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The Holy Quran among the heavenly books states the phases of embryo development vividly, by naming each phase and defining the beginning and the end of it. It describes the outer appearance of the embryo, and mentions in details the embryogenesis stages. In this article ( The Jurisprudence Of Fetus Between Science And Law ) I'll try discuss (review) past and present opinions of the scientists who studied embryonic stages, asking Allah ( S.W.T. )help and guidance.
This Paper offers an effective method to measure the length of the femur in Fetal Ultrasound Images, it applies a series of steps starting with the reducing amount of noise in these images, and then converted them to a binary form and uses morphol ogical operations to segment the femur and isolate it from the rest of the image objects, then it applies an Edge Detector in order to find the edges of the bone, then uses the Hough Transform to detect straight lines in the image. we apply overlapping for resulted lines on the original image, finally we choose the most significant and longest straight line which is corresponding to the length of the femur. The proposed method facilitates the measurement of the femur without the help of a physician through a series of steps.
This Paper offers an innovative way for auto segmentation of the fetal head in ultrasound US images. There is high amount of noise in US images, which it affects the visual appearance of the area of head. The research depends on auto segmentation mechanism without the need for user intervention at any stage of proposed method, so this is what makes segmentation process is difficult and important at the same, because the weakness of the edges and not fully enclosed in the desired region. We relied on a Level Set method to segment the head area, after determining the initial contour automatically by the Region Properties Function. The proposed method proves effective in the head area segmentation without being influenced by noise or the existence of discontinuities in the edges of the head, despite the absence of a pre-processing stage in a series of steps applied to several ultrasound images in different sizes and sources. The last step is to calculate the secondary diameter of the output ellipse (the fetal head sector) depending on the properties of the region, and this final measurement represents the Bi Parietal Diameter BPD, an important measure enables the physician to assess gestational age and determine the birth of the fetus date. Segmentation result has been authenticated based on similarity criteria, and the final measurement accuracy has been compared with manual measurements carried out by a specialist. The comparison results showed the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm and its success by up to 98%.
This study was made at ALASSAD Hospital-TISHREEN University in-LATTAKIA at the Department of Obestetrics and Gynecology in the period between 1/1/2013 and 1/1/2014. The number of patients the study was 190.Including140 cases have been holding memb rane stripping and 50 cases without membrane stripping. According to Bishop –Scoring index we have estimated the uterine cervix in patients, then a Membrane- Stripping was made. Rate of response was 79.28% in cases of membrane stripping "then 54%in cases " without membrane striping ". In most cases of response ,we need to do the membrane stripping twice.Top of response was obtained when Bishop –Scoring index was between 4- 6 (Moderate ripening of the cervix). Rate of Vaginal Delivery was 87.85% in cases of membrane stripping and 76% without membrane stripping. The complications were limited in the study group included: 1-Infection( 0.58%). 2-Bleeding 0.58%. 3-PROM 1.16%. It means that Membrane Stripping was somehow safe.
Prenatal detection of congenital heart disease is possible from the 16th week of pregnancy. the ideal time being the Midtrimester ,when the most cardiac abnormalities can be detected ,where all routine cross sectional views are easily obtainable. To evaluate the detection and accuracy of fetal echocardiography for congenital heart defects among high risk pregnancies.
To find out the correlation between persistence of uterine artery notch and development of intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) and pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH), and to see if Doppler assessment can help identify high risk pregnancies.
Fetus images produced by 2D ultrasound devices are ambiguous and lack precision. This led to the need for offering a 3D visualization of the fetus, which allows visualizing width, height, and angle, in order to get additional information about the fetus, and detect fetus abnormalities. We explain in this paper our method in producing 3D models of the fetus from 2D images using a computer system without the need for changing the 2D imaging devices, and without using position sensors. Our method is based on passing the probe over the pregnant woman's abdomen and make a manual scan for the entire body of the fetus from top of the head till the bottom of his feet, then it saves this scan as a video clip then send, it to the computer which segments the video into multiple images which are saved and later processed using digital processing principles of images. Then these processed images are reconstructed to produce the volume matrix and then display it in a 3D form using 3D model construction methods. We applied our software on various fetuses of different ages and got volume images which are considered good in comparison with the images offered by currently available systems and devices. The precision of the images we got, differs according to the change in fetus pose, amniotic liquid, and fetus size, The obstetrician or gynecologist can retrieve more precise details by changing the angle and displaying volume images of certain part of the fetus body.
Ibn Kayem Al-Jawziyya, is Shams Al-Din Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Abi Bakr Ibn Ayyub Ibn Saad Zorai Damascus. (691/1291-751/1350).This researcher putted important scientific facts in the reproduction, in a scientific manner, he wrote about fertiliz ation and how to already happening, so he earlier in European`s scientists in ontogenesis theory, and that by saying: "The fetus creates from man`s water with woman`s water" so he violated the preformation theory that prevailed in the Middle ages for many years. He also spooked about pregnancy, signs ,duration, and clinical diagnosis, and the movement of the fetus ant the his coup. As well as, he described the order of the Extra-embryonic membranes, under the name of veils by saying:' the one of the veils of this darkness cloaking his own, he mentioned the almighty phases of creation and transfer of case, and mentioned darkness of veils at the abdomen and the darkness of the uterus and the darkness of the placenta, the each one of these veil on the fetus". Researcher came to a brief explanation of the stages of embryonic development of human starting the sperm and then embryo and then fetus inside the uterus, and form systems and organs to determine the form of the newborn and of the whole, and how to exit born to new life.
In our estimation of the fetal age, we depend on the measurement of the embryo’s length, the biparietal diameter length and the femur length, rather than on measurement of the diameter and circumference of the abdomen. This study has been conducte d and completed by one person only - the researcher, specifically- and has been compared with world studies. Accordingly, it has been found that its conclusions have been close to the Hadlock Table between the 14th week and the 32nd week of pregnancy, and close to the Russian Table between the 27th week and the end of pregnancy, whereas the Japanese Table seemed to have lower figures. If we take the average of the Hadlock and the Japanese Tables, we find out that it is equal to the Syrian Table “No. 4”, and the average fetus weight in our country seems to be close to the average fetal weight in the U. S. A. The results of this study are the more appropriate for the medical practice in the Syrian Arab Republic, as the fetus measurements and weight differ from one country to another due to differences in several factors among which are: the social, racial, climatic and economical factors among the countries of the world.

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