استعرضت في هذا البحث الضمانات الشعبية للحقوق و الحريات العامة , و المتمثلة في الرأي العام كضمانة أساسية ضد كل استبداد من السلطات الحاكمة أو خروجها على القواعد القانونية , و في مقاومة الأفراد لطغيان السلطات الحاكمة كضمانة هامة يمكن اللجوء إليها باعتبارها رد الفعل الاجتماعي للغخلال بالقاعدة الدستورية المقررة و بالحقوق و الحريات الأساسية , و خلصنا إلى أن الضمانات الشعبية ضرورية كون الضمانات القانونية هي ضمانات نسبية لا يمكن أن تضمن بذاتها حماية حسن نفاذ القواعد الدستورية, و بالنتيجة عدم كفايتها لصيانة الحقوق و الحريات.
We reviewed in this research the People guarantees of rights
and public freedoms, whereas public opinion is an essential
safeguard against the tyranny of the ruling authorities or exit on the
legal rules, and the resistance of individuals to the tyranny of the
ruling authorities is an important guarantee can be invoked as a
social reaction to the breach of the constitutional rule and
fundamental rights and freedoms, We concluded that the People
guarantees are necessary, Because the legal guarantees are just
relative guarantees, and can't guarantee the protection of a good
stand-alone force of constitutional rules, As a result, It isn't enough
for the maintenance of public rights and freedoms.
References used
الأسود, د. صادق, سنة 1990, الرأي العام و الإعلام, بغداد, ص 151-152
البحري, د. حسن , سنة 2009, القانون الدستوري, النظرية العامة, دمشق , الجامعة الافتراضية السورية , الطبعة الاولى.
The modern concepts of human rights crystallized after the world war It (1939 – 1945).After
the war put its heavy load, the independent countries established the united Nations organization.
This organization issued its charter which became one of
There is no doubt that Freedom is the opposite of
Authority. Both lunched its range is determined accordance with
society doctrine and political powers.
Political doctrine defines targets and tools of authority,
consequently, it defines position
Generally, the environmental constitutional regulations used by countries vary
between objective ones made to legalize the right for a safe
environment and procedural ones. This paper focuses on and
analyzes the methods that must be used when making decisions
related to environmental protection.
Liberties are very important, individuals could not get it easily, and
they lost many people for that. Then after they got their liberty, it
was necessary to ensure the protection of this freedom, by the law
and the Constitution. Although we always use the rules of the
constitution, sometimes state suffers of disasters affect its
security, and the work of its Intuitions, so in this case the state has
to have special rules such as ((state of emergency)) .
There are a number of commitments mentioned in the international
and Arab agreements and the Syrian legislation related to child
labor. Where the goal is to ensure working conditions suitable for
working children, commensurate with their abilities and potential,
and ensure the preservation of safety and health.