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Syrian position on the Special Tribunal for Lebanon

موقف سورية من المحكمة الدولية الخاصة بلبنان

845   0   10   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2011
  fields Law
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The study addresses a number of legal issues related to the Syrian position on the Special Tribunal for Lebanon. First, it represents the legal basis of the Syria position with regard to the rules of the national law. The study also addresses a number of issues and legal questions to the extent of compliance of this position with international law, and precidents related to the creation of former international tribunals. It also looks into the issue of consistency between the Syrian position and the special tribunal’s statute. It raises the question, based on legal documents issued by the tribunal, on countries’ obligations, including Syria, to future cooperation with the Tribunal on issues of opening investigations, extradition and the renunciation of jurisdiction. The study addresses the impact and legal consequences resulting from these issues through highlighting the tribunal’s position on these issues and questions.

References used
تقرير الأمين العام المقدم بموجب الفقرة 6 من قرار مجلس الأمن 1644 لعام 2005
المذكرة الإيضاحية حول قواعد الإجراءات والإثبات الصادرة عن القاضي أنطونيو كاسيسي . رئيس المحكمة الدولية الخاصة بلبنان بتاريخ 10 تشرين الثاني 2009
قواعد الإجراءات والإثبات الخاصة بالمحكمة الدولية الخاصة التي أُقرت بتاريخ 20 آذار . 2009 ، وتعدلت بتاريخ 5حزيران 2009 ، ثم تعدلت مجدداً بتاريخ 30 تشرين الأول 2009
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The focus of this paper is to address the problems concerning the subject-matter jurisdiction of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL). It discusses the ratione subjecate materiae of the international tribunals, and tribunals of international cha racter, in contrast to the STL, which is contrary to the other tribunals in which the ratione subjecate materiae is limited to national crimes under the Lebanese Criminal Code (LCC). The paper will also examine the crime of terrorism as it is stated in the LCC by analysing the actus reus, and mens rea of the crime, and in doing, so will conclude that terrorism is not yet considered an international crime. Although the mental and material elements of crimes against humanity are met in the assassination of Rafik Hariri, (and other attacks are included within the subject-matter jurisdiction of the STL), these crimes were not classified as such. This appears to be due to the will of the Security Council (SC) to sever the STL’s authority to prosecute other atrocities committed on the territory of Lebanon in recent years, especially serious war crimes and crimes against humanity which have been committed on that same territory in the period of mid-2006 during the Israeli aggression on Lebanon. In addition, there has been the positioning of the institution (STL) generally as one that is a national tribunal with international features, rather than a truly international tribunal. This, in itself, may lead to complicate the mission undertaken by the STL Prosecutor, and will do little to assist any of the issues surrounding ‘Chain of Command’ immunity regarding Heads of State and other Senior Officials
The search aims for the study of the positions of parents and kindergarten teachers on intergration of special needs children at kindergarten. Besides, the search is on for reavel the different opinions between parents and kindergarten teachers The sample included(60)teachers divided over fifteen kindergartens in Homs, (30)children parents, and, (30)special needs children parents.The searcher prepared a questionnaire with /27/ items divided over three main fields: Personality, Education and Relationship.It was verified of the stability of the questionnaire. It was concluded with following results: -There are statistical variation between teacher attitudes and the attitudes of parents of special needs children in the process of intgeration in kindergarten at the level of significant of 5% in favour of parent special needs children in the field of education rather than the personality and relationship. -There are not any statistical variations between the attitudes of teachers and the attitudes of parents of good children in the process of intergration in kindergarden at the level of significans of 5% -There are statistical variation between the attitudes of parents of special needs children and the attitudes of parents of good children in the process of intergration in kindergarden at the level of significant of 5% in favour of parent special needs children in the field of education rather than the personality and relationship. Finally, the search concluded a set of proposals.
This study treated the position of the Mamluke state from the people of Keserwan and limiting it to the military campaigns that the Mamluke state waged against Keserwan Mountain at the ends of the seventh century H/the thirteenth century CE, which we re known historically by The Keserwan campaigns, and that by standing on their causes by showing the passings of the people of Keserwan and their positions from the state after its exposure to the Crusade invasion. As the three military Keserwan campaigns that the Mamluke state waged against the people of Keserwan with its different sects formed one of the most prominent episodes of the struggle in that geographical spot. This study revealed the several results and effects that those campaings left behind especially the political and demographic and denominational effects on the people of Keserwan. As the state could impose its prestige by force. This study aimed to show the position of the Shiekh ibn Taymia from the behaviours of the people of Keserwan and from their religious belief, with concentrating on his role in the 3rd campaign politically and militarily, and analyzing his letter to the Mamluke Sultan Al-Nasir Muhammad ibn Qalawun and its meanings, and observing its effects and gravity. As the Shiekh Taqiy Aldin ibn Taymia represented in the period of the first Mamluke age one of the most prominent scientists of the Sunna as he had an obvious role side by side with the political authority against its opponents. This study showed the development of this struggle and its revelations intellectually and theoretically by presenting opposite models representing it as Ibn Taymia and Ibn Al-Mutahir Al-Hilly. As the legal opinion of Ibn Taymia and his thought had the most effect in lighting the political and the intellectual struggle with them in the subsequent periods. The importance of this study became clear because of pure objective causes presented in its treatment of several centers and details by some neutrality far from partiality because of the tendencies and points of view that accompanied these campaigns which appeared in the historical writing based on the identity or sectarianism by some writers, which made the history of the campaigns on Keserwan in Lebanon a sectarian history as the whole relation with Mamluke state because of ignoring much of their aspects. As it is impossible in any case to burden the responsibility of the struggle with one of the two parties
يتناول هذا البحث المحكمة الجنائية الدولية من حيث طبيعتها و اختصاصاتها، و موقف أمريكا و إسرائيل منها. اختصاص المحكمة الجنائية الدولية، حيث اقتصر اختصاصها على الجرائم الأشد خطورة و التي هي موضع اهتمام المجتمع الدولي بأسره، و للمحكمة وفقًا لهذا النظام الأساسي الاختصاص في الجرائم الآتية : ١ – جريمة الإبادة الجماعية . ٢ – الجرائم ضد الإنسانية . ٣ – جرائم الحرب . ٤ – جريمة العدوان .
It has been widely recognized that syntax information can help end-to-end neural machine translation (NMT) systems to achieve better translation. In order to integrate dependency information into Transformer based NMT, existing approaches either expl oit words' local head-dependent relations, ignoring their non-local neighbors carrying important context; or approximate two words' syntactic relation by their relative distance on the dependency tree, sacrificing exactness. To address these issues, we propose global positional encoding for dependency tree, a new scheme that facilitates syntactic relation modeling between any two words with keeping exactness and without immediate neighbor constraint. Experiment results on NC11 German→English, English→German and WMT English→German datasets show that our approach is more effective than the above two strategies. In addition, our experiments quantitatively show that compared with higher layers, lower layers of the model are more proper places to incorporate syntax information in terms of each layer's preference to the syntactic pattern and the final performance.

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