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Suggested Framework for Development of Variances Analysis of Direct Materials Cost under the Modern Industrial Environment

إطار مقترح لتطوير تحليل انحرافات تكلفة المواد المباشرة في ظل البيئة التصنيعية الحديثة

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 Publication date 2014
  fields Economy
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The variances analysis of direct materials cost in its current image doesn't provide suitable information about the competitive attitude of economic units from costing side, and doesn't encourage to continuous improvement, and doesn't suitable or sufficient to modern industrial environment. therefore it should development the traditional analysis tovariances of direct materials cost, paying attention to needs and strategies of modern industrial systems for treatment the criticisms that are directed to this style and improves from role of standard costing system in support of control systems and performance evaluation, and achievement the strategy of continuous improvement. Where of past, the researcher prepared suggested framework for development of variances analysis of direct materials cost, which suits with requirements of modern industrial environment, and its application on company of Banias refinery. and the research reaches to series of results, the most important of those are: The changes which are happened in modern industrial environment didn't led to collapse and disappearance role of standard costing system, and waiving from one of its ways, it is analysis of cost variances. The traditional analysis to variances of direct materials cost doesn't refer to movements of stock, and doesn't refer to efficiency of the buying, production and selling processes.

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
تناقش هذه الدراسة تحليل انحرافات تكلفة المواد المباشرة في ظل البيئة التصنيعية الحديثة. يشير الباحث إلى أن الأساليب التقليدية لتحليل انحرافات التكلفة لم تعد كافية لتلبية احتياجات البيئة التصنيعية الحديثة، حيث تركز على مرحلة ما بعد الإنتاج وتغفل عن مراحل ما قبل الإنتاج. يقترح الباحث إطارًا جديدًا لتطوير تحليل انحرافات التكلفة يتماشى مع متطلبات البيئة الحديثة، ويعزز من دور نظام التكاليف المعيارية في دعم نظم الرقابة وتقويم الأداء وتحقيق استراتيجية التحسين المستمر. تم تطبيق الإطار المقترح على شركة مصفاة بانياس كدراسة حالة، وتوصل الباحث إلى أن التغيرات في البيئة التصنيعية لم تؤد إلى تقويض دور نظام التكاليف المعيارية، بل تتطلب تطوير الأساليب التقليدية لتوفير معلومات أكثر دقة وشمولية. تشمل النتائج الرئيسية أن التحليل التقليدي لا يفصح عن تحركات المخزون وفعالية عمليات الشراء والإنتاج والبيع، وأنه يجب توسيع نطاق التحليل ليشمل جوانب جديدة مثل انحرافات الجودة والإنتاج ومخزون المواد المباشرة ومخزون الإنتاج التام وطلبات الشراء وطلبيات البيع.
Critical review
تعتبر هذه الدراسة خطوة مهمة نحو تحسين أساليب تحليل انحرافات التكلفة لتتناسب مع متطلبات البيئة التصنيعية الحديثة. ومع ذلك، يمكن القول أن الدراسة قد تفتقر إلى بعض الجوانب العملية التي قد تكون ضرورية لتطبيق الإطار المقترح بشكل فعال في مختلف الصناعات. على سبيل المثال، لم يتم التطرق بشكل كافٍ إلى كيفية تنفيذ التعديلات المقترحة على الأنظمة المحاسبية القائمة، وما إذا كانت هناك تحديات تقنية أو تنظيمية قد تواجه الشركات عند محاولة تبني هذا الإطار. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، قد يكون من المفيد تضمين دراسات حالة إضافية من صناعات مختلفة لتأكيد فعالية الإطار المقترح في بيئات تصنيعية متنوعة.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي المشكلة الرئيسية التي تعالجها الدراسة؟

    تتعامل الدراسة مع مشكلة عدم كفاية الأساليب التقليدية لتحليل انحرافات تكلفة المواد المباشرة في تلبية احتياجات البيئة التصنيعية الحديثة، وعدم تشجيعها على التحسين المستمر.

  2. ما هو الإطار المقترح من قبل الباحث لتطوير تحليل انحرافات التكلفة؟

    يقترح الباحث إطارًا جديدًا يتضمن توسيع نطاق التحليل ليشمل جوانب جديدة مثل انحرافات الجودة والإنتاج ومخزون المواد المباشرة ومخزون الإنتاج التام وطلبات الشراء وطلبيات البيع، وذلك لتوفير معلومات أكثر دقة وشمولية.

  3. ما هي النتائج الرئيسية التي توصلت إليها الدراسة؟

    من النتائج الرئيسية أن التغيرات في البيئة التصنيعية لم تؤد إلى تقويض دور نظام التكاليف المعيارية، وأن التحليل التقليدي لا يفصح عن تحركات المخزون وفعالية عمليات الشراء والإنتاج والبيع، مما يتطلب تطوير الأساليب التقليدية.

  4. ما هي التوصيات التي يقدمها الباحث بناءً على نتائج الدراسة؟

    يوصي الباحث بضرورة توسيع نطاق تحليل انحرافات المواد المباشرة ليشمل جوانب جديدة، واستخدام المقاييس غير المالية إلى جانب المقاييس المالية، وتطوير تقارير الانحرافات لتكون أكثر شمولية وملاءمة لاحتياجات البيئة التصنيعية الحديثة.

