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من المسائل المهمة في البحث العلمي مسألة البحث في تاريخ العلوم, والذي نلحظه أن اهمال البحث في تاريخ بعض العلوم الإسلامية جعل تاريخها محاطا بشيء من الغموض. وربما وقع خلل في مفهوم هذا العلم وفي تصور بعض المسائل التي يتضمنها والحكم عليها. والمتأمل معظم العلوم الإسلامية يجد أن جذورها بدأت منذ عهد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم. ثم تطورت شيئا فشيئا حتى اكتملت في مسائلها الخاصة بها والمصنفات اعتنت بها. والعلوم الإسلامية تختلف في نشاتها فمنها ما نشأ مبكرا ومنها ما تأخر قليلا, ومنها ما تأخر التصنيف فيه إلى القرن الخامس وما بعده. وهذا التأخر لا يؤثر في هذا العلم مادامت مسائله تطبق من قبل العلماء. وإن تأخر جمعها في باب واحد, وأصول التفسير من العلوم التي تأخر التصنيف فيها مقارنة بالعلوم الإسلامية الأخرى. بيد ان مسائله ومباحثه تفرقت في مقدمات بعض المفسرين لتفاسيرهم وفي كتب علوم القرآن وكتب اللغة, وأصول الفقه. وغيرها من المصادر. بل ان جذور هذا العلم بدأت منذ عصر النبي صل الله عليه وسلم.
Studies and research about rhetoric have varied concerning the definition of rhetoric, but most of them look at rhetoric from on side only. Rhetoric was classified as being a kind of research concerned with the art of persuasion in its techniques, means and components. But it is certain that the political and social conditions of the greak life, led these philosophical studies and linguistic research especially, rhetoric. This made Aristotle divide rhetoric into three sections. The research delt with two main titles, the first one was Rhetoric according to Aristotle. It combines between mans ability to speak and express on one hand becavse man is a speaker and expressor who naturally looks for persuasion. In his speech, he tries to convince as many people as possible. To do this, he uses many instinctive means. Aristotle was concerned with rhetoric due to its mental and psychological sides. He tried to find a kind of balance between the means of persuasion and means of influence. He made convincing help infuencing. He diffentiated between kinds of proofs, the made proofs and the non made proofs. The other ones were the base of the rhetoric structure for Aristotle. The argumentative linguistic text is different from other texts that it builds an interactive structure based on some means that aim to persuade and affect the recipient.
The renewal is the nature of life, and a norm of alaah in his creatures, which is a general phenomenon in every time and place, including all aspects of existence through which the process of continuous adaptation with the developments imposed by the nature of the age.
The renewal is the nature of life, and a norm of alaah in his creatures, which is a general phenomenon in every time and place, including all aspects of existence through which the process of continuous adaptation with the developments imposed by the nature of the age.
In the light of the conceptual remarks that Ibn Sinan adopts as evaluative features of the quality of poetry, among which are the prevailing proverbs and unsystematic verses, we do discover the world of the poet with its psychological, intellectua l and social horizons. This is so since they uncover the secrets of the intuitive character of the creator and its potential introvert features; and, at the same time, they stand as one part of his understandability of poetry. Poetry expresses emotions, and reflects a vision full of influential sentiments of the creator. So, what if the poet were a critic?
The research looks at the metaphorical image of the expressions that were unique in the prophetic rhetoric, as it is in its forefront the status of the prophetic rhetoric of scholars, both ancient and modern.
This study aims through dealing with Al- Jahez's rhetorical style, to assure the originality of many principals of the style science in our rhetorical and critical heritage, so this research starts the study from a hypothesis that is the style is c onsidered equal and not a substitute or an inheritor of the ancient Arab rhetorical. It was necessary for the sake of the research to divide the study into two sections: the first one discuss the bases which must be offered in the literary styles to reach the rhetoric feature, and these bases are: The rightness grammatical, the commitment of the aesthetic criterions which are customary for the Arabs. the second section is represented by studying the ways which through them there is a presentation of the meanings in a rhetorical styles. The research ends to that the artistic picture with all its different arts is considered the best way to present the literary styles, because it marks the text by the artistic beauty which affects the audience sense and their aesthetic faculties, and that is what leads to succeed the aimed linguistic communication.
This research provides a number of knowledgeable and methodological solutions regarding the rhytorical text and analyzing its content. Furthermore, it leaves new doors wider open to understand texts and to add new technical and scientific methods to help students understand the pragmatic meaning.
This research , whose title is ( From Eloquence in the Titles of biography books In the Mamlukie Age) has come to examine how densely the biographers created eloquence in a group of biography books titles , including the historical field in which the biography books were going on.
يتناول البحث أسلوب الاستفهام وهو أسلوب بليغ يسري في أنماط الكلام وقد اهتم به النحويون والبلاغيون وتوسعوا في دراسته

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا