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Through this study we will explain the application of data mining and business intelligence using the data existed in the library of the Arab International University. This data has been linked to the data of the students on the academic system of the university. The study will also answer questions that affect the work of the educational institution in general and the library in particular, propose solutions to improve the work of the library and its services, enhance library working methods, and specify indicators related to the role of information resources in the educational operation.
The study aimed to identify the relationship between the technical, human, and regulatory abilities, and the adoption of decision support system in the Syrian Coast Banks. The researcher used the comprehensive inventory of all the banks in the Syri an Coast style, and relied on a questionnaire for data collection, where she distributed (118) to identify a sample of workers in the studied banks. The study concluded that the technical, human and regulatory abilities, have a role on the adoption of decision support system in the Syrian Coast Banks, and the most important result was that the banks own human capital is able to adopt a decision support systems. Then some of the recommendations show up for successful adoption of decision support systems and most important are: increased interest in available regulatory abilities through the necessity of a separate unit for decision support systems directly linked to the senior management at the banks in the Syrian Coast, and let the organizational structure to flow the information easily between different departments, greater attention to human abilities available to use the decision support systems like: provision of specialized training programs for workers to use decision support system software.
تهدف الدراسة إلى ايضاح أثر الإدارة و عناصر الادارة الناجحة للمعرفة و علاقتها بتميز الأداء في شركات تكنولوجيا المعلومات و الاتصالات العاملة في سوريا, حيث تعتبر إدارة المعرفة في الشركات العالمية مفتاح النجاح ضمن إقتصاد قائم على المعرفة فهي الوسيلة الو حيدة التي تؤمن بقاء و استقرار و نمو هذه الشركات, بالعودة للدراسات السابقة نجد هناك دراسات تمت لتحديد عوامل نجاح ادارة المعرفة و اصطلح على تسميتها بعوامل النجاح الحرجة لإدارة المعرفة, لذلك قمنا بهذه الدراسة الميدانية لمعرفة الى اي مدى يتم تطبيق هذه العوامل ضمن الشركات السورية و ما تاثير هذه العوامل على الأداء التنظيمي.
The Research Aims: Syrian organizations keep large amounts of information and data about their personnel in their IT systems. This information, however, is often left unutilized or may be analyzed through statistical methods. In this study, DM is considered a solution for analyzing HR data and explore knowledge from data stored in some Syrian organization through two major stages: Stage A: Using results of Semi-Annual performance evaluation process to build prototype showed in (Fig. 6) to accomplish two tasks: 1. Building a models to predict appropriate job function for an employee through majority principle and using high accuracy result to increase the number of training data and make it self-learning model. 2. Choose most important attributes that used in classify methods to use it in personnel selection and recruitment. Stage B: Using data of Time & Attendance to analysis personnel activity through clustering methods and building many meaningful groups.
ظهرت المحاججة كمقاربة مهمة في الذكاء الصنعي لحل مسائل دعم القرار بسبب قدرتها على إعطاء مبررات للقرار المتخذ من خلال تقديم الحجج الداعمة و الحجج الداحضة التي ستقنع كلاً من متخذي القرار و المعنيين به، إضافة إلى قدرة المحاججة على حل مسائل دعم القرار ف ي حالات المعلومات غير الكاملة، و لأنها تمثل الطريقة الأكثر قرباً لتلك التي يتداول فيها الأشخاص واقعياً لاتخاذ قراراتهم. تسمح المحاججة أيضاً بمعالجة مسألة دعم القرار بوجود معلومات متناقضة، و لهذه الميزة أهمية خاصة في حالة القرار الجماعي، لأن كل مشارك في اتخاذ قرار يستند إلى جملة معارف و اعتبارات قد تكون مختلفة ( و أحياناً متناقضة ) عن تلك التي تكون لدى مشاركٍ آخر.
The maintenance and repair of road networks became a key and very important issue, because of the large increase in length and the limited budget available for maintenance. This research aims to develop an optimal strategy for maintenance of road i n order to distribute the annually limited budget on maintenance programs of road network as a whole according to multiple objectives. The proposed mathematical model ensures raising the performance of the road network in Lattakia for the multiple targets, taking into account the constraints imposed on the maintenance process, using goal programming technique. To validate the proposed model we have studied the central road case, and the samples were Lattakia-Qurdaha and Lattakia-Haffa-Slinfa roads, we have got results represented by the number of meters can be maintained for each type of maintenance for every degree and their locations on the road network within the funds available. A commercial software called lingo has used to solve the linear programming model (phase 1) and Excel program has used to design the interface for data entry required and the formation of equations model, Excel program have also used to determine the segments which have to maintain first on the road network (phase 2). The proposed model may apply for the different situations of the budget (open, closed) and for policies and multiple options in order to reach results related to sensitively model.
This research aims to develop a model of decision-making for the selection of the most appropriate strategy of the maintenance methods of equipments. A model has been developed in order to determine the maintenance plan that causes the lowest cost, whether the cost of repairing or losses result from interruptions of work for maintenance.

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