References used
CHEATHAM, C; CHEATHAM V., 1996, Redesigning Cost Systems: Is Standard Costing Obsolete?, Accounting Horizons, December, pp 5 – 36
GERDIN, J., 2005, Management Accounting System Design in Manufacturing Departments: An Empirical Investigation Using a Multiple Contingencies Approach, Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol. 30, No. 2: pp 99–126
GERVAIS M., 2001, Contrôle de gestion, 7eme édition, Economica, Paris, France, 420 pages
فركوس, محمد, 2001 , الموازنات التقديرية أداة فعالة للتسيير، ديوان المطبوعات الجامعية, الجزائر, 324 صفحة.
rate research

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The criticisms connected with the traditional approach for variance analysis of conversion cost focused on using variance of volume for measuring exploitation of productive capacity, and negligence of increasing in the production, also using working hours, and the time of machines working as a basis for counting carrying rates of conversion costs, and counting the variance. When variance analysis was not restricted in determined group of changes, and the changes which are used in the analysis can change according to what develops and appears of situations and needs, so variance analysis in its present form does not provide suitable information about the competitive attitude of economic unit from costing side. Therefore, it is necessary to improve and modify the traditional method of variance analysis of conversion cost under needs and strategies of modern industrial systems, to fit the variance analysis in a way that treats the criticisms which were directed to this style, the role of standard costs system in support of control systems and performance correction, and achievement the strategy of continuous improvement. The research tries to study the criticisms which were directed to the traditional method of variance analysis of conversion cost, then to apply the modern method of variance analysis of conversion cost, and which suits with requirements of modern industrial environment, in company of Banias Refinery, and the researcher reaches to series of results, the most important of those are: The changes which happened in modern industrial environment affected the traditional analysis of variance of conversion cost; The traditional analysis of variance of conversion cost doesn't encourage the continuous improvement; The traditional analysis of variance of conversion cost doesn't refer to movements of stock in its different types; and The total variance of conversion cost in company of Banias Refinery is (-399845730) , that is actual conversion cost bigger than standard conversion cost to the actual production.
Cost standards represent the main part of the building process of any complete standard cost system. Given this, the cost calibration process attracts special attention in the domains of planning, control, and decision making. The criticisms direct ed to standard costing systems in the traditional environment do not mean that these systems must be abandoned in the modern industrial environment, but they must be developed to reflect the competitive and technological changes, making them more competent and effective. That is, the past and present determination for what it must achieve, and what it must be, then for performance continuation and measuring what has been achieved, and comparing it with what was set, and determining variances and their reasons, can't reduce its importance and role in increasing the effectiveness of control and evaluation of performance. The researcher discusses how to develop cost standards in the light of modern environmental changes represented in international competition and the technology of modern industry. To achieve the objective of this research, the researcher studies the following points: • Determining aims that these cost standards must serve in the environment of modern industry. • Studying the proposed characteristics that these cost standards must acquire in the light of the modern industrial environment. • Steps of standard preparation in the light of the modern industrial environment.
The importance of the study of the environment under international humanitarian law to the exposed developing countries to global marginalization led by the major industrialized countries redeployment of polluting industries to the environment in the south of the developing regions under the slogan of contributing to the development of developing countries, and in this context, we must address the requirements of environmental protection in the international humanitarian law remained and the efforts being made for it, especially at the time of wars and armed conflicts
Abstract The metrics standardly used to evaluate Natural Language Generation (NLG) models, such as BLEU or METEOR, fail to provide information on which linguistic factors impact performance. Focusing on Surface Realization (SR), the task of convertin g an unordered dependency tree into a well-formed sentence, we propose a framework for error analysis which permits identifying which features of the input affect the models' results. This framework consists of two main components: (i) correlation analyses between a wide range of syntactic metrics and standard performance metrics and (ii) a set of techniques to automatically identify syntactic constructs that often co-occur with low performance scores. We demonstrate the advantages of our framework by performing error analysis on the results of 174 system runs submitted to the Multilingual SR shared tasks; we show that dependency edge accuracy correlate with automatic metrics thereby providing a more interpretable basis for evaluation; and we suggest ways in which our framework could be used to improve models and data. The framework is available in the form of a toolkit which can be used both by campaign organizers to provide detailed, linguistically interpretable feedback on the state of the art in multilingual SR, and by individual researchers to improve models and datasets.1
Adopted the Syrian economy , which has seen an interference large part of the State , the public sector, which is employing a workforce in various sectors of the economy , and the issuance of the Legislative Decree No. / 7/ 2007 on the promotion of i nvestment and had been preceded by Law No. / 10 / of 1991, evidence of awareness the need for change in the economic policies and a legal framework to attract foreign direct investment , because this kind of investments have the potential to diversify the economy and develop it at the lowest cost, create jobs , and bring in capital and expertise and assistance on the development of geographic regions varied. In case of setting conditions for the foreign direct investments serve the national economy. The research found that there is a role for foreign direct investment on the process of economic development in the Syrian Arab Republic on the basis of the results of the field survey.

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