يقدم البحث طريقة مبتكرة لقياس طول عظم فخذ الجنين في الصور فوق الصوتية, حيث
يقوم بتقليل كمية الضجيج الموجودة في تلك الصور, و من ثم تحويلها إلى الشكل الثنائي
و اجراء عمليات مورفولوجية لتجزئة عظم الفخذ و عزله عن باقي عناصر الصورة, ثم
يستخدم كاشف حواف من أجل إيجاد حواف العظم, و يطبق بعد ذلك تحويل هوف لكشف
الخطوط المستقيمة في الصورة, ليقوم بمراكبة المستقيمات الناتجة على الصورة الأصلية,
و المستقيم الأبرز و الأطول هو المستقيم المقابل لعظم الفخذ, و يتم حساب طوله
This Paper offers an effective method to measure the length of the
femur in Fetal Ultrasound Images, it applies a series of steps
starting with the reducing amount of noise in these images, and
then converted them to a binary form and uses morphological
operations to segment the femur and isolate it from the rest of the
image objects, then it applies an Edge Detector in order to find the
edges of the bone, then uses the Hough Transform to detect straight
lines in the image. we apply overlapping for resulted lines on the
original image, finally we choose the most significant and longest
straight line which is corresponding to the length of the femur. The
proposed method facilitates the measurement of the femur without
the help of a physician through a series of steps.
References used
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YUSOF. SH, TAN. L, WERNER. P, ABDULJABBAR. H, PAHL. CH, BAIGI. M, HUSSIEN. R, SUPRIYANTO. E, 2013- Fetal Weight Estimation using Canny Segmented Ultrasound Images. Advances in Environment, Biotechnology and Biomedicine, ISBN: 978-1-61804-122-7
This Paper offers an innovative way for auto segmentation of the fetal head in
ultrasound US images. There is high amount of noise in US images, which it affects the
visual appearance of the area of head. The research depends on auto segmentation
The entry of computer to many areas, such as medical field, led to develop new
technique that has led to the prosperity of these areas, and helped doctors to detect and
diagnose diseases accurately and credibility, where the experience of the docto
The various types of radial distortions generated by digital cameras are presented in this paper, like Barrel Distortions and Pincushion Distortion.
Image processing techniques are used to correct the barrel distortion generated by wide-angle lenses
This paper presents an algorithm for designing a system that classifies standard
human facial expressions which are fear, disgust, sad , surprise, anger, happiness, and the
normal expression . The facial expression that is presented in the input im
This paper presents an algorithm for designing a system that classifies standard human facial expressions which are fear , disgust , sad , surprise , Anger , happiness , natural expression . The facial expression that is presented in the input image