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الإعجاز العلمي في أطوار الجنين

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 Publication date 2017
  fields Sharia
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The Holy Quran among the heavenly books states the phases of embryo development vividly, by naming each phase and defining the beginning and the end of it. It describes the outer appearance of the embryo, and mentions in details the embryogenesis stages. In this article ( The Jurisprudence Of Fetus Between Science And Law ) I'll try discuss (review) past and present opinions of the scientists who studied embryonic stages, asking Allah ( S.W.T. )help and guidance.

References used
القرآن اُلكريم
اُلحديث اُلشريف
ري شهيري، مُحمد، مُوسوعة اُلأحاديث اُلطبية، دُار اُلحديث لُلطباعة وُ النشر وُ التوزيع،ُ الطبعة اُلأولى بُيروت، 2004ُ م.
rate research

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This study aims to identifyzeolite phases within the sedimentary-volcanic deposits in Banyas region because of their scientific and economical interest. A group of samples chosen from different sites in the region were studied using X.R.D instrument with X-powdersoftware. The studies samples were divided into three groups: Igneous, sedimentary and zeolite deposit groups. zeolite deposit, in turn, were put in two subgroups: a new zeolite and already known zeolite subgroups in other regions in S.A.R. The results of this study are quite new in Banyas region.
موضوع هذا البحث: (الإعجاز القرآني البياني في آيات قصة سليمان عليه السلام مع ملكة سبأ) و التي تبدأ من الآية الخامسة عشرة من سورة النمل، و حتى نهاية الآية الرابعة و الأربعين.
Ibn Kayem Al-Jawziyya, is Shams Al-Din Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Abi Bakr Ibn Ayyub Ibn Saad Zorai Damascus. (691/1291-751/1350).This researcher putted important scientific facts in the reproduction, in a scientific manner, he wrote about fertiliz ation and how to already happening, so he earlier in European`s scientists in ontogenesis theory, and that by saying: "The fetus creates from man`s water with woman`s water" so he violated the preformation theory that prevailed in the Middle ages for many years. He also spooked about pregnancy, signs ,duration, and clinical diagnosis, and the movement of the fetus ant the his coup. As well as, he described the order of the Extra-embryonic membranes, under the name of veils by saying:' the one of the veils of this darkness cloaking his own, he mentioned the almighty phases of creation and transfer of case, and mentioned darkness of veils at the abdomen and the darkness of the uterus and the darkness of the placenta, the each one of these veil on the fetus". Researcher came to a brief explanation of the stages of embryonic development of human starting the sperm and then embryo and then fetus inside the uterus, and form systems and organs to determine the form of the newborn and of the whole, and how to exit born to new life.
يتناول هذا البحث موضوع العقوبة المترتبة على إسقاط الجنين بالاعتداء عليه بالإجهاض، بفعـل أمه، أو بفعل غيرها، سواء أكان هذا الجنين من حمل طبيعي أم غير طبيعي (أطفـال الأنابيـب)، و يهدف هذا البحث إلى إظهار الآثار الشرعية المترتبة على هذا التصرف، أما ال إجهاض التلقـائي "الطبيعي" أو الإجهاض العلاجي "الضروري" للجنين فلا يتصف بالحلال و الحرام و لذا لا يترتب عليه حكم أو نتائج حقوقية و هو غير مراد هذا البحث و لا مداره.
The Arabic travel literature has an important position because it combines between benefit and entertainment. AL Abdari's account of his long journey is an outstanding model of travel literature from the Andalus and Magreb Arabic literatures. His account of the journey presents a clear picture of scientific activities in every place that Al Abdari visited it West and East; It also reflects Al Abdari wide knowledge, and superb poetic talents. This account is an important source of information about the cultural life at the end of seventh century of Hijra, as Al Abdari started it in 688 hijri and he ended it in 691 hijri; therefore, it is considered as an important source in science, literature, and history to all who wrote after him like, Ibn Battouta, and Abd Asslam AL Nasiri because the account contains lot of important historical information and wonderful poems. The subject of this essay is to study the importance of this travel account and to highlight the broad knowledge and great efforts of AL Abdari and other scientists to spread knowledge and learning everywhere

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