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Features of Human Self in the Poetry of al-Akhtal al-Kabeer

ملامح الذات في شعر الأخطل الكبير

2852   7   93   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2017
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This piece of research endeavour to analyse the poetical structure of one of the most recognizable Umayyad poets. He was the poet of the sensitive imagination that is dominated by mind. He used to handle, and as well critically probe, each of his poems singly. This had manifested his poetry as well-structured, fully-fledged talendedness, accurate expressions and fluent pouring of thoughts. He stood as one of the most apparent three poets of their period: Jareer and al-Farazdaq. He had highlighted the literary heritage and superby handled it. This piece of research attempts to concentrate on the most obvious characteristics of the human self as observed by al-Akhtal al-Kabeer through penetrating his literary style, the most distinguishable psychological features, and studying these features quite considerably. Toward this temptation, the research tends to examine these most recognizable features in the anthology of the great poet al-Akhtal al-Kabeer where he constitutes a unique experience in the field of the literary and poetical creativity: he surpasses his peers and contemporary poets, and gains the admiration of the authoritative circles. All this continues in an attempt to recognize the the most promoted features of this self, and the deep influence that the Arabic literary production witnesses.

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Research summary
يحاول هذا البحث تحليل المتن الشعري للأخطل الكبير، أحد أعلام الشعر في العصر الأموي، والذي تميز بخياله الحسي وعقله النقدي. يركز البحث على أبرز ملامح الذات الإنسانية في شعر الأخطل من خلال استكشاف أسلوبه الأدبي وظواهره النفسية. يتناول البحث ملامح الذات البدوية، الذات المحاربة، الذات الناقمة، الذات الخمرية، والذات العاشقة في شعر الأخطل، ويبرز كيف أن هذه الملامح تعكس تجارب الشاعر الشخصية ومواقفه الاجتماعية والسياسية. كما يتناول البحث دور الأخطل في البلاط الأموي وكيفية استخدامه للشعر كوسيلة للتقرب من السلطة. يخلص البحث إلى أن الأخطل كان يتمتع بذكاء ودهاء في مدائحه وسائر أغراضه الشعرية، واستطاع أن يفرض حضوره الشخصي في بيئة امتلكت فسحة طنية من قبول الآخر.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: يتناول البحث موضوعًا مهمًا في الأدب العربي، وهو تحليل ملامح الذات في شعر الأخطل الكبير. ومع ذلك، يمكن القول إن البحث يفتقر إلى بعض العمق في تحليل السياقات التاريخية والاجتماعية التي أثرت على شعر الأخطل. كما أن التركيز الكبير على الجوانب النفسية قد يكون على حساب الجوانب الأدبية والفنية الأخرى. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يمكن أن يكون هناك توازن أفضل بين تحليل النصوص الشعرية وتقديم السياق التاريخي والسياسي الذي عاش فيه الأخطل. على الرغم من هذه النقاط، فإن البحث يقدم رؤية شاملة ومفصلة عن ملامح الذات في شعر الأخطل ويستحق التقدير على الجهد المبذول في تحليل هذا الموضوع.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي أبرز ملامح الذات في شعر الأخطل الكبير التي تناولها البحث؟

    تناول البحث ملامح الذات البدوية، الذات المحاربة، الذات الناقمة، الذات الخمرية، والذات العاشقة في شعر الأخطل الكبير.

  2. كيف استخدم الأخطل الكبير الشعر كوسيلة للتقرب من السلطة؟

    استخدم الأخطل الكبير الشعر كوسيلة للتقرب من السلطة من خلال مدح الخلفاء والأمراء الأمويين، مما أكسبه مكانة خاصة في البلاط الأموي.

  3. ما هي الأساليب الأدبية التي تميز بها شعر الأخطل الكبير؟

    تميز شعر الأخطل الكبير بالجزالة وطول النفس وسلامة التعبير وحسن السبك، بالإضافة إلى استخدامه للخيال الحسي الذي يهيمن عليه العقل.

