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This researchwas conducted for the first time in Syria in order to studytheeffect of eyestalk ablation on moulting and ovarian maturation in PenaeusSemisulcatusas on essential step in most shrimp hatcheries . 12 females 15,5-17,5 cm and 6 adult males with a length of 14-16 cm were colectedat the sublittoal zone of city Jableh during the period from the beginning of the month of April 2012 until the end of June 2013. Eyestalks for 6 females were ablated while other females were left as control, and females were gathered with males by 2 : 1 in 150 L- tank connected to the basin 's filtering, controlled temperature range between 27-29 co and 38 ‰ salinity and oxygen dissolved 4 mg / l , Animals were fed individual once daily at a rate of 12 % of body weight with stuffed squid and shrimp. the study showed that all femaleswith eyestalk ablation were molted during the period of 2-6 days, the ovaries of five females began activeand one of female died, while females withnon of eyestalk ablation over a period of 8-20 days and ovaries oftwoof them showed development.
The research was conducted on 60 patients, checking in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Assad University Hospital in Latakia, complaining of infertility(an initial or secondary) between2011-2013 A satisfactory detailed story of t he couple was taken with extra focus on the clinical symptoms of polycysticovary of the wife (obesity, hirsutism, irregular menstruation, infertility) and overlooking other feminine or masculine causes of infertility. In addition to the calibration of Fsh, Lh, free testosterone, and ultrasound imaging of the uterus and ovaries, a perforation was performed on the ovaries by laparoscopic surgery. Patients were checked for a year. This check up showed healthy pregnancy in 27 patients by 45%, but this didn't work for 31 patients by 51.66%. In addition, 2 cases of abortion3.33% were reported. . The study showed that age, duration of infertility and the rate of LH had an effect on the success of the laparoscopic ovarian drilling process with patients of Polycystic ovary.
Twelve growing Shami heifers available in Dier-Al-Hajar Station for improving Shami Cattle weighing 115±3 kg and 178±4 days old were used to monitor the daily growth of ovarian follicles (daily numbers, size, length and number of waves, rate of gr owth and regression) using Transrectal Ultrasound Echo System (7.5 MHz probe) in 6-14 months-old heifers. Results indicated that ovarian follicles developed in a wave pattern in all Shami heifers when they were 6 months old and no significant differences in the number and size of ovarian follicles were found between right and left ovaries. A cohort of 4 to 7 small follicles with a diameter 2-5 mm developed together and one of them was selected for continual growth, became dominant and later regressed during the pre-pubertal stage.
Twelve growing Shami heifers available in Dier-Al-Hajar Station for improving Shami Cattle during 2005-2007 weighing 250±11 kg and 400±21 days old were used to monitore the growth of dynamic of ovarian follicles (daily numbers, size, length and nu mber of waves, rate of growth and regression) and characteristics of estrus cycle (length, time of dominancy, diameter of Graffian follicle and estrus and ovulatory times), length of corpus luteum (CL) during the estrous cycle. Heifers were maintained under uniform conditions and fed according to their daily growth. Transrectal Ultrasound Echo System (7.5 MHz probe) was used to study the ovarian structures and to monitor the daily development and regression of ovarian follicles, the formation and regression of corpus luteum in the left and right ovaries during the estrus cycle. Results indicated that the growth turnover of ovarian follicles was observed and developed in a wave pattern in all Shami heifers and no significant differences in the number and sizes of ovarian follicles were found between right and left ovaries. A cohort of 5 to 7 small follicles with a diameter 2-5 mm developed together and one of them was selected to continue growing and becomes dominant and later on being regressed or ovulated during the estrus cycle. One to five follicular waves were observed per cycle and each wave was characterized by the development of one large (dominant) follicle and a variable number of smaller follicles. The estrus cycle with one follicular wave occurred only in heifers exhibited the first post pubertal cycles with an average length equaled to 8.67±0.33 days. Frequency of estrus cycle according to the number of follicular waves was 8.4, 25.3, 44.2, 20 and 2.1% in cycles having 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 follicular waves, respectively. Furthermore , the length of estrus cycle was also related to the number of follicular waves and it was 21.87±0.62, 22.44±0.74, 26.4±0.72, 26.50±3.50 days in cycles having 2, 3, 4 and 5 follicular waves, respectively with significant differences (P < 0.05) in cycles with 2 or 3 vs. 4 and/or 5 waves. The functional duration of CL was extended to 9, 12 and 15 days in a short (17-19 days), intermediate (20-24 days) and long estrus cycle (≥ 25 days). The maximum diameter of dominant follicles in ovulatory waves was significantly larger (P < 0.05) than that of dominant follicles in nonovulatory waves. In conclusion, this study showed that the development of ovarian follicles in Shami heifers occurs in waves and the most common pattern is three waves per estrous cycle.
Fifteen Shami cows available in Dier-Al-Hajar Station for improving Shami Cattle were used during 2009-2010 to evaluate the ovarian response of cows for gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) or human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) injected on day 5 of the estrus cycle during which dominant follicle is growing in the first follicular wave. Animals were divided randomly into three groups of five cows. Group 1 was left as a control and received no treatment while Groups 2 and 3 received on day 5 of the estrous cycle a single i.m. injection of 8 ?g of a GnRH agonist (Buserelin) and 3000 IU hCG, respectively. Transrectal ovarian ultrasonography was performed daily to monitor ovarian follicular dynamics and corpus luteum.
Ovarian pathology can occur at any time from fetal life to menopause. And the most common benign and malignant ovarian masses are cystic in origin, so the treatment is very important where continual search about the preferred ways, less invasion an d less complications. The aim of this study is to describe the advantages and disadvantages of the laparoscopic ovarian Cystectomy.

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