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The Ratione Subjecate Materiae of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon

الاختصاص الموضوعي للمحكمة الخاصة بلبنان

1156   1   4   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2013
  fields Law
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The focus of this paper is to address the problems concerning the subject-matter jurisdiction of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL). It discusses the ratione subjecate materiae of the international tribunals, and tribunals of international character, in contrast to the STL, which is contrary to the other tribunals in which the ratione subjecate materiae is limited to national crimes under the Lebanese Criminal Code (LCC). The paper will also examine the crime of terrorism as it is stated in the LCC by analysing the actus reus, and mens rea of the crime, and in doing, so will conclude that terrorism is not yet considered an international crime. Although the mental and material elements of crimes against humanity are met in the assassination of Rafik Hariri, (and other attacks are included within the subject-matter jurisdiction of the STL), these crimes were not classified as such. This appears to be due to the will of the Security Council (SC) to sever the STL’s authority to prosecute other atrocities committed on the territory of Lebanon in recent years, especially serious war crimes and crimes against humanity which have been committed on that same territory in the period of mid-2006 during the Israeli aggression on Lebanon. In addition, there has been the positioning of the institution (STL) generally as one that is a national tribunal with international features, rather than a truly international tribunal. This, in itself, may lead to complicate the mission undertaken by the STL Prosecutor, and will do little to assist any of the issues surrounding ‘Chain of Command’ immunity regarding Heads of State and other Senior Officials

References used
BERT SWART, Cooperation Challenges for the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, 5(5) Journal of International Criminal Justice, 2007
BJORN ELBERLING, the Next Step in History-Writing through Criminal Law: Exactly How Tailor-Made is the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, 21(2) Leiden Journal of International Law, 2008
CECILE APTEL, Some Innovations in the Statute of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, 5(5) Journal of International Criminal Justice, 2007
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The study addresses a number of legal issues related to the Syrian position on the Special Tribunal for Lebanon. First, it represents the legal basis of the Syria position with regard to the rules of the national law. The study also addresses a nu mber of issues and legal questions to the extent of compliance of this position with international law, and precidents related to the creation of former international tribunals. It also looks into the issue of consistency between the Syrian position and the special tribunal’s statute. It raises the question, based on legal documents issued by the tribunal, on countries’ obligations, including Syria, to future cooperation with the Tribunal on issues of opening investigations, extradition and the renunciation of jurisdiction. The study addresses the impact and legal consequences resulting from these issues through highlighting the tribunal’s position on these issues and questions.
يتم استخدام التقنيات والبيئات التفاعلية المعاصرة من قبل العديد من المستخدمين ذوي الخصائص والاحتياجات والمتطلبات المتنوعة بما في ذلك الأشخاص العاديين والمعاقين والأشخاص من جميع الأعمار وذوي المهارات ومستويات الخبرة المختلفة فهي تخترق جميع جوانب الحياة اليومية، لذا ظهرت العديد من الأبحاث حول كيفية تصميم أنظمة فعّالة لجميع المستخدمين. سنستعرض في هذه الدراسة بعض المنهجيات والطرق المستخدمة في تصميم الواجهات التفاعلية للأشخاص ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة، حيث سنتطرق بالذكر إلى الواجهات الخاصة بالأطفال وكبار السن باعتبارهما فئتين عمريتين تحتاجان إلى اهتمام خاص عند التصميم، كما تم ذكر بعض الحلول المستخدمة في التصميم وتسهيل التفاعل لكل من المستخدمين المصابين بضعف في البصر أو الذين يعانون من ضعف في الإدارك المعرفي والتعلمي أو المستخدمين ذوي الإعاقة الحركية.
In this paper, we discuss the completely monotonic functions and their relation to some of the famous special functions such as (Gamma, Kumar, Parabolic cylinder, Gauss hypergeometric, MacDonald, Whittaker and Generalized Mittag-Leffler) function. In addition, the relationship of the completely monotonic integrations with absolute progress under conditions of convergence such as transformations (Hankel, Lambert, Stieltjes and Laplace). We will found other modes of composite functions given in terms of non-negative power chains and integrative transformations of completely monotonic non-negative functions, the state of integrative transform functions with a homogeneous nucleus of the first order, and the logarithmically completely monotonic functions. The importance of the row of completely monotonic functions that are associated with the transformation of the Stieltjes defined as a class of special functions regression functions. Some of the oscillations of these functions resulting from completely monotonic functions are not decreasing or convex, but most of them are completely monotonic functions.
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The Special Drawing Rights (SDR) is an innovative system made by the International Monetary Fund. It was coined to resolve the problem of the lack of liquidity that faced by the international community in the late sixties of the twentieth century. The system of SDR was executed with the First Amendment to the Agreement of the International Monetary Fund in 1969, although of the International dispute regarding many topics, Such as the enclosure of SDR as a key component inside the international monetary system, the legal nature of SDR, and the size and the role that it should take. Three versions of the SDRs have been produced. The latest and largest one was 161.2 billion units, which is equivalent to 250 billion USD, to be added to the earlier smaller versions. This study addresses the SDR through few points: The first one deals with the concept of SDR and the origin of its inception. The second focuses on its legal nature, and obligations of its users. The third point deals with the mechanism of the allocation of SDR. The fourth addresses the reality of the SDR, and the difference between its system and the system which is based on the dollar. The fifth and last point looks at amending the SDR system, and providing possible scenarios for its future role. ...

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