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Every era has its own intellectual and social dimensions the influence of which extend to touch the artistic topics in terms of creativity and production conditions. The religious belief is considered as an important effect on the whole historicall y-successive artistic process. The oppression exercised by the religious authority on creativity has always been present, but in forms that differ from an era to another. Viewing the religious theme embodied in art works, we will recognize that vast area achieved throughout ages. At early stages art rested on primitive, mysterious magic-based beliefs. Then art introduced a physical representation of the images of the national gods and religious beliefs that used to give explanations about the universe and glorify kings. Clergymen, then, started to identify the boundaries and function of art in a way that served their goals. Christian religious men continued to employ art for the sake of their messages and teachings with a controversy over the role and limits of art. On the other side, Islamic art expanded but it neither served belief nor subject to any religious guidance. With certain spiritual nature, such Islamic art might have sought to avoid prohibition fatwas. Finally, art could not be freed from religion scopes until Renaissance had come with its human and mental spirit.
This research aims to shed light on the importance of religion in the life of any human society, and that the mind regulates the lives of the people and is considered as a revelation which guides the minds and thus achieve the integrity of the huma n soul and stability, as it is important in the life of the community is the one who ensures justice and equality between people. This research deals with the social role of religion through religious definition, and define the place of religion in society, the basic components of religious system, the core of the religion ingredients (belief, myth, weather), offer some theories that addressed the relationship between religion and society (Ibn Khaldun, Karl Marx, Max Weber , Emile Durkheim), and finally a conclusion and a summary of the role of religion in social life.
الدين: هو وضع إلهي يرشد إلى الحق في الاعتقادات، و إلى الخير في السلوك و المعاملات. و الحرية: هي الملكة الخاصة التي تميز الكائن الناطق عن غيره، و تمنحه السلطة في التصرف و الأفعال عن إرادة و روية، دون إجبار أو إكراه أو قسر خارجي. و الحرية الدينية أهم حقوق الإنسان بعد حق الحياة، إن لم تسبقها و تفوق عليها، لأن الدين أحد الضروريات الخمس، و هو أهم الضروريات، و يقدم في الشرع على حق الحياة، لذلك شرع الإسلام حماية العقيدة و حرية التدين. و إن الحرية الدينية مرتبطة بالعقل و الفكر، و حرية الإرادة و الاختيار، و القناعة الشخصية للإنسان، لأن الدين، ينبع من القلب، و لا سلطان لأحد عليه إلا لله تعالى.
This article re-interprets George Lamming’s theorization and presentation of language as a strategy of resistance in light of investigating the notion of the commodified self. In particular, Lamming’s Season of Adventure can be addressed as a narra tive of rebellious self-purchase that construes language as a medium of historical dissent to the imposed debt of colonial history. Language in Season of Adventure is shaped by revision as it retraces both the genealogy of the individual and the past of a nation. Arguably, such a revisionary conception of language ultimately projects an alternative genealogy of opposition. In this respect, both the thematic and narrative structure of Season of Adventure transcends the European debt of history and presents a textual counter-discourse that articulates a historiography of resistance. Recent theories on the logic of debt and Lamming’s strategies of linguistic resistance featured in his non-fiction writings are central to the premise of this reading of Season of Adventure.
تنبثق أهمية البحث من خلال إبراز الأحكام الفقهية الشرعية في قضية تعد من أهم القضايا التي تشغل الساحة الطبية و الفقهية، و الدراسة في هذا البحث تعد خدمة للإنسانية كلها لا المسلمين فحسب. هذا التساؤل عن تحديد الحياة الإنسانية بالموت الدماغي الذي لم يكن ل يثير الجدل و النقاش فيما مضى، و هذا بنظر أهل الاختصاص /الأطباء/ و لاسيما – أطباء جراحة المخ و الأعصاب - ما يعود إلى طفرة العلوم الحديثة و منها العلوم الطبية. و قد كشف في هذا التقدم عن كثير من دقائق الحياة، و أيضاً عن كثير من أسرار الموت، و ذلك من خلال استعمال الأجهزة الحديثة في أقسام العناية المركزة، و منها أجهزة التنفس الصناعي، و كذلك أجهزة قياس عمل المخ، فضلاًَ عن قياس وظائف محددة بالمخ.
The research aims at identifying the extent to which food exporting companies in Syria are interested in cultural and social influences (family, women, education, reference groups, language, religion, aesthetics, customs and traditions) in the ta rgeted international markets. The research adopted descriptive analytical method. The research community was one of the exporting food companies in Syria.
Religion has been one of the most important phenomena of human culture, which has gained the deep attention of Nietzsche. In view of this, our research has sought to delve into the depth of the Nietzsche’s critique of religion, which seeks to revea l the source or origin of the religion and the extent of its stiffness or Triviality. The interpretation methods has relied on revealing the value of interpretations given by the sponsors of religions in different concepts and their consequences, shedding light on the nature and the goals of the wills that control them.

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