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Honey Harvest in the Poetry of Al- Huthaliyeen

اشتيار العسل في شعر الهذليّين

3713   2   93   5.0 ( 1 )
 Publication date 2015
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This research aims to study the dimensions of honey harvesting in the poetry of Al- Huthaliyeen who associate talking about honey harvesting by comparing the sweet taste of honey to a woman's saliva taste. Thus , they demonstrate the pleasure of achieving the desiredgoalafter toil. In this context , we see them highlight the mixing of honey with pure water and wine to signify the sublime life they seek to attain. In their poetry , we see them explore the poor living conditions of the apiarist - his toil and experiencing dangers to get honey. They explain that in his quest of honey under difficult conditions like the rugged place , the apiarist offers an image of a poet who strives to accomplish his goal. The dangers of getting honey are highlighted in Al- Huthaliyeenpoetry. Such dangers increase the hardships of reaching the goal in which the prerequisites and permanence of life are represented.

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Research summary
يحاول هذا البحث الوقوف على أبعاد اشتيار العسل في شعر الهذليين، الذين يربطون حديث الاشتيار بتشبيه مذاق العسل بمذاق ريق المرأة، مشيرين بذلك إلى لذة الوصول إلى المبتغى بعد الجهد. وفي أثناء هذا الحديث يشيرون إلى مزج العسل والماء الصافي والخمر؛ للدلالة على حياة سامية يسعون إلى بلوغها. ونلمس في حديثهم هذا تركيزاً على استعراض سوء حالة المشتار المعيشية وتعبه، وتعرضه للأخطار حتى يحصل على الشهدة. ويبينون في شعرهم أن مشتار العسل، في سعيه للحصول على العسل في الأحوال الصعبة، والظروف القاسية المملوءة بوعورة المكان والأخطار المحيطة بالاشتيار، يقدم صورة للشاعر المكافح في سبيل بلوغ مراده. وتبرز في لوحاتهم الشعرية الأخطار المائلة في مكان الشهدة، وبغطيها تزداد مشاق الوصول إلى المراد، ويبلغ الهدف الذي تتجسد فيه عناصر العيش، ومقومات الحياة واستمرارها. يستعرض البحث قصائد لأبي ذؤيب وساعدة بن جؤية، موضحاً كيف يعكس الاشتيار في شعرهم رحلة الإنسان في الحياة، وكفاحه لتحقيق أهدافه. كما يتناول البحث الأبعاد الزمنية في القصائد المدروسة، ويستخدم مناهج الدرس الأدبي والنفسي والاجتماعي لتحليل النصوص.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: يقدم البحث دراسة عميقة ومفصلة عن اشتيار العسل في شعر الهذليين، ويستخدم مجموعة متنوعة من المصادر والمراجع لدعم تحليلاته. ومع ذلك، يمكن القول إن البحث يفتقر إلى بعض التنوع في الأمثلة الشعرية، حيث يركز بشكل رئيسي على قصائد أبي ذؤيب وساعدة بن جؤية. كان من الممكن أن تكون الدراسة أكثر شمولية إذا تضمنت أمثلة من شعراء آخرين من الهذليين. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، قد يكون من المفيد تقديم تحليل مقارن بين اشتيار العسل في شعر الهذليين وشعراء آخرين من نفس الفترة الزمنية أو من ثقافات مختلفة، لتقديم رؤية أوسع وأعمق للموضوع.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هو الهدف الرئيسي من البحث؟

    الهدف الرئيسي من البحث هو دراسة أبعاد اشتيار العسل في شعر الهذليين، وكيف يعكس هذا الاشتيار رحلة الإنسان في الحياة وكفاحه لتحقيق أهدافه.

  2. كيف يربط الهذليون بين مذاق العسل وريق المرأة في شعرهم؟

    يربط الهذليون بين مذاق العسل وريق المرأة في شعرهم لتجسيد لذة الوصول إلى المبتغى بعد الجهد والتعب، مما يعكس متعة تحقيق الأهداف بعد الكفاح.

  3. ما هي الأخطار التي يواجهها مشتار العسل في شعر الهذليين؟

    يواجه مشتار العسل في شعر الهذليين أخطاراً عديدة مثل وعورة المكان، الظروف القاسية، والأخطار المحيطة بالاشتيار، مما يزيد من مشاق الوصول إلى العسل.

