ُأجْرِيَتْ هذه الدراسة من قبل شخص واحد هو الباحث بالتحديد و قورنت مع الدراسات
العالمية فتبين أن نتائجها قريبة من جدول هادلوك ما بين الأسـبوع الـ ١٤ - و الـ ٣٢ من
الحمل و قريبة من الجدول الروسي ما بين الأسبوع الـ ٢٧ و نهاية الحمل، في حين بدا
الجدول الياباني بقيم أقل و بأخذنا لوسطي الجدولين (هادلوك و الياباني) تبين أنه معادل
للجدول السوري.
و بدا وسطي وزن الأجنة في بلدنا قريباً من وسطي الأجنة في الولايات المتحدة
نتائج هذه الدراسة هي الأكثر مناسبة للممارسة الطبية في القطر العربي السوري لأن
قياسات الأجنة و أوزانها تختلف من دولة إلى أخرى بسبب اختلاف عدة عوامل منها
الاجتماعية و العرقية و المناخية و الاقتصادية في دول العالم.
In our estimation of the fetal age, we depend on the measurement of the
embryo’s length, the biparietal diameter length and the femur length, rather
than on measurement of the diameter and circumference of the abdomen.
This study has been conducted and completed by one person only - the
researcher, specifically- and has been compared with world studies.
Accordingly, it has been found that its conclusions have been close to the
Hadlock Table between the 14th week and the 32nd week of pregnancy, and
close to the Russian Table between the 27th week and the end of pregnancy,
whereas the Japanese Table seemed to have lower figures. If we take the
average of the Hadlock and the Japanese Tables, we find out that it is equal to
the Syrian Table “No. 4”, and the average fetus weight in our country seems
to be close to the average fetal weight in the U. S. A.
The results of this study are the more appropriate for the medical practice in
the Syrian Arab Republic, as the fetus measurements and weight differ from
one country to another due to differences in several factors among which are:
the social, racial, climatic and economical factors among the countries of the
References used
Arias, F. 1977 The diagnosis and management of intrauterine growth retardation. Obstetrics and Gynecology 49, 293
Brinkley, J. F. Mc Collum W. D Muramatus, S. K. & Liu, D. Y. 1982 Fetal weight estimation from ultrasonic three- dimensional head and Trunk reconstructions. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 144. 715
Campbell, S. & Wilkin. D. Ultrasonic measurement of fetal abdominal Circumference in the estimation of fetal weight British Journol of obstetrics and Gynaccology 82.689
The prevalence of herpes simplex virus type 1 and 2 was determined in the
following groups: pregnants, neonates, herpes labial group, kidney
transplantation group, patients with herpetic eye infection, cardiac
catheterization group, cervical carci
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height diameter and height of tree were measured for more than 500 Pinus
Pinea trees. The relati
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the psychosomatic disorders and their relationship to psychological
security in a sample of adolescents who visited the Syrian Arab Red
Crescent clinics in Damascus Governorate, an
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introduction of these techniques through the national programme for transferring to modern
irrigation that started late 2000. This programme set up to conv
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interest of offenders' deterring and warding off the corruption. Nowadays,
legislation takes care of the offender's situation after the punishment, the method of