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The attitudes of university students on customary marriages (Field study conducted on students Alppo University-section of Idleb)

اتجاهات طلبة الجامعة حول الزواج العرفي (دراسة ميدانية أجريت على طلاب جامعة حلب-فرع إدلب )

1382   2   18   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2013
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Marriage is considered equal right which was built on mutual understanding, cooperation and affection, it is the vital road Tayeb Tahir to maintain the noble sentiments between men and women, and marriage is not a way to physical sensory mixing between men and women, but it is a natural way to holders of common sense to the emotional mixing, psychological gratification and emotional integration, where each of the spouses is considered a dress for another, conceals, protects and warmth him, he says: {are you as you dress to dress them} [Al-Baqarah: 187] Given the feelings of love, which is made between the couple, it strengthen their connection by sharing these feelings, God has created people with love, which is a strong bond between a man and his wife, it is the weapon that helps them making their way in life, and withstanding the rigors of life and its troubles. One of the problems that have invaded our Arab and Islamic communities is the phenomenon of customary marriages (or so-called Al Madani sometimes), but as a result of the intellectual invasion of Islamic societies, illegitimate relations began to spread among young men and women before marriage, under the slogans of false misleading, and under the pretext of love and dating sometimes, and that this way the right to marry output, and this is tainted by a lot of ambiguity and uncertainty for those who looked more closely to what is happening around us, and it finds that the loss of these relationships is huge, and the consequences dire, how many marriages failed and many stumble, because it began with such relations, and did not rely on legitimate laws people are born with.

References used
القرآن الكريم
أبو النور , الأحمدي - في جريدة الأهرام 1\1\1985
rate research

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Since the formation of the modern Iraqi state in 1921 until today, Iraqi society has been suffering from multiple problems, which have led to political and social instability. Iraq is a diverse country, nationally, religiously and sectarianly. Arabs, Kurds, Turkmen and Armenians are essential components; With this national diversity there is religious diversity such as Islam, Christianity, Yazidis and Sabians. This national and religious diversity was accompanied by political diversity, so there were many political parties and organizations expressing that diversity. And that this plurality in the social formation as a social and historical phenomenon, rarely devoid of any society, and it is not in itself a source of division and rivalry in any of the contemporary societies. In the production and reproduction of crises and tensions. Throughout the period from 1921 until 2003, this diversity was governed by coercion and coercion. Iraq, as a country, was united, but that unification was the result of the policy of oppression, state terrorism, organized repression, internal and external wars and mass massacres that led the country from one crisis to another, killing millions of innocent people, in addition to the waste of money and wealth in light of the militarization of the state and society.. Therefore, that unification was not the result of Consent, voluntary, and free democratic coexistence between the national and religious social components It is natural that the above social diversity is reflected in the loyalties of the Iraqi person. Instead of directing his loyalty towards the greater homeland; A significant number of people may turn their allegiances towards the religion, religious sect, nationality, family, clan, etc., to which he belongs, thus weakening his sense of citizenship as a result. Citizenship transcends factionalism, but it does not abolish it. What is required is to adapt and coexist with it; Citizenship is a crucible in which all affiliations melt, and to the extent of harmony and order between these state and factional elements, the citizen finds himself and the group to which he belongs their position. ... etc., and thus the verification of the above issue represents the main problems of this research, as it explores the nature of the sense of citizenship among university students.
This study aimed to explain the effect of educational service quality at Al Baath university students' satisfaction. In order to achieve the aims of this study, a specific questionnaire was developed and circulated sample of students in Al Baath University. ( 300 ) usable questionnaires were retried out of the ( 384 ) circulated, with represent ( 80 % ) response rate.
The purpose of the research is to identify the trends of university youth towards civil marriage, and to know the extent of the influence of some factors such as education and the presence of civil marriage cases within the large family in the acce ptance of young people to the idea of associating a life partner from outside their religion or doctrine. Did legislation in both Christian and Islamic religions hindered this type of marriage? And to what extent does the media play the role in accepting or rejecting the idea? The researcher designed a questionnaire that was applied to a sample of 30 students from the Department of Sociology at Tishreen University. The results of the study show the following: It was found that there is acceptance of the idea of civil marriage by a large part of the sample studied but they prefer and encourage religious marriage, and that the education and study at the university and the social environment play a large role in accepting this type of marriage. It turns out that a large proportion of the sample find that the media plays a large role in accepting the idea of civil marriage, and that religious legislation plays a major role in the alienation of society from this kind of marriage.
Ideas and social as well as cultural values associated with daily life in foreign films influence the behaviors and habits of viewers. The young are the most vulnerable because they are at the stage of forming opinions and testing values of their soc ialization in childhood and adolescence. University students form the biggest group in society upon which a community is built. So it was necessary to study the impact of what is promoted in foreign films of values and behaviours on this category people. This research poses set of questions: 1. What is the quality of the movies that students prefer to see? 2. What are the most popular ways of watching foreign movies among university students? 3. Are university students watching foreign films affected by cultural aspects presented in the film? 4. Are university students watching foreign films affected by the social aspects presented them? 5. What is the effect of what is being presented in foreign films on the daily life of the undergraduate students viewers of these films? This research was conducted on a random sample of Tishreen University students in Lattakia during academic year 2012-2013. The search presented the phenomenon of people's watching foreign films and analyzed it to identify the impact on audiences of cultural values, social and daily life style that are being promoted in foreign films. A questionnaire was designed, Data was analyzed using the SPSS20 software to reach results.
The objective of the rescored is to identify the attitudes of the students of Al-Baath University toward voluntary work in Syria. The researcher used the descriptive approach to address the research problem , the research has used the descriptive method to deal with the problem ,He has also used a questionnaire It has Included 67 Items, It has been divided into three axis ,the questionnaire has been judged by eight Specialized doctors ,it has be pasted on a sample of 30 Students depending on the coefficient of Cronbach-Alpha ,it has been (0,83).
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