جاءَ هذا البحثُ الموسومُ بعنوانِ (منَ البَلاغةِ في عناوين كتب التّراجم في العصر المملوكيّ الأوّل) ليرصدَ آليّاتِ استحضار المترجمينَ البلاغةَ بكثافة
في مجموعة من عناوين كتب التّراجم زمنئذٍ الّتي هي في الأساس فرعٌ من التّاريخ لا الأدب، و لبيان أبعاد التجمليات البلاغية فيها ضمن المنحى التّأريخيّ الّذي تدور في فلكه.
This research , whose title is ( From Eloquence in the Titles of biography
books In the Mamlukie Age) has come to examine how densely the
biographers created eloquence in a group of biography books titles ,
including the historical field in which the biography books were
going on.
References used
تاريخ النقد الأدبي عند العرب: إحسان عبّاس،، دار الثقافة، بيروت، لبنان، ط 4 .1983
الاستعارةُ في النّقدِ الأدبيّ الحديث الأبعاد المعْرفيّة و الجماليّة: يوسف أبو العدوس، الأهليّة للنّشر و التّوزيع، عمان، ط 1, 1997.
عتبات (ج. جينيت من النّص إلى المَناص): عبد الحق بلعاد، تقديم. سعيد يقطين، الدّار العربيّة للعلوم ناشرون، بيروت.
Biography books are a branch of history that is concerned
with scholars. In the first Mamlukie Age , these books
combine historical investigation with critical and literary
satisfaction including valuable prosed and poetic literary
Throughout the ages, Egypt had the honour of being the
country where the Kiswa (the embroidered black cloth covering the
Kaaba) had been manufactured. The Kiswa had been made in Egypt
– renowned for manufacturing such a textile - from the Pre-Isla
This paper aims at showing the significance of Al-Karak Kingdom
in the Mamluki era through the artistic letter used to be issued by the
Council (Dewan El-Ensha'a), being helped by what the contemporary
historians, geographers, and travelers used t
The "Mamalik" Estate has been a raised after the vanishing of
the estate of "Bani Ayobe", Egypt in the "Mamalik" era has
witnessed the coming of many different rates, and nationalities,
which lead to a new social formula.
This research, aims to i
The current research aimed to identify the most important factors affecting on readability of (Arabic is my language) books for the first stage of primary education from the standpoint of the first stage teachers. And to achieve this aim, the researc