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The ability to identify and resolve uncertainty is crucial for the robustness of a dialogue system. Indeed, this has been confirmed empirically on systems that utilise Bayesian approaches to dialogue belief tracking. However, such systems consider on ly confidence estimates and have difficulty scaling to more complex settings. Neural dialogue systems, on the other hand, rarely take uncertainties into account. They are therefore overconfident in their decisions and less robust. Moreover, the performance of the tracking task is often evaluated in isolation, without consideration of its effect on the downstream policy optimisation. We propose the use of different uncertainty measures in neural belief tracking. The effects of these measures on the downstream task of policy optimisation are evaluated by adding selected measures of uncertainty to the feature space of the policy and training policies through interaction with a user simulator. Both human and simulated user results show that incorporating these measures leads to improvements both of the performance and of the robustness of the downstream dialogue policy. This highlights the importance of developing neural dialogue belief trackers that take uncertainty into account.
This research aims to shed light on the importance of religion in the life of any human society, and that the mind regulates the lives of the people and is considered as a revelation which guides the minds and thus achieve the integrity of the huma n soul and stability, as it is important in the life of the community is the one who ensures justice and equality between people. This research deals with the social role of religion through religious definition, and define the place of religion in society, the basic components of religious system, the core of the religion ingredients (belief, myth, weather), offer some theories that addressed the relationship between religion and society (Ibn Khaldun, Karl Marx, Max Weber , Emile Durkheim), and finally a conclusion and a summary of the role of religion in social life.
This research aims to trace the most important studies in the last two decades of the twentieth century. Those studies dealt with the cognitive effects of the family's just world experience to revel the effect of the personal justice and experience o n the adolescents' school success. The research sample covers 493 adolescent: 439 adolescent in the intact families and 54 adolescent with single mothers. Questionnaire that was used as a research tool, consisted of (49) item that are divided into three fields: (1) the Personal Belief in a just world (2), the experiences of mothers' justice (3) school success. The research main conclusion is that the personal belief in the just world and the mothers justice are both very important indicators in school success i.e. the adolescent aim to learning, school performance and grades). the more they belief that the world is fair with them personally, the more they tended to learn specially those in intact families compared with their peers in families with single mothers. In addition to, the more mother's treatment of children was fair, the more oriented their aims school towards learning and performance and promote the concept of school positive and avoid school failure, especially females were less likely to avoid school work, and more reflective the concept of school-positive than male and thus received school grades higher.
This research highlights the need to "Belief" from the perspective of psychology,scientific research related to confront threats and experiences of loss and overcome it proved the existence of two needs independent for interpretation (Davis, et. al., 1998, P561), first: the desire to realize something in a hostile disliked, that it a positive attitude; where expresses here often for existential re-evaluations (now I know what is important in my life), or for positive social experiences (I've realized that I can rely on my family); such new positive interpretations are more likely, whenever a person characterized by mental flexibility in thinking and tolerance with others (Dalbert, 1996, P36). Second: the desire to find the meaning of accidents, this has been discussed the need to find a deeper meaning research in the field of the just World. First, in this paper We'll show hypothesis of the Just World by Lerner (1965-1980) and will summarize the most important results of 40 years of research in the just world, and will dedicate the second part of the research for the organization of research just world in a separate form a comprehensive justice motive, so that distinguish between intuitive reactions and the reflectivity of the subject justice. In conclusion, clarify the relationship between religiosity and belief in the just world.

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