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From Eloquence in the Titles of Biography books In the Mamlukie Age

من البلاغة في عناوين كتب التراجم في العصر المملوكي الأول

1222   0   10   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2014
  fields Literature
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This research , whose title is ( From Eloquence in the Titles of biography books In the Mamlukie Age) has come to examine how densely the biographers created eloquence in a group of biography books titles , including the historical field in which the biography books were going on.

References used
تاريخ النقد الأدبي عند العرب: إحسان عبّاس،، دار الثقافة، بيروت، لبنان، ط 4 .1983
الاستعارةُ في النّقدِ الأدبيّ الحديث الأبعاد المعْرفيّة و الجماليّة: يوسف أبو العدوس، الأهليّة للنّشر و التّوزيع، عمان، ط 1, 1997.
عتبات (ج. جينيت من النّص إلى المَناص): عبد الحق بلعاد، تقديم. سعيد يقطين، الدّار العربيّة للعلوم ناشرون، بيروت.
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Biography books are a branch of history that is concerned with scholars. In the first Mamlukie Age , these books combine historical investigation with critical and literary satisfaction including valuable prosed and poetic literary texts. These books contain the narrative elements, as the narrator, description, event, time and place as well as the main, mainer characters and dialogue , in addition to the good language related to the ability of every narrator and his linguistic education.
Throughout the ages, Egypt had the honour of being the country where the Kiswa (the embroidered black cloth covering the Kaaba) had been manufactured. The Kiswa had been made in Egypt – renowned for manufacturing such a textile - from the Pre-Isla mic Age down to the Islamic Age and throughout the successive Arabic and Islamic historical stages. The Kiswa was looked at as a political, military, and civilizational emblem for it was an emblem of sovereignty in both the Arab and Islamic Worlds. The Mamluki sultans had endeavored to achieve such a status since the very beginning of their being in power and the rulers of Egypt. The Mamluki sultans had maintained the hounor of having this dignified religious emblem and they were involved in conflicts with other powers just to maintain their patronage of this holy emblem which denotes political, military, and cultural sovereignty.
This paper aims at showing the significance of Al-Karak Kingdom in the Mamluki era through the artistic letter used to be issued by the Council (Dewan El-Ensha'a), being helped by what the contemporary historians, geographers, and travelers used t o write about that era. Therefore, the sources of the study come from those who had seen the events and lived them in real. Moreover the research will point out the importance and care which were given to the Kingdom by the kings and emirs in all military, economic, and social aspects.
The "Mamalik" Estate has been a raised after the vanishing of the estate of "Bani Ayobe", Egypt in the "Mamalik" era has witnessed the coming of many different rates, and nationalities, which lead to a new social formula. This research, aims to i llustrate the reality of this social formula and the groups it contained and to show the rule of each group in every side 0f political, economical and social life, and the exchanged influence with each other, throughout the writings some historians.
The current research aimed to identify the most important factors affecting on readability of (Arabic is my language) books for the first stage of primary education from the standpoint of the first stage teachers. And to achieve this aim, the researc her used the descriptive approach, and prepared a questionnaire composed of (32) factors of readability factors fall under four field. After confirming the validity and reliability, the researcher carrying it out on a random sample, which consisted of (150) teachers of first stage in Damascus schools. The research found the following results: - The Most readability factors of (Arabic is my language) books, are related to the paragraph, word, style and output, and sentence; the (readability factors related to the paragraph) has the highest degree of influence with relative weight (73.5%), with a great effect. Followed by (readability factors related to the word), with a relative weight (70.2%), and also has a great effect. Then (readability factors related to the style and output), with a relative weight (68%), and has moderately effect. The (readability factors related to the sentence) was less influential factor; it came with a relative weight (66.6%), and also has moderately effect. The overall result of readability factors related to the four fields has relative weight (69.5%), with great effect. - There are significant differences among the averages of the views of the Arabic language teachers about the most important readability factors in the (Arabic is my language) books for the first stage of primary education according to each of the variables training courses and years of experience for those who follow the courses, and experienced (over 10 years). Based on the research results, the researcher presented a set of recommendations and proposals relating to the need for taking readability factors when choosing educational texts, and the need for further studies in this field.
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