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Syrian narrative writers have used a number of symbols in their narrative works, one of which is fire, which has been used very flexibly. Fire stood for punishment, catharsis, fear, and desire both in relation to the theme of the relevant story an d its title. The paper leaves it open for new significations for this symbol that might appear in new meanings and forms by other narrative writers not dealt with here.
This paper seeks to stress that Marlowe's Edward II is, at bottom, a tragic story or a personal history of its hero's agonies. Therefore, it starts by considering the dramatic genre of the chronicle play, and shows that studying Edward II as a tra ditional history play does not penetrate into its design and operation. Then the paper moves to emphasize that Mortimer's rebellion and punishment fit didactic history drama. This leads us to explore Edward's continual endeavors to write his agonies in the form of a tale or tragedy.
تغيرت الحياة الاجتماعية و السياسية و الاقتصادية و الفكرية في العصر العباسي الأول، فدفعت كثيرًا من الشعراء إلى التمرد و الإحساس بالاغتراب، لذا برزت هذه الظواهر بروزًا جليًا في أشعارهم. و قد اختارت هذه الورقة نماذج من تلك الأشعار، لتدرسها و تكشف أبع ادها، أما أضرب التمرد التي عالجتها -الورقة- فهي: ١. التمرد الفني. ٢. التمرد الاجتماعي. ٣. التمرد الديني. ٤. التمرد النفسي. ٥. التمرد الوجودي و القبلي.

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