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The objective of this research was to study the causes , symptoms and diagnosis of otitis externa in cats, and to investigation the effect , breed, season on the rate of affection in the veteriniary faculity in hama university. The number of case s was( 346) wich was broght to the veterinary teaching hosbital in Hama university and from special clinics.
Overview: Otitis media with effusion (OME) is the most common type of Otitis media (OM), especially in young children between 2-5 years. The main cause of this type is the decrease in ventilation of the middle ear, which creates purulent fluid. Sev eral factors play a significant role in etiology as Eustachian tube dysfunction, adenoid hypertrophy and allergically causes, in addition to the immunological and metabolic disorders. The main symptom of (OME) is poor hearing, which may lead to permanent hearing loss if untreated. The traditional treatment of (OME) has not been successful in quite a number of cases. Aim of study: Evaluation of the effect of bite opening technique in management of chronic otitis media with effusion in children. Materials and Methods:This clinical study included 30 cases of otitis media with effusion. Ages of patients were between 2 - 10 years old, which were managed at the Auditory Clinics at Al-Assad University Hospital in Lattakia.
The palatine tonsils form an important part of the lymphatic tissue in the body in general and the upper digestive respiratory tract in particular, and they play a key role in immunity and resistance to pathogens at the pharynx level, which also makes them vulnerable to various diseases
Aim: To evaluate and compare the rate of cholesteatoma recurrence after Atticotomy surgery to that after Canal Wall Up Mastoidectomy (CWU). Material and Methods: The study involved 57 patients admitted to the ENT Department Almoassat Hospital. A tticotomy was performed in 30 cases, whilst CWU mastoidectomy within 27 cases. Follow up period was extended for two years to compare the symptoms and the necessity for second Ossiculoplasty surgery. Results: The recurrence rate was 23.33 % within atticotomy group, whilst it was 22.21 % in CWU group. CWU mastoidectomy showed better outputs in diffused cholesteatoma cases. Conclusion: A limited cystic cholesteatoma can be treated effectively by atticotomy, however CWU mastoidectomy remains the favorable technique to manage a diffused cholesteatoma.
This paper proposes a new approach for the segmentation of the side face images to obtain the ear region. The proposed approach is divided into two basic steps: The first step classifies the image pixels into skin and non-skin pixels using likelihood skin detector. This likelihood image is processed by using morphological operations to detect the ear region. In the second step, image containing ear region is isolated from side face image by using one of two methods; the first is based on experiment, while the second is based measurements. The study includes a comparison of the results between the proposed study and previous ones to identify the differences. The proposed approach is applied on a database containing 146 images of 20 persons. These images were taken under different illumination, pose, day, and location variations. The partial occlusion by hair or earing was also taken in account. The results showed that the system achieved a correct segmentation with rate 95.8%.
54 isolates were isolated of the bacteria associated with ear infections which have antimicrobial resistance from the patients in the National Hospital in Qamishly City during the period from 01/08/2008 to 31/10/ 2009. The number of Pseudomonas ae ruginosa was high, followed by Staphylococcus aureus. It has been found that the rate of ear infections was lower in male (44.4%) than female (55.5%), and was (48.10%) in the first age category (1- 15 year) more than the second age category (15- 30 year) (31.37%), while the rate of ear infections was (23.5%) in the third age category(30- 60 year ). We found that all the strains of isolated bacteria showed high susceptibility to Imipenem (100%), and all bacteria of Pseudomonas, klebseilla, Proteus, Enterobacter, showed high sensitivity to ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin (85%), but only staphylococcus (58%). In addition, most isolated bacteria showed intermediate sensitivity to tobramicine, amikacine, gentamycine, and cephalosporinses like ceftazidime, cefaclor and cefotaxime. At the same time, most isolated bacteria showed resistance to Amoxicilline, Ampicillin, Penicillin, Oxacylline, Sulphamethoxasole, erythromycin, vancomycine and tetracyclines.
تحدث سرطانات الأذن و الأنف و الحنجرة عند الأطفال في العقد اللمفية للعنق، و في البلعوم الأنفي، و جوف الأنف و الجيوب، و في جوف الفم و البلعوم، و في الأنسجة الرخوة للوجه و العنق. نصف هذه السرطانات تقريباً ٤٨،٤١% هي لمفومات، و هي لمفوما إما لاهودجكن فـ ي عناصـر حلقة فالداير، أو لمفوما هودجكن في العقد اللمفية. و ربع هذه السرطانات تقريباً هي أغرن (ساركوما) ٦٥،٢٦ % و خاصة الأغران العضلية المخططة % ١٧،٧٧ السرطانة (كارسينوما) المالبيكية نادرة ما عدا إصابة البلعوم الأنفي بشكل كارسينوما غير متميزة % ١٤,٨١ بنسبة تحدث أورام الأرومة العصبية بنسبة أقل، و خاصة الأرومة الشمية بنسبة ٣٧,١٠ %.
استطعت متابعة هذه الدراسة على ٣٦ مريضاً من بين عدد كبير من المرضى راجعونـا بسـبب إصابتهم بالتهاب الأذن الوسطى المصلي، و قد خضع ٢٠ منهم للمعالجة الدوائية ضـمن نظـامين (برتوكولين) دوائيين مختلفين أُعطِي ١١ مريضاً مضادات التهاب غير سـتروئيدية (إيبـوبر وفن Ibuprofen ( و ٩ مرضى أخذوا مركبات ستيروئيدية (ديكسـاميتازون Dexamethazone ( إلـى جانب الأدوية الأخرى نفسها لكلا المجموعتين، كما خضع الباقي أي ١٦ مريضاً بالإضافة إلـى ٧ مرضى لم يستفيدوا من المعالجة الدوائية المعطاة من قبلنا إلى عمل جراحي، و تمت المقارنة بين فئتين ممن أجري لهم العمل الجراحي: الواحدة وضع لمرضاها أنبوب التهوية في القسم الأمـامي من غشاء الطبل أي أمام قبضة المطرقة، و الأخرى في القسـم الخلفـي منـه أي خلـف قبضـة المطرقة. و ظل ٦ من بين المرضى المجرى لهم جراحة تحت المعالجة الدوائية لفترة من الـزمن بعد إجراء العمل الجراحي.

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