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الدراسة التحليلية لتأثير التفاعل المتبادل بين التربة وبناء أثري واقع بالقرب من سرير نهر "برج قلعة دمشق الواقعة قرب نهر بانياس

1313   0   22   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2014
  fields Civil Engineering
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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No English abstract

References used
Awwad T., (2013). The Role of Soil Improvement for Conservation of Syrian Historical Monuments. Proceedings of the ATC19 Workshop in 18th ICSMGE, Paris, /Role of Geoengineering in Conservation of Cultural Heritage, September 2013 pp 89-94
Berthier, S. (2003). Premiers travaux de la mission FrancoSyrie nne (DGAMIFEAD) à la citadelle de Damas. Bilan preliie sur la fouille de lasalle à colonne (2000-2001). Une occupation attestée durant les deuxderniers millenaires”, Les Annales Archéologiques Arabes Syriennes, XLV-XLVI, 393-413
Berthier S., (2006). La cittadelle de Damas: les apports d’un etu dearcheologique. H. Kennedy (Ed.), Muslim Military Architecture in Greater Syria, Leiden, 151-164
Berthier, S., AlEjji E. (2002). Cittadelle de Damas. Supplement of the Bulletind’Etudes Orientales, LIII-LIV
Blasi, C., Coisson E. (2008). Analysis and diagnosis of the damaged structures of Damascus. Citadel, Damascus
rate research

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The objective of this article is describing the changes of the coastline shape during the time period extended between 1973-2014. the coastal zone is very special because it occur at the interface between the three major natural systems at the ear th surface atmosphere, ocean and land surface. Geomorphological factors operating in all three of these systems are responsible for shaping the coastal zone, and the interaction between the three different sets of processes makes the coastal zone an extremely dynamic one. At present, a wide range of tools and techniques are available to help us to study the evolution of coastline during the time intervals determined by the available data, and thus become our ability to predict future changes. improve our understanding of the geomorphological processes affect the coastal zone allow us to minimize their effects, and use this knowledge in the development of comprehensive coastal zone management planning.
This study was carried out for three years (٣-٥ months every year) during maximum of aquatic hyphomycetes distribution ( in - Autumn and Winter), which related with the period of leaves-fall. We studied ٩٠ water samples taken from Banias River. We identified ٧٠ species of aquatic hyphomycetes by investigtion ٨٢٨ spore - isolates taken from water samples. The factors responsible for the occurrence of different patterns of their distribution have been determined. Therefore, this work is done for the first time in Syria and given an important side of ecological and botanical diversity in the waters of our country.
This study deals with spatial and temporal distributions of organic and inorganic phosphorus in sedimentary columns from Al-Kabir Al-Shimaliand Al-Hussain estuaries, during the period March 2013- February 2014. Organic phosphorus concentrations ra nged between (2.0 - 207.6) μg/gin sediments from Al-Kabir Al-Shimali estuary, and from (1.7 –130.9) μg/gin sediments from Al-Hussainestuary. Sediment content from inorganic phosphorus ranged between (12.4 – 371.2)μg / g at sediments from Al-Kabir Al-Shimali estuary, and from (2.0 - 242.6)μg /g at Al-Hussain estuary. Granular composition of sediments did not play a significant role in the temporal and spatial distributions of organic and inorganic phosphorus. In general, organic and inorganic phosphorus concentrations decreased gradually from winter to summer, and from surface layers of the sedimentary column towards the deeper layers. The ratiobetween inorganic and organic phosphorus increasedfrom river into marine sediments. In addition, this ratio increased gradually as the sedimentdepthincreased, and was high in winter and low in summer.
The studied area forms a part of the coastal basin on the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea located north of Tartous city.The area is bordered by the Mediterranean Sea from the west. And (jobar,banias, albasia) rivers from north, al Housen river from the south. The area covers about (358) km2. The research aims to find arelationship between rainfall and flow within Mrqiyeh River Basin, by conducting analytical statistical study using Minitab software, which helps in completing the measurements are not available, and to predict the river flows depending on the expected precipitation in the river basin. The study found that the relationship is:Q = 216 + 0.0379 P - 36.8ln (P) + 3.46ln(Q) ,and rainfall reflect 87.2% of the changes that occur to the flow of the river. The study recommended that need to intensify the river discharges measurements in order to increase the reliability of their data.

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