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The Experience of Islamic Banks in Syria Current Condition and Obstacles (2007-2011)

تجربة المصارف الإسلامية في سورية الواقع و المعوقات (2007-2011)

2174   1   57   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2014
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Islamic Banking is considered an important subject that researchers and economists are interested in nowadays. Studying economic development finance, identifying and overcoming its obstacles are one of the important issues that help pave the way to economic development. To that end, the researcher seeks to define Islamic Banks, identify the difficulties which they face in Syria, and make proposals. The study shows that there are many obstacles facing the Islamic Banks in Syria, and presents a number of suggestions which might contribute to overcome these hindrances and accelerate the achievement of economic development in Syria.

References used
إبراهيم عبد الحليم عبادة، مؤشرات الأداء في البنوك الإسلامية، الطبعة الأولى، دار النفائس، . الأردن، 2008
أحمد سفر، العمل المصرفي الإسلامي " أصوله، و صيغه، و تحدياته "، اتحاد المصارف العربية، . بيروت لبنان، 2004
رازي محي الدين، واقع الاستثمار والتمويل الإسلامي وآفاقه الاقتصادية في سورية، أطروحة . دكتوراه، جامعة دمشق، 2012
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This research handles one of the most important and contemporary subjects. It is the status of Islamic banks, which proved a significant presence since its earliest beginning, through increasing growth in market share, high performance and amount o f banking businesses, and multiple methods of Islamic funding. This research focuses on studying the conditions of Islamic banks in general, in terms of offering its concept, principles of founders, and the practical application of these principles in bank business, then examining the conditions of Islamic banks in the Syrian Arab Republic in spite of its newness and the crisis the area is going through. This would be done through displaying its origin, development, the performance of banks operations in it, and knowing if these banks are committed to the principles of founders ,then monitoring the crisis’ effects in the area since 2011 on the performance of these banks (Financial resources - Funding- Profits) through analyzing its financial statements and knowing the truthfulness of these positive data mentioned in these statements specially the highest profits. The study also attempts to offer some suggestions to face the effects of the crisis and straighten the work of these banks. The most important search results is that the conditions of Islamic banks in general and Syrian Islamic banks in particular did not match the principles of founders , financial resources employment ratios were low despite the rise of resources and funds , and the profits made by Syrian Islamic banks during this crisis are not real profits.
This research aims to study the problem of liquidity excess، so it considers from the important problem that is facing the Islamic banks especially in this obstacles: 1- Modernity time of Islamic banks. 2- littleness of financial tools that used to manage the liquidity in Islamic banks. 3- Nonexistence Law are fitting with targets and field of activity of Islamic banks. And It is done that through knowing the liquidity in these banks and the tools used to manage the liquidity، inside to the best Islamic financial tools that Islamic banks are able to use in manage the liquidity.
The research aims at investigating the reality of investment of the cultivation of citrus in Syria during 2007-2011. The study showed that the citrus market in Syria needs to be organized, and that there is a necessity for having an independent org anization such as (Citrus Growers Union) to be responsible, in cooperation with the relevant authorities, for monitoring the production and marketing of citrus. The study also showed that the specifications of full market competition apply to the citrus market in Syria, and that there is a fluctuation in the value of flexibility of supply and demand which indicates the presence of factors other than the price which affect the supply and demand. The study also showed a marketing gap which was negative, this led to flooding the market with citrus reaching (-247.4 thousand tons) in 2007. The investment in citrus achieved a positive added-value which helped support the gross domestic product (GDP) in Syria, reaching (25 billion Syrian pounds) in 2011.The citrus sector also contributed in creating a balance of payments; outflows of citrus reaching $140 million.
Islamic banks face many contemporary challenges due to the international events, global transformations, and the attempt to restrict the growth and expansion of Islamic banks and its extension across the whole world, as well as errors and illegal a nd banking breaches that some Islamic banks has committed. This situation makes it imperative for all the stakeholders, first and foremost the Committee of Sharia in these banks, and the control exercised by central banks to Islamic and conventional banks is a paramount, and that such control has increased the efficiency of Islamic banks. It did not take into account the working conditions of these banks subject to the provisions of Islamic law (Sharia). Hence, this research is to learn how to exercise control over the Islamic banks in Syria. The researcher addressed the types of control on Islamic banks in Syria represented by the internal control and supervision of the Central Bank and the Shari'a. The researcher presented at the end of this research a set of conclusions: there are significant differences between the banking control methods imposed on Commercial and Islamic banks, as well as the existence of legal supervision of Islamic banks is necessary to ensure that the provisions of the Islamic law. Eventually, the researcher concludes a set of proposals and recommendations, including: the need to develop qualitative and quantitative methods to control the work of the Islamic banks to achieve desired control objectives in improving the performance of Islamic banks, as well as the need to allocate a separate department within the Central Bank of Syria, to carry out inspection and control of Islamic banks, while providing the Department with trained and qualified human resources on Islamic banking.
This study aims to clarify the concept of profitability and liquidity at the Islamic Banks, and discuss how the liquidity affects the Islamic banks profitability. In order to achieve these objectives, the researcher, after presenting the theoreti cal framework for the study, conducts a case study of the Islamic banks working in Syria (Albaraka- Syria Bank, Cham Bank, Syria International Islamic Bank), and conducts an appropriate statistical test to show the relationship between the liquidity and profitability (measured by ROA) of those Islamic banks. The researcher depends on the financial statements in the reports published by Islamic banks, using the statistical program SPSS 18 to get the results of this test. This study concluded that: there is no a significant relationship between Islamic banks liquidity and profitability, although they have high liquidity ratios, and low return on assets in general.
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