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The events, the developments and the international changes are based on the tracks that always deviate as the result of wills struggle between the forces and states. In the sense that the political crises that countries face means a set of interactio ns among the forces that have conflict which may reach to a confrontation. So we must be aware of the political and economic changes, according to the scientific methods to understand what threatens the interests of the states. Many of the sequential crises throughout history are resulted from the use of the power which is based on the object of the available resources. Therefore, the power is the practical exercise and the political investment abroad and that happens through diplomacy or war so that the state can determine its objectives, and decide what to choose among those of power tools. The forces and the states have seek to own the overall power in order to be the motivator of the political units within the framework of the international community. There are countries which benefit from the wars set in their agendas in advance to achieve the aims of their policy. War is still an essential tool for states, governments and groups to achieve their interests through direct conflict, or through the threat of sanctions, or through aids, including the so-called soft power, and sometimes through the form of international legitimacy, including the emergence of the term "fighting terrorism" and what accompanied it of global changes led to politically, militarily, economically and technologically submission to the powerful nations.
إن أية ثورة شعبية تعني حدوث تغيير نتيجة انتفاضة البشر و تمردهم على وضع معين، و تعد ثورة الإمام الخميني واحدة من أهم الثورات و أندرها في تاريخ الشعوب و الأمم، فمنذ انطلاقها اتخذت شعارا لها "لا شرقية و لا غربية، جمهورية إسلامية". أما الثورة الأدبية، فه ي - انعكاس للثورة الشعبية - و تعني التمرد على الآداب الموجودة، و قد أثرت الثورة الإسلامية في إيران في الأدب و المجتمع على حد سواء، لاسيما الشعر الفارسي المعاصر، فمنذ أوائل الستينيات، و بسبب معارضة الشعراء للنظام البهلوي قام بملاحقتهم و سجنهم و تعذيبهم، و فرض عليهم أنواع الحظر الفكري، و بعد الثورة شهد الشعر بعض التغيرات، و تأثر الشعراء بالثورة، و تناولوا أمورا كانت محظورة من قبل كالظلم، و الاستبداد، و قهر الشعب، و لما نشبت الحرب بين العراق و ايران نتجت حالة جديدة من التعامل شعريا مع الحدث، و بدأ اهتمام الشعراء بقضايا الحرب، و منها: حب الوطن، و التٌطير من الحرب، و هاجس وحدة التراب و غير ذلك، و من شعراء قبل الثورة صفار زادة، و علي معلم، و شهريار، و سبزواري. و من شعراء بعد الثورة أمين بور، و هراتي، و حسيني. و غيرهم.
This piece of research endeavour to analyse the poetical structure of one of the most recognizable Umayyad poets. He was the poet of the sensitive imagination that is dominated by mind. He used to handle, and as well critically probe, each of his p oems singly. This had manifested his poetry as well-structured, fully-fledged talendedness, accurate expressions and fluent pouring of thoughts. He stood as one of the most apparent three poets of their period: Jareer and al-Farazdaq. He had highlighted the literary heritage and superby handled it. This piece of research attempts to concentrate on the most obvious characteristics of the human self as observed by al-Akhtal al-Kabeer through penetrating his literary style, the most distinguishable psychological features, and studying these features quite considerably. Toward this temptation, the research tends to examine these most recognizable features in the anthology of the great poet al-Akhtal al-Kabeer where he constitutes a unique experience in the field of the literary and poetical creativity: he surpasses his peers and contemporary poets, and gains the admiration of the authoritative circles. All this continues in an attempt to recognize the the most promoted features of this self, and the deep influence that the Arabic literary production witnesses.
This study aims at identifying the level of the verbal aggression of children both at home and in the refuge accommodation centers during the wartime of Syria. In addition, it investigates the difference between the two genders ,of both samples, in their practicing of verbally aggressive behavior. The researcher has applied the descriptive research method as it conforms to the aim and nature of the research. The research has been conducted in 2017 and the instruments of research have been applied in June, 2017 in Lattakia, Syria. The community of that survey included children brought up both at home and at the refuge accommodation centers ranging from 7 – 10 years old in Lattakia. The sample children were 120 male and female children divided equally in half i.e. 60 children per sample. The refuge accommodation center has been chosen randomly from the accommodation centers of Lattakia like the Stadium Accommodation Center, Harem accommodation center, the Accommodation center of "Jihad Mashi" in addition to some neighborhoods of the afore-mentioned city which serves the purpose of the study. The researcher has developed a research standard to estimate the verbal aggression which conforms to the nature of study and the surrounding conditions. This standard has been later examined and authenticated after being modified. The researcher has attempted to investigate five hypothesis then reached the following conclusions: 1.There is an essential difference in the level of verbal aggression between the two samples; children at home are less verbally aggressive than those at the accommodation centers. 2.There are no statistically significant gender differences between males and females in the use of verbal aggression in the case of the children brought up at home and the children brought up at refuge accommodation centers. 3. There are no statistically significant differences among males in the use of verbal aggression in both samples (the children at home and at refuge accommodation centers.) 4. There is a statistically significant difference among females in the use of verbal aggression in both samples (the children at home and at refuge accommodation centers.).

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