  4. ما هي التوصيات التي قدمها الباحث لدراسة شعر الأخطل الكبير؟

    أوصى الباحث بضرورة دراسة الشعر من خلال العامل النفسي عند الشاعر والإبداع الفني لديه، والبحث في الجانب الإنساني من شخصية الأخطل كنقطة انطلاق لإبداع الشاعر ومعرفة الدوافع الكامنة خلف ذلك.

References used
نهر, هادي, مع المتنبي في شعره الحربي, ط1, مطبعة الجامعة المستنصرية, بغداد, 1979.
ضيف, شوقي, التطور و التجديد في الشعر الأموي, دار المعارف بمصر ط4, 1959.
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This paper offered an image about Al-Aktal's life, evolution, tribe, poetry and his rank among his age's poets. It also presented the views of critics, linguists and grammarians on his poetry. Besides, it examined the most prominent linguistic and grammatical phenomena in his poetry. These phenomena took the form of the following: the use of odd words, this was discussed in terms of its definition and types. Examples of his use of odd were presented to illustrate this phenomenon. The other phenomenon is that of departure from accepted norms. Again, the meaning of this phenomenon together with its kinds were explored in the poetry of Al-Aktal. Appropriate instances were offered. The third was the deletion phenomenon whose types, incidents and forms were anaysed from the grammarians' points of view. Lastly, the phenomenon Points of view. Lastly,the phenomenon of using the devices of preceding and reversing words,whose functions were studied in terms of grammarians views supported by proper quotations. The conclusion was an exposition of the most significant findings following this research.
This paper attempts at focusing on analyzing the poetic structure of a pre-and-post- Islamic poet who witnessed and lived in the early Islamic and Umayyad Eras. With regard to the objective, the paper is intended to shed light on the major features and master pieces of literary output, be its prose or verse, which is the human ego, the driving force and dynamo behind any human creativity. In this regard, the paper attempts at categorizing the major subjective characteristics of a famous poet, such as Al-Farazdaq, who represented a unique phenomenon on the creative, literary, and poetic scene, through the poetic satirical exchanges with Jareer, the Umayyad poet laureate. All this is being dealt with through trying to trace the major characteristics of this ego and the impact it had left on the Arab poetic output.
The literature of Traits is a literature of characteristics ingrained in the self and human qualities enshrined in the human psyche. It is a literature that depicts what man has been born with generosity, meanness, courage, daring, cowardice, trea chery or baseness. It depicts the envy, gloating, and hatred, and displays stupidity, vanity, Inanity and dream, as well as lying, folly, debauchery, chastity and dignity.
Al-Kabeer Al-Shemale river rises from Aqraa Mountain and coastal mountains, it is considered one of the largest rivers in the coastal area.Its catchment area is 1097 km2, and empties into the sea to the southern of Lattakia.The study aims to determin e the impact of climate change on the river discharge. Since the rainfall is the major factor in the runoff formation in the river catchment, the rainfall changes have been studied in climatic stations located within the catchment and its surroundings, and for a period of time exceeding thirty years. The study found that the general trend of rainfall change and runoff with time is decreasing, declining rainfall values ranged in the studied stations between (0.4-12.5) mm per year, and the runoff reached 0.08m3/s in the year. A mathematical equation, predict river discharge after knowing the values of daily precipitation, has been concluded.
Our old poetry is still attracting us by its meaning, structure and pectorial methods, and it opens up in front of us prospects of study and research. How much the researchers studied its solid peaks, and they are still discovering in its hidings a lot and new things. When ever they read deeply and they saild in its hidden and mysterious waves, and our heritage is rich with the poetry of unknown poets who are still forgetten for many reasons. Giran Al-oud Al-Numyrie is one of the poets who didn’t write largely which we stopped to study them, and his poetry drew our attention by its different subjects. What was found of the distinct technical and rhetorical properties, and the poetry for woman drew our attention, He was a poet of flirtation and description by describing woman excessively. He succeeded in portraiting the woman and he had his own experience with her. We wanted to remove what is unknown a bout this poet, and his life and stop to think a bout the woman in his poetry. We can discern the variety of photos discriptions which he presented for the woman, and we can feed the effect of environment and Culture and his personal life of the poet in riching his poetic experience and nourishing his imagination .
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