إن إدراك الإنسان للبيئة العمرانية المحيطة به تؤثر بشكل مباشر على حياته و سلوكياته و بذلك فإن العمل على تجميل هذه البيئة و إظهار قيمها الجمالية من شأنه أن يغير في ردات فعل السكان تجاه المكان الذي يعيشون فيه و يساهم في إحداث تغييرات حقيقية في مواقفهم تجاه بعضهم البعض و يحاول هذا البحث أن يعرف بالبيئة العمرانية و القيم الجمالية التي تساهم في إدراكها و مدى أثر هذه القيم و تغييراتها في سلوك الأفراد من خلال عرض بعض التجارب المحلية والعربية و العالمية التي قامت بتجميل البيئة العمرانية بوسائل بسيطة و بمشاركة السكان المحليين و رصد التغييرات الإيجابية في سلوك هؤلاء السكان و التي ظهرت من خلال ردود أفعال تنوعت بحسب طبيعة العمل المقدم و المكان الذي تمت فيه التجربة .
A human being awareness of his\her surrounding built environment
directly affects his-her life and behaviors. Therefore, working to improve this
environment and reveal its aesthetic values can change people’s reactions
towards the place itself and it can cause real changes in their attitudes towards
each other
In brief, this presentation is trying to find out about the built environment
and the aesthetic values, which contribute in its realizations.
It also discusses the effect of such values on the individuals' behavior by
listing some local , Arabic and foreign experiences that have improved the
built environment, using simple means as well as involving the locals in the
aesthetic developing process of their own region in order to create positive
changes in their manners which appears by their manners .
References used
ROOF,k.;OLERU. public health: Seattle and king county's push for the built environment.j j environ health ,71,2008, 24-27
LYNCH,kevin.a,the image of the city.the Massachusetts Institute of technology and the president and fellows of Harvard college,USA,1960,181
A child friendly city is a city, or any local system of governance, committed to
fulfilling children‘s rights. It is a city where the voices, needs, priorities and rights of
children are an integral part of public policies, programs and decisions.
The constitutions of many countries of the world until recently included
traditional rights and freedoms, without paying attention to the
emergence of new rights imposed by human activities in his life, the
most important right to the environment, the right to the environment
was not among the constitutional rights mentioned, Its domestic
legislation on the occasion of its application to the laws of
environmental protection, but with the international and regional
attention to the right to the environment, many constitutions of
comparative countries have recently moved to recognize the principle of
the right of the individual in an appropriate environment.
This study aims to evaluate the consumer purchasing behavior who buys in order to
benefit from personal to him and members of his family in the economic crisis behavior
and to identify the choices and decisions of purchasing related to consumer goo
Many of studies try to analyze the relation between human and environment
which divided to physical environment and intellectual environment. Both
of them represented the tow environments -Natural and Cultural-. two
environments in this thesis wer
Research analyze the functional and social performance of the public spaces and
squares in the city of Lattakia, by studying the universal adopted principles and criteria in
this field. According to that, research define a functional and social req