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The research addressed a critical analytical study of the moral basis of scientific knowledge from the viewpoint of the contemporary philosopher of science Karl popper, throughout his opinion on the fact that scientific knowledge is incomplete when not based on cognitive approach and moral content which protect it from slipping and error, stressing the close relationship and the strong correlation between knowledge and ethics, which if deviated affected the standards of science as a whole. Results showed that knowledge, generally, is everyone's right to possess, threr resides the truth, and to reach this truth there must be many methodologies, says popper, the most important of which is the critical approach and rational dialog, by which we realize that the human makes mistakes and, consequently, his knowledge may be wrong, and to access the real scientific knowledge the skeptical approach should be followed in which the premise is tested in different ways. Popper pointed out that the insightful human recipient can exercise these logical operations, and the insightful human is naturaly forgivable non- fanatic, open to criticism, non-monopolistic of knowledge and therefore the basis of knowledge is purely ethical, without which knowledge loses its meaning and credibility.
Then all these "dresses" torn out under the wheels of nineteenth and twentieth century development, and controlled by technology and digital programming of twenty first-century. This paper is based on morally experience as an invitation to live in a city aimed to make its individuals reach the highest levels of human perfection, by treating the city concept with traditional means and methods the modern city needs to complete its development procedures more than technology, economic abilities, and strategy qualifications. So, an imaginary city had been created with the same name as Damascus, and same geographic location, Barada, Qasion, Al-Ghoota and every part of it is exactly the same, except for the time. It was unspecified. Finally, the paper induces to use the virtue concept as a key to solve all the city issues and as a base for its reforming and organizing process.
يكتسب هذا البحث جدته و أصالته و قيمته العلمية، من أنه يخوض في إشكالية التأويل و علاقتها المباشرة بالأخلاق الدينية السائدة، و بيان المناقشات و الخلافات التي برزت على هامش هذه الإشكالية لتوضيح الصورة الحقيقية لموقع ابن رشد في السياق التاريخي، ضمن إط ار هذه الإشكالية حصرًا. و قد تناول البحث القضايا الأساسية العالقة التي تدور في فلك مسألة التأويل. و أهمها قضية الحقيقة المزدوجة، و تقسيم الناس إلى طبقات اجتماعية، و قضية تفضيل الفلسفة على الدين. و كل هذه القضايا متعلقة تعلقًا مباشرًا بالأخلاق الدينية، و ناجمة عن مسألة التأويل بآنٍ واحد. و خلص البحث إلى نفي الاتهام الموجه إلى ابن رشد بشأنها، فضلا عما جاء في البحث من شرح مفصل لمسألة التأويل في سياقها التاريخي، و علاقتها بالأخلاق الدينية.

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