy cows.
Malignancy is the second most common reason of death in most countries. Diagnosis of thyroid cancers is one of the most difficult medical problems. Therefore, it important to use diagnosing methods that bring about quick results, are less costly, and