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This study deals with the determination of the quantity of solid dust particles deposed on the leafs of some trees along Syrian coast and the concentration of some heavy metals in it (Zn, Fe, Pb, Cu, Ni, Cd, Co, Mn) .Some sites near to human and in dustrials activities , and others near to agriculture activities , and others relatively far from pollution sources has been selected. The results showed that the quantity of solid dust particles on leafs trees and concentration of heavy metals in it such as (Pb, Ni, Cd, Co) increasing near the industrials activities and dense traffic, and decreasing in the sites that relatively far from of pollution sources. However Cypress trees attach solid quantities more than Pride of china, following Rever red gum and Blue-leafed wattle and Oleander, and the Palm tree come in the last.
نفذ البحث خلال عامي 2009-2010 في مركز أبحاث جامعة الفرات حيث زرعت بذور اربعة اصناف من النخيل ( البرحي- الخستاوي- المجهول - الزاهدي وذلك لمعرفة تأثير الإجهاد الجفافي والملحي في النسبة المئوية لانبات البذور
سوسة النخيل الحمراء (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Olivier (Coleoptera Curculionidae من أهم الحشرات التي تهاجم أشجار نخيل التمر و أخطرها في معظم مناطق زراعتها في العالم، بينت نتائج هذا البحث الذي أجري في إحدى مزارع النخيل في منطقة الختم، أن استخدام ال مصائد الفيرمونية التجميعية لهذه الحشرة أعطى نتائج جيدة في جمع أعداد كبيرة منها على مدار العام، و منع انتشارها إلى مناطق جديدة و ازدياد أعدادها في المناطق المصابة، و تحديد أماكن انتشار الإصابة و فترات نشاط الحشرة و النسبة الجنسية على مدار العام، و هذا ما ساعد في وضع الخطط و البرامج اللازمة للحد من أضرار هذه الحشرة و تقييم عمليات المكافحة المتبعة ضدها، و من المعلوم أن الفيرمونات لا تسبب أية أضرار للبيئة أو الإنسان أو الحيوان، كما أن هذه الطريقة سهلة التطبيق، و رخيصة التكاليف على المدى البعيد. بينت نتائج هذه الدراسة فعالية التراكيز 400 ، 200 و 700.
This investigation was carried out at the experimental Station of the College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, King Saud University, Al-Qassim, Saudi Arabia, during the growing season 2001/2002. The objectives of the research were to study and evaluate the productivity, morphological and physiological behavior of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) plants grown under palm trees environment. The results proved the important effects of palm trees shading on alfalfa growth, development and productivity. Significant differences were observed between the control treatment and the two other treatments. The results also showed a significant increase in fresh and dry weight and quality characteristics except for fat percentage. This percentage increased gradually from treatment 1, which was located under palm trees, to treatment 2, which was located between palm trees to the control treatment, which was located away from palm trees, where there was no shading. The morphological and physiological characteristics did not significantly change in spite of the existed changes among their means.
Stages of initial callus and embryiods of date palm Phoenix dactylifera L. were histological and chronological studied begging from the ٢nd weeks of culturing segment of shoot tip to ten months in MS medium containing ١٠٠mg/l ٢،٤-D with activated charcoal in the dark. The study reveled that the active meristematic cells were unequally distributed in the explant and concentrated in the shoot apical dome and leaf margin. These cells are the bases from which initial callus started its growth. Somatic proembryo appeared for the first time as a meristematic cells groups separated from each other by relatively thick walls after five months of culturing in continuos culture in the same medium .In progress months (٦-١٠) the small simple proembryos continued into advanced multicell embryos and underwent polarization. Also the embryos were observed with attendance for division and separation into smaller or budded to produce numerous other.

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