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The effect of accumulation of chilling hours and the rate of linear heat on the behavior of some pistachio vera varieties

تأثير تراكم ساعات البرودة و معدل التراكم الخطي لدرجات الحرارة في سلوك بعض أصناف الفستق الحلبي

1592   4   51   5.0 ( 1 )
 Publication date 2014
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Winter chilling requirements are critical for flowering and fruiting of many fruit species, with evidence that pistachio has been adversely affected by warm winter, so that estimating chilling and heat requirements is crucial for identifying appropriate cultivars for given site. In our study, different levels of chilling hours were applied (500-600-700-800-900-1000-1100-1200-1300-1400 h).

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
تتناول هذه الدراسة تأثير تراكم ساعات البرودة ومعدل التراكم الحراري على سلوك بعض أصناف الفستق الحلبي. تم تطبيق مستويات مختلفة من ساعات البرودة (500-1400 ساعة) على الأصناف المؤنثة عاشوري وباتوري، ومقارنتها مع الصنف المذكر آدم. أظهرت النتائج أن أفضل معدل لساعات البرودة للصنفين عاشوري وآدم هو 900-1200 ساعة، والذي يقابله معدل تراكم حراري بين 10312-11755 في الصنف عاشوري و8862.7-10532.7 في الصنف آدم. أما بالنسبة للصنفين باتوري وآدم، فقد كان أفضل معدل لساعات البرودة هو 1000-1200 ساعة، والذي يقابله معدل تراكم حراري بين 13258-14221 في الصنف باتوري و8862.7-10138 في الصنف آدم. تم حساب معامل متطلبات البرودة (CRI) وأظهرت النتائج أن أعلى قيمة لمعامل CRI كانت في الصنف عاشوري عند المعاملة 1200 ساعة برودة (2.4) بفروق معنوية عند مستوى ثقة 99%. توصي الدراسة بعدم زراعة الصنف المؤنث باتوري والصنف المذكر آدم في المناطق التي يقل فيها معدل ساعات البرودة عن 600 ساعة بسبب تأثير ذلك على نمو وتطور البراعم الزهرية والخضرية.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: تعتبر هذه الدراسة مهمة لفهم تأثير تراكم ساعات البرودة ومعدل التراكم الحراري على سلوك أصناف الفستق الحلبي، إلا أنه يمكن توجيه بعض الانتقادات البناءة. أولاً، قد يكون من الأفضل توسيع نطاق الدراسة لتشمل أصناف أخرى من الفستق الحلبي لضمان شمولية النتائج. ثانياً، يمكن تحسين دقة النتائج من خلال استخدام تقنيات تحليلية أكثر تطوراً. ثالثاً، قد يكون من المفيد دراسة تأثير العوامل البيئية الأخرى مثل الرطوبة ونوعية التربة على سلوك هذه الأصناف. وأخيراً، يجب توجيه المزيد من الاهتمام لتطبيق النتائج في الحقول الزراعية الفعلية لضمان تحقيق الفائدة القصوى للمزارعين.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هو الهدف الرئيسي من الدراسة؟

    الهدف الرئيسي من الدراسة هو تقدير تأثير تراكم ساعات البرودة ومعدل التراكم الحراري على سلوك بعض أصناف الفستق الحلبي وتحديد المتطلبات المثلى لهذه الأصناف للخروج من طور السكون البيئي.

  2. ما هي الأصناف التي شملتها الدراسة؟

    شملت الدراسة الأصناف المؤنثة عاشوري وباتوري، بالإضافة إلى الصنف المذكر آدم.

  3. ما هو أفضل معدل لساعات البرودة للصنفين عاشوري وآدم؟

    أفضل معدل لساعات البرودة للصنفين عاشوري وآدم هو 900-1200 ساعة.

  4. ما هي التوصيات الرئيسية للدراسة؟

    توصي الدراسة بعدم زراعة الصنف المؤنث باتوري والصنف المذكر آدم في المناطق التي يقل فيها معدل ساعات البرودة عن 600 ساعة، وزراعة أكثر من صنف مذكر متباين في موعد الإزهار لضمان تغطية فترة أوج الإزهار للأصناف المؤنثة.

