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The study was conducted in a fish laboratory in the college of veterinary medicine during the period between the months of March and September. The experiments of this study were performed in laboratory conditions. Five dosage levels of Ivermectin were administered.
تستورد سورية سنوياً ما بعادل أو يزيد على إنتاج القطر من الأسماك إذ بلغت كمية الأسماك المستوردة عام 2010 , 28 ألف طن في حين كان الإنتاج المحلي 12 ألف طن فقط
This research was carried out during the period 08/28/2012 - 07/29/2013 in order to determine the qualitative composition of Puffer Fishes (Tetraodontidae) in the marine water of Latakia. Fish samples were collected from three stations (Borj Islam , Al madina al riyadiah and Jableh), the total of fishes were / 255 / individuals. All fish individuals were classified, preserved and placed at the High Institute of Marine Research Laboratory, some biological factors of the collected fish (K%, GSI%,HIS%) were studied. Results had revealed the presence of five species of Puffer Fish belong to three genera of Tetraodontidae: Lagocephalus sceleratus, L. spadiceus, L. suezensis, Sphoeroides pachygaster, Torquigener flavimaculosus. S. pachygaster species (migratory species from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea) has been recorded for the first time in the marine water of Syria. Results showed that L. suezensis were more coincidence species in the catch. The amounts caught of Puffer Fishes varied according to the stations; the highest was in Borj Islam. K% was almost similar in all species, while GSI% and HSI% varied according to the species and seasons.
This paper aimed to present additional records of Honeycomb stingray Himantura uarnak (Forskal, 1775) (Chondrichthyes: Dasyatidae) off the Syrian coast (Eastern Mediterranean). Two specimens were captured in Syrian waters (Tartous coast) 35º 55’ 3 1”E and 34º 42’ 40’’ N. The first specimen was an adult female, and the second an adult male; they measured 1078 mm and 840 mm disk width, and weighed 31.450 kg and 15.580 kg, respectively. Morphometric measurements were recorded to the nearest millimeter, and reported as percentage of the disk width (%DW). Pieces of skin and tail were deposited in the Ichthyological collection of the Marine Sciences Laboratory, Agriculture Faculty of Tishreen University, Syria.
تعد الثروة السمكية إحدى المكونات الحية للبيