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Vision cash for art when Herbert Marcuse

الرؤية النقدية للفن عند هربرت ماركيوز

2542   1   311   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2014
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Aims find dismantling infrastructure formative to see Marcuse cash – analytical, of how the like can be art: imagination- or what he called the new sensitivity – to play in a matter of revolutionizing awareness and the formation of perception. Working tools new knowledge motivation main breeding aesthetic actor, and a new language- to create a new world on the level of thought and reality. In a world possible for a rational civilization technologically advanced, and required by the overall process of the process of production of the necessities, and the policies of capital, and market volatility, and means of Mass communication, and methods of advertising…..etc. that reinforce the foundations of the entire system of control and coordination and domination strips in advance of cash protest, opposition and all of its weapons, and fake awareness, and reduce the internal dimension of culture and thought, and creates countless needs of Pseudomonas. However converts individual selves as a whole, as things to tools running in a huge total productive, derives its raison derter, and the continuation of his, and his strength, and the inclusion of dominance, the productivity of a huge, and productivity than do those of the achievements in the various level of life.

References used
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قيس,هادي أحمد,الإنسان المعاصر عند هربرت ماركيوز,المؤسسة العربية , بيروت , ط 1 1980
ك .غ ,فيلونوفا,علم الجمال الاجتماعي النقدي:هربرت ماركيوز,المعرفة, لسنة 21 , عدد 347 , أيلول 1982
ماركيوز,هربرت ,الحب والحضارة, تر مطاع الصفدي ,دار الآداب, بيروت 1970
ماركيوز,هربرت,نحو ثورة جديدة,تر عبد اللطيف ش ا ررة,دار العودة ,بيروت, 1971
rate research

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Linguistic representations derived from text alone have been criticized for their lack of grounding, i.e., connecting words to their meanings in the physical world. Vision-and- Language (VL) models, trained jointly on text and image or video data, ha ve been offered as a response to such criticisms. However, while VL pretraining has shown success on multimodal tasks such as visual question answering, it is not yet known how the internal linguistic representations themselves compare to their text-only counterparts. This paper compares the semantic representations learned via VL vs. text-only pretraining for two recent VL models using a suite of analyses (clustering, probing, and performance on a commonsense question answering task) in a language-only setting. We find that the multimodal models fail to significantly outperform the text-only variants, suggesting that future work is required if multimodal pretraining is to be pursued as a means of improving NLP in general.
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