References used
Alcala, A.R. and D. Barranco.1992. Prediction of flowering time in olive for the Cordoba olive collection. Hort. Sci., 27: 1205-1207
Afshari, H., A. Tajabadipour, H. Hokmabadiand M. Mohamadimoghadam. 2009. Determining the chilling requirement of four pistachio cultivars in Semnan (Iran). African Journal of Agricultural Research; 4(2): 55-59
Alonso, J.M., J. M. Anson, M.T. Espiau and R. Socias Company. 2005. Determination of endodormancy break in almond flower buds by a correlation model using the average temperature of different days intervals and its application to the estimation of chill and heat requirements and blooming date. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci; 130(3): 308 – 3018
rate research

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The research trial was carried out at University of California, Davis, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Cooperative Extension–Kearney Agricultural Center (KAC). Part of the scientific work in the laboratory started from November 1, 2001 through out the end of February 2002. This trial was conducted using Pistacia vera; the female variety ‘Kerman’ and its pollinator, variety ‘Peters’;… both are grafted on the rootstock UCB1.
The experiment detected the chill hour requirements of 6 female and 8 male varieties of Pistachio (Pictacia vera L.) cultivated in Aleppo, Idleb, Hama and Dar’a in Syria needed to break down their bud dormancy. Studied cuttings left at 2°C in cool chamber for 650, 750, 850, 950, 1050 and 1150 hours were placed into growth chamber offering temperature, moisture and brightness similar to those available in nature during the period of blooming flowers. Statistical analysis distinguished clearly between the chill requirements of the female and the male varieties, where the males needed lower cold hours. Also, the female varieties showed differences among them in their chill requirements due to genetic resources which were affected by their geographical areas and attitudes. The period in the growth chamber needed to reach a proper blooming ranged between 32 days in the case of Ashoury variety cultivated in Dar’a with 1150 chill hours and 54 days with Nab Aljamal variety existed in Hama and Idleb with 650 chill hours. Meanwhile, in the male varieties this figure was between 22 days for male 2 cultivated in Idleb (1150 chill hour) and 43 days for Male E in Dar’a (650 chill hours). The cluster configuration between the males and females varieties was sorted by putting them in two relative distant sub-clusters. The females varieties were distributed sorted into sub-groups as well, insuring the similarity among the ones belong. In addition, The males varieties were distributed into two types depending on their earliness blooming time (early: Hama1, Hama2, Idleb1, Idleb2 – late: A jellin, E Jellin, Aleppo1, Aleppo2). The results could be useful for the decisions of what varieties to be grown in certain places depending on natural chill hours available there.
The experiment was done within -2014 in plant physiology lab.of agriculture faculty of Tishreen University for estimation of high temperature stress toleration of citrus leaves in three varietis(Citrus Unshiu , Meyer Lemon,Citrus SinensisWashington ). Many random samples of leaves were gathered from the foliage of the examined categories whereas tha average of the taken leaves was 200 from the whole sides for each one tree from the branches which are one year old . which were put for limited duration in a water bath about many different degrees of temperature then they were put in water and then in a solution of HCL acid . Many references were studied of containing :non spotting on leaves ,which means they are un harmed,simple spotting,the spotting of more than half of the leaves area,the perfect leaves spotting. Studied temperature were as the following :40-50-60-70-80.Each one of this mentiond temperature,40 leaves were used .The statistics analys were done with the way of Genstat 12,for the comparison between averages for the sake of calculating the least significant difference at the guidance level :5% . Studies showed that Satsuma leaves are the most toleration for high temperature,next Citrus SinensisWashington is less than Satsuma.At last Meyer Lemon was the least .
This research was carried out through the 201-2011 and 201-/2012 seasons on 26-year-old trees of AL– Ashouri Pistachio cultivar grown in clay soil, in a private orchard in Souran region (Hama province). Four types of organic green fertilizers (Len tils, Vetch, equal mixture from Lentils and Vetch and mix of these legumes with barley), in addition to the control, to study their effects on some quantitative and qualitative characteristics of pistachio nut. Results showed that the use of green fertilizers caused significant increase in studied indicators and the best treatment was mix of legumes with barley (45% Lentils, 45% vetch, 10% Barley), which achieved the highest significant values، where average of weight of the 100 nuts was 107.45 g during the two seasons, the average of weight of the 100 kernel was 67.08 g, average of length of shell was 20.85mm and an annual yield was 32 kg/ tree, compared with control, which achieved 87.50g, 40.25g, 18.08 mm and 16.75 kg, respectively.
The research studied the compatibility of grafting on the pistachio variety of Ashouri with three rootstocks (P. vera, P. Atlantica and P. Khinjuk). This research was implemented in the nursery of the agricultural department in Hama. The seedling rootstocks were budded in plastic bags at the beginning of June by T-budding. The results demonstrated that the variety of Ashouri which budded on the Ashouri and P. Khinjuk rootstocks excelled at the p. Atlantica rootstocks, The best average of succeeded graft of Ashouri variety budded on the Ashouri and P. Khinjuk rootstocks reached (73, 69.5 %). While the growth of p. Atlantica and P. Khinjuk rootstocks were stronger than Ashouri rootstocks. The length of Ashouri variety which budded on P. Atlantica and P. Khinjuk rootstocks was (47.36, 49.88 cm), and the diameter was (5.59, 5.67 mm).

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