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For updating the translations of Japanese statutes based on their amendments, we need to consider the translation focality;'' that is, we should only modify expressions that are relevant to the amendment and retain the others to avoid misconstruing i ts contents. In this paper, we introduce an evaluation metric and a corpus to improve focality evaluations. Our metric is called an Inclusive Score for DIfferential Translation: (ISDIT). ISDIT consists of two factors: (1) the n-gram recall of expressions unaffected by the amendment and (2) the n-gram precision of the output compared to the reference. This metric supersedes an existing one for focality by simultaneously calculating the translation quality of the changed expressions in addition to that of the unchanged expressions. We also newly compile a corpus for Japanese partially amendment translation that secures the focality of the post-amendment translations, while an existing evaluation corpus does not. With the metric and the corpus, we examine the performance of existing translation methods for Japanese partially amendment translations.
The aim of this research is to predict the quantities of soil lost by the water erosion in the Al-Hawiz Dam basin area using GIS and RUSL. R factor was calculated through matimatical equation after collecting rain data during 2008-2017 from weather station at Basel-Al-Assad airport .k value of each soil sampl was calculated after determination of txture,structure,saturated hydrolic conductivity, and organic matter).a map were prepared showed local distribution of k values .slop factor was determined as well as using DEM for studied region, and slop map was introduced in mathematical equation through a GIS to obtain LS map .NDV used for studied region to calculate C map.To obtain predictive map of soil lost quantitis ,maps of LS,C,K was multiplicated with R value. The results showed that R value in studied region 342.78 ,while k factor value was 0.7-0.28.soil with low value concentrated at medium part of studied region,whil slop factor value was between 0 and 38.87.C factor value was 0.29 at west part and 0.98 at east part .prediction map of lost quantites was classified in to 4 degrees according erosion risk ( very low risk ,low,medium,high .The results of soil lost quantities were classified in to 4 classes in studied region : very low( 0-5) t/h/year,low( 5-12 ) t/h/year and medium ( 12-24 t/h/year and severe in which soil loss exceeded 24 t/h/year
Mobile Wireless Sensor Network (MWSN) is an emerging technology for attraction of researchers with its research advantage and various application domains. Due to limited resources of sensor nodes such as transmission power, communication capability and size of memory, data aggregation algorithms are the most practical technique that reduces large amount of transmission in this network. Security is an important criterion to be considered because, wireless sensor nodes are deployed in a remote or hostile environment area that is prone to attacks easily. Therefore, security are essential issue for MWSN to protect information against attacks. In this research, we offered an algorithm of secure data aggregation in MWSN based on pair-wise keys technology and hash function. We studied important parameters such as execution time, end-to-end delay and number of storied keys. Results showed that
These days compositedefinitly became at the top of direct cosmetic restorations, and the most using restorative material, due to this development now it's used for direct Veneers &Lumineers. Because of the high sensitivity of its application, gene ral practitioner should achieve a dry, clear work field, especially gingival area. The aim of the study was to use the modified metal matrix, which used in this study, is to retract the gum, isolate the tooth from the exudation of the sulcus and bleeding gum avoiding margin leakage, also provide acceptable continuance between the restoration surface and the under gum tooth structure, to prevent forming reverse stage under gum. 120 teeth were included in this study, all teeth were treated using the modified metal matrix, 10 teeth at least for each patient, with no orthodontic treatment. The results have practically proved getting all goals; retracted gum, tooth isolated from exudation of the sulcus and bleeding gum, also provided continuance between veneers and under gum tooth structure, and not having reverse stage which is the main cause of gum inflammation, beside time saving and easy direct veneer application.
This study aims to in vivo evaluate the direct microleakage, in class V composite restoration after isolation using the modified metal matrix or gingival retraction cord impregnated with Adrenaline. Materials and Methods: the research sample consiste d of 15 patients; each patient has two premolars at least prepared to be extracted for Orthodontic reasons in the same jaw. This sample divided into two groups according to the place, the right premolars group and the left premolars group, whether was upper or lower. Class V cavity was prepared with a specific dimensions on the buccal surface only, then isolated teeth of the first set by modified metal matrix while isolated teeth of the second set by a gingival retraction cord impregnated with Adrenaline. Teeth restored by composite resin, and then was extracted in the same meeting and studied the microleakage winning directly during restoration. .Results: there was statistical difference between the modified metal matrix and the gingival retraction cord impregnated with Adrenaline. Because modified metal matrix had achieved the lowest leakage rate.
يقدم هذه البحث وصفاً لسلوك المونة الإسمنتية المعدلة بالبولي إيتيلين و التي تم تعريضها بعد التصلب لدرجات حرارة قريبة من درجة ذوبان البولي إيتيلين. كما يعالج نمذجة هذا السلوك باعتبار المونة بعد تصلبها و تعرضها للحرارة و تبريدها كنظام ثنائي الطور مؤلف م ن المونة الإسمنتية المتصلبة (رمل و إسمنت و ماء)، و شبكة البولي إيتيلين المتصلب بعد تذويبه بالحرارة و تبريده و إعادة تصلبه. تسمح هذه النمذجة باستنتاج معامل مرونة المونة الإسمنتية المعدلة بالبولي إيتيلين و المعرضة للحرارة و التبريد انطلاقاً من معاملي مرونة المونة الإسمنتية المرجعية، و البولي إيتيلين المتصلب. و للتحقق من صلاحية هذه النمذجة كنظام ثنائي الطور، تم دراسة سلوك عينات من المونة الإسمنتية المعدلة بالبولي إيتيلين و المعرضة للحرارة، و استنتاج معامل المرونة تجريبياً من منحنيات الإجهاد – التشوه، و مقارنة هذه القيم مع قيم نظرية محسوبة وفق هذه النمذجة باعتبار أن المكونين الأساسيين لهذا النموذج و هما المونة الإسمنتية، و البولي إيتيلين المتصلب بعد الانصهار موزعان ضمن النماذج المقترحة وفق نموذج رياضي تسلسلي، أو نموذج رياضي متوازي أو مزيج بين الاثنين. تتقارب القيم التجريبية المحسوبة مع القيم التي تقدمها النمذجة المقترحة، مما يفسح المجال لاعتماد هذه النمذجة لحساب معامل المرونة رياضياً، و استنتاج بعض الخصائص الميكانيكية الأخرى للمونة أو البيتون من خلال النمذجة الرياضية.
This paper focus on studying the elastic of modified cement mortar by polyethylene (stress-strain) curve in order to have Young's elastic modulus, this made by tri-phases modeling that allow to determination the property of this item depending on t he property of it's three components individual. The validation of the proposed model has been studied extensively depending on a sample of cement mortar divided into two groups, the first one patterning normal cement mortar, second patterning modified cement mortar by Polyethylene witch substitute five percentage ratio of weight of sand by the same ratio of Polyethylene. Modified cement mortar is treated as composite of three components, Sand, Paste cement and Polyethylene. It's will be proposed models involving series, parallel and series-parallel coupling. This composite action is described by series-parallel model in which a portion of paste acts in parallel with sand and polyethylene and the remaining portion in series with this parallel coupling. Then according to the model we get Young's elastic modulus theoretically, reliance basic modulus factors of components. The proposed model is calibrated and verified by means of data set by experiment modulus results perform on cast samples in laboratory. It was found quite agreement of measured modulus factors experimentally versus theoretically.
Genetically modified girls are grown in many areas around the world, and the interest in planting them is increasing year after year. The area planted with genetically modified crops in 2012 amounted to about 3,170 million hectares distributed over 29 countries

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