  4. ما هي المنهجية التي استخدمها الباحثون في تحليل النصوص الشعرية؟

    استخدم الباحثون مناهج الدرس الأدبي والنفسي والاجتماعي لتحليل النصوص الشعرية، مع التركيز على الدراسة النصية والتأويلية لفهم الأبعاد الزمنية والنفسية والاجتماعية في القصائد.

References used
عصفور، جابر، الصورة الفنية في التراث النقدي والبلاغي عند العرب، الطبعة الثالثة، دار المركز الثقافي . العربي، بيروت، لبنان، 2000
إبراهيم، نوال مصطفى، الليل في الشعر الجاهلي. دار اليازوردي العلمية للنشر والتوزيع، عمان، الأردن، 2009 م
عبد الرحمن، نصرت، الصورة الفنية في الشعر الجاهلي في ضوء النقد الحديث. مكتبة الأقصى، عمان، الأردن، 1976 م.
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Our old poetry is still attracting us by its meaning, structure and pectorial methods, and it opens up in front of us prospects of study and research. How much the researchers studied its solid peaks, and they are still discovering in its hidings a lot and new things. When ever they read deeply and they saild in its hidden and mysterious waves, and our heritage is rich with the poetry of unknown poets who are still forgetten for many reasons. Giran Al-oud Al-Numyrie is one of the poets who didn’t write largely which we stopped to study them, and his poetry drew our attention by its different subjects. What was found of the distinct technical and rhetorical properties, and the poetry for woman drew our attention, He was a poet of flirtation and description by describing woman excessively. He succeeded in portraiting the woman and he had his own experience with her. We wanted to remove what is unknown a bout this poet, and his life and stop to think a bout the woman in his poetry. We can discern the variety of photos discriptions which he presented for the woman, and we can feed the effect of environment and Culture and his personal life of the poet in riching his poetic experience and nourishing his imagination .
This research studies the phenomenon of contrast that was manifested in the poetry of Al Ahwas Al-Ansari ,taking different colors ,between the singularity and the composition or the metaphorical image that the poet intended to find to create a tangled word of relation embraced by the language of poetry.
Al-Mutanabbi, as we all know, is a poet who filled the world with poetry providing a tale and reflecting the sublimity of creation and art.He is still like a torrential spring from which scholars drinkn to quench the thierdt of their pens in search of his creative works, trying to reveal the secret of that creation which involves inventive psychological feelings that made him form his poetry with wonderful aesthetic artistry, something which, gave Arabic a particular dealing with the word use which, perhaps, is almost unique to Al- Mutanabbi so that this creation which remained constanly with him till he became famous for it as if it had been his identification card he held. No sooner does ascholar read that language than he sees Al-Mutanabbi's ID Card which has later became the ID card of Arabic poetry, affecting its advance and restrationcreativey, aristically and intellectually throughout ages and history.
This piece of research endeavour to analyse the poetical structure of one of the most recognizable Umayyad poets. He was the poet of the sensitive imagination that is dominated by mind. He used to handle, and as well critically probe, each of his p oems singly. This had manifested his poetry as well-structured, fully-fledged talendedness, accurate expressions and fluent pouring of thoughts. He stood as one of the most apparent three poets of their period: Jareer and al-Farazdaq. He had highlighted the literary heritage and superby handled it. This piece of research attempts to concentrate on the most obvious characteristics of the human self as observed by al-Akhtal al-Kabeer through penetrating his literary style, the most distinguishable psychological features, and studying these features quite considerably. Toward this temptation, the research tends to examine these most recognizable features in the anthology of the great poet al-Akhtal al-Kabeer where he constitutes a unique experience in the field of the literary and poetical creativity: he surpasses his peers and contemporary poets, and gains the admiration of the authoritative circles. All this continues in an attempt to recognize the the most promoted features of this self, and the deep influence that the Arabic literary production witnesses.
This paper seeks to clarify the employment of heritage in Izz al Din Al Manasrah's poetic experience and its role in the service of this poetic experience in both its theoretical and practical aspects. Theoretically, he dwells on the poetic phenom enon, and its application in the poetic text. Practically he dwells on a number of heritage Symbols which were clearly illuminated in his poetry , and which were employed in a way that newly combines between the past and present such as the religious, literary ,historical , folkloric and legendary symbol.
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