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The goal of Event Factuality Prediction (EFP) is to determine the factual degree of an event mention, representing how likely the event mention has happened in text. Current deep learning models has demonstrated the importance of syntactic and semant ic structures of the sentences to identify important context words for EFP. However, the major problem with these EFP models is that they only encode the one-hop paths between the words (i.e., the direct connections) to form the sentence structures. In this work, we show that the multi-hop paths between the words are also necessary to compute the sentence structures for EFP. To this end, we introduce a novel deep learning model for EFP that explicitly considers multi-hop paths with both syntax-based and semantic-based edges between the words to obtain sentence structures for representation learning in EFP. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model via the extensive experiments in this work.
Abstract We investigate how well BERT performs on predicting factuality in several existing English datasets, encompassing various linguistic constructions. Although BERT obtains a strong performance on most datasets, it does so by exploiting common surface patterns that correlate with certain factuality labels, and it fails on instances where pragmatic reasoning is necessary. Contrary to what the high performance suggests, we are still far from having a robust system for factuality prediction.
The modern concepts of human rights crystallized after the world war It (1939 – 1945).After the war put its heavy load, the independent countries established the united Nations organization. This organization issued its charter which became one of the first documents of the international human rights. The charter stated the promotion of respecting human rights and the basic freedoms of all people without any discrimination because of gender, language or religion, and no difference between men and women. And since the charter lacked a list which deals in detail with the human rights, the united Nations issued the international announcement of the human rights on 10th December, 1948, which included the main principles of civilian, political, economic, social and cultural rights as well as individual freedoms. The reinforcement of the role of the united nations in preserving human rights came through the adoption of the international treaty of civil and political rights and the international treaty of economic, social and cultural rights in the year 1966. Those treaties provided the cover and the legal protection for a lot of rights which the international declaration of the human rights stated. Since then, many other treaties adopted different cases such as the treatment of prisoners, the situation of refugees, women rights and children rights. The application of the rules of the international law can be specified on both the internal national level and the international level through the work and the mutual effect from countries and with the help of national and international procedures. It is necessary that this is done through modifying these rules according to the national law that is applied in each country. The application of the legal rule in the national law plays a crucial role in applying the international rule in the field of human rights. In order to comply with the international criterion of human rights, it is necessary for the Arab countries to ratify the basic agreements of human rights, taking into consideration the peculiarity of the history of the development of each country. These purposes should help in the activity of the international and social organizations of human rights.
The study aimed to determine the level of awareness of consumer rights with individual consumers in the province of Homs، the detection of differences in the level of consumer awareness of their rights، according to the variables of sex، academic qualification، age، monthly income. Where the study sample size was "104" consumers، male and female، were chosen destination sample of some markets in the city of Homs in a way، as they dish consumer awareness of consumer rights of scale prepared by the researcher، after verifying of validity and reliability.
الحمد الله رب العالمين، والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا محمد الصادق الوعد الأمين، اللهم لا علم لنا إلا ما علمتنا إنك أنت العليم الحكيم، اللهم علمنا ما ينفعنا وانفعنا بما علمتنا وزدنا علماً، وأرنا الحق حقاً وارزقنا اتباعه، وأرنا الباطل باطلاً وارزقنا اجت نابه، واجعلنا ممن يستمعون القول فيتبعون أحسنه، وأدخلنا برحمتك في عبادك الصالحين، أما بعد، يتمثل موضوع البحث في القانون الواجب التطبيق على الجريمة الالكترونية، تلك الجريمة التي تعد وبحق أحد إفرازات الثورة المعلوماتية التي شهدها العالم في الآونة الأخيرة، فهي نتاج التطور التكنولوجي في مجال تبادل ونقل المعلومات بين الأفراد والجهات والدول عامة . ولموضوع البحث أهمية قصوى في تلك الآونة، فما زالت الدول تعاني من الفراغ التشريعي الذي يعالج ذلك النوع من الجرائم المستحدثة، ومن جانب آخر يتصادم القانون الواجب التطبيق على الجريمة الالكترونية مع إشكالية تنازع القوانين بوصفها جريمة – في أغلب الأحوال – تنطوي على عنصر أجنبي . وفيما يلي عرض لأهمية موضوع الدراسة، وما يثيره من إشكاليات، والمنهج المتبع لتحديد الأهداف المرجوة من الدراسة
We reviewed in this research the People guarantees of rights and public freedoms, whereas public opinion is an essential safeguard against the tyranny of the ruling authorities or exit on the legal rules, and the resistance of individuals to the t yranny of the ruling authorities is an important guarantee can be invoked as a social reaction to the breach of the constitutional rule and fundamental rights and freedoms, We concluded that the People guarantees are necessary, Because the legal guarantees are just relative guarantees, and can't guarantee the protection of a good stand-alone force of constitutional rules, As a result, It isn't enough for the maintenance of public rights and freedoms.
After September 11th attacks, the USA launched its so called war on terrorism using a number of legal and illegal means. Governmental and non-governmental reports of international organizations have indicated that American military bases have been used as incarceration and military court sites. Guantanamo is one of the most important American military base used in the war against terrorism. Other military bases throughout the world, such as Bagram base in Afghanistan, have been used for activities which exceed their traditional military objectives. These bases have experienced violations of human rights and international humanitarian laws. Military bases have been converted into incarceration and torture centerswhich witness serious violations of the international rights of prisoners. Prisoners have been deprived of their simplest legitimate rights. Such violations have been criticized by a number of regional and international organizations, which pressured the American government to announce its decision to close Guantanamo.
يتناول هذا البحث بالدراسة و التحليل أهمية تطبيق الأسلوب الماركوفي في قياس زمن بقاء الطالب في كل سنة و في الكلية بشكل عام، و تحديد عدد المتخرجين و التنبؤ بإعداد الخريجين لعام 2010 ، فقد أشير إلى الأساس النظري للنموذج الماركوفي الذي طبق في تحليل هذه ال ظاهرة سواء في تحديد أعداد الطلاب الذين يمكن قبولهم في كليه الحقوق في كل عام و الطلاب الذين يتخرجون من الكلية في كل سنة من سنوات الدراسة أو في الكلية بشكل عام .

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا