هدف التنبؤ بالحقائق في الحدث (EFP) هو تحديد درجة الواقعية لذكر الحدث، مما يمثل مدى احتمال ذكر الحدث في النص.أظهرت نماذج التعلم العميق الحالية أهمية الهياكل النحوية واللاللالية للجمل لتحديد كلمات السياق الهامة ل EFP.ومع ذلك، فإن المشكلة الرئيسية في نماذج EFP هذه هي أنها تشفص مسارات القفزة الواحدة فقط بين الكلمات (I.E.، والاتصالات المباشرة) لتشكيل هياكل الجملة.في هذا العمل، نظهر أن مسارات القفزات متعددة القفزة بين الكلمات ضرورية أيضا لحساب هياكل الجملة ل EFP.تحقيقا لهذه الغاية، نقدم نموذجا للتعليم العميق الجديد ل EFP الذي يعتبر صراحة مسارات القفزات متعددة القفزات مع كل من الحواف القائمة على بناء الجملة والدلية بين الكلمات للحصول على هياكل الجملة للتعلم في EFP.نوضح فعالية النموذج المقترح عبر التجارب الواسعة في هذا العمل.
The goal of Event Factuality Prediction (EFP) is to determine the factual degree of an event mention, representing how likely the event mention has happened in text. Current deep learning models has demonstrated the importance of syntactic and semantic structures of the sentences to identify important context words for EFP. However, the major problem with these EFP models is that they only encode the one-hop paths between the words (i.e., the direct connections) to form the sentence structures. In this work, we show that the multi-hop paths between the words are also necessary to compute the sentence structures for EFP. To this end, we introduce a novel deep learning model for EFP that explicitly considers multi-hop paths with both syntax-based and semantic-based edges between the words to obtain sentence structures for representation learning in EFP. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model via the extensive experiments in this work.
References used
Recent works show that the graph structure of sentences, generated from dependency parsers, has potential for improving event detection. However, they often only leverage the edges (dependencies) between words, and discard the dependency labels (e.g.
We study the problem of Event Causality Identification (ECI) to detect causal relation between event mention pairs in text. Although deep learning models have recently shown state-of-the-art performance for ECI, they are limited to the intra-sentence
Event detection (ED) task aims to classify events by identifying key event trigger words embedded in a piece of text. Previous research have proved the validity of fusing syntactic dependency relations into Graph Convolutional Networks(GCN). While ex
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We propose the Recursive Non-autoregressive Graph-to-Graph Transformer architecture (RNGTr) for the iterative refinement of arbitrary graphs through the recursive application of a non-autoregressive Graph-to-Graph Transformer and apply it to syntacti