تكتسب السدود في المناطق الساحلية أهمية كبيرة نظراً لاستخدامها في الري بشكل أساسي إضافة إلى استخدامها كمصدر من مصادر مياه الشرب في بعض الحالات. يهدف البحث إلى دراسة بعض المؤشرات الكيميائية لجودة مياه بعض السدود في محافظة اللاذقية على مدى العشر سنوات الأخيرة، شمل البحث دراسة تراكيز شوارد كل من الكلور، و الكبريتات، و النترات، و النتريت، و الفوسفات، و الصوديوم و البوتاسيوم في خمسة سدود موزعة على امتداد ساحل محافظة اللاذقية، و هي سد بللوران، سد 16 تشرين، سد الثورة، سد صلاح الدين (السفرقية) و سد الحويز. أظهرت النتائج حدوث تغيرات مهمة في تراكيز معظم الشوارد خلال السنوات العشر الأخيرة، حيث بينت النتائج ارتفاع في تراكيز الشوارد في معظم السدود المدروسة، و لكن في الوقت نفسه هذا التغير ليس واحداً في جميع السدود بل كان يرتبط ارتباطاً وثيقاً بطبيعة السد و موقعه و سعته التخزينية.
The big value of dams in the Syrian coast comes from using them for irrigation and sometimes as source of potable water. This study aimed to determine some chemical indicators of water quality in Lattakia dams during ten years (2002-2011). The
concentrations of ions (Cl-1, SO4-2, NO2-1, NO3-1, PO4-3, K+1, Na+1) in five dams (Balloran, 16 Tishreen, Al-thawra, Alsafarkia and Alhweez) were studied. The results indicated that most of the ions showed significant difference in concentrations during 2002-2011.The ions concentrations in most studied dams increased. The increase related to characteristics of dams (location, capacity, the activities located around the dam…).
References used
BABIKER, I.S.; MOHAMED, M.A.A.; TERAO, H.; Kato, K.; OHTA, K. Assessment of groundwater contamination by nitrate leaching from intensive vegetable cultivation using geographical information system. Environment International, 29, 2003, 1009–1017
DE SANTA OLALLA, F.M.; DOMINGUEZ, A.; ORTEGA, F.; ARTIGAO, A.; FABEIRO, C. Bayesian networks in planning a large aquifer in Eastern Mancha, Spain. Environmental Modelling and Software, 22 (8) ,2007, 1089–1100
TAIT, N.G.; DAVISON, R.M.; LEHARNE, S.A.; LERNER, D.N. Borehole Optimisation System (BOS) – a case study assessing options for abstraction of urban groundwater in Nottingham, UK. Environmental Modelling and Software, 23(5), 2008, 611–621
This study aimed at determining some indicators of water quality in Lattakia dams within ten years (2002-2011).The indicators(pH, Electrical conductivity,Total Hardness, ca Hardness, Mg Hardness, Alkalinity, Phenol Alkalinity) in five dams (Balloran,
The research has been conducted in different sites in lattakia, Alhamra and alsabahia
villages of Rabea and Aen alzarqa of Mashqeta. 14 cases of precipitation was marked
which caused runoff and water erosion of soil during the research (seasonal ra
Water sources in Syrian coastal area have a great importance due to the variety of the
sources and the urgent needs to water for drinking and irrigation. Therefore great efforts
are made to protect water sources from contaminants. This research aim
Our study shows that only 31 % of the world issue the chemical periodicals
/1058/. Out of the 1058, 92 % are issued by the third of these countries (20
countries which is equal to 10 % of the world), in which the number of refereed
periodicals is
The research aims to complete the theoretical, analytical and practical study for
elevation networks in some medium and small dams in the coastal region of the Syrian
Arab Republic, In terms of the configuration of network, strength of network and