اقترحت دراسات المختبرات في الإدراك وعلم النفس الأخلاق بعض العوامل المواضيعية واللغوية التي تؤثر على التفكير الأخلاقي.تقيم هذه الورقة مدى جودة نتائج هذه الدراسات التي تعززها إلى مجموعة كبيرة من أكثر من 22000 أوصف لحالات محفوظة منشورة على منتدى مخصص.في موقع الوسائط الاجتماعي هذا، يحكم المستخدمون على ما إذا كان المؤلف في الخطأ أم لا فيما يتعلق بالحدث الذي وصفه المؤلف أم لا.نجد أنه، بما يتوافق مع دراسات المختبرات، هناك اختلافات ذات دلالة إحصائية في استخدامات الصوت السلبي لأول شخص، بالإضافة إلى الوكلاء والمرضى من أول شخص أول، بين أوصاف المواقف التي تتلقى أحكاما مختلفة اللوم.هذه الميزات أيضا الأداء أيضا في مهمة التنبؤ بالحشرات الجماعية في نهاية المطاف.
Lab studies in cognition and the psychology of morality have proposed some thematic and linguistic factors that influence moral reasoning. This paper assesses how well the findings of these studies generalize to a large corpus of over 22,000 descriptions of fraught situations posted to a dedicated forum. At this social-media site, users judge whether or not an author is in the wrong with respect to the event that the author described. We find that, consistent with lab studies, there are statistically significant differences in uses of first-person passive voice, as well as first-person agents and patients, between descriptions of situations that receive different blame judgments. These features also aid performance in the task of predicting the eventual collective verdicts.
References used
Abstract We adopt an evolutionary view on language change in which cognitive factors (in addition to social ones) affect the fitness of words and their success in the linguistic ecosystem. Specifically, we propose a variety of psycholinguistic factor
The Linguistic Anthropology process many problematic thoughts , this problematic are all related with the arrangement which we can study language by its reveal.
So, as we well see this essay is arguing in methods , ideas and theories which discuss t
This study aims to highlight the external influences that contributed to the
enrichment of Arab Islamic culture through translation, which was one of the most
important means of intellectual transmission among different peoples throughout the ages
The impact of the "crisis of comparative literature" (Renee Wilk) in the critical
center of the fire spread in the wild, although the vocabulary did not bear new added to the
efforts of critics and comparison in his time and before. From a research
Neural Machine Translation (NMT) models have been observed to produce poor translations when there are few/no parallel sentences to train the models. In the absence of parallel data, several approaches have turned to the use of images to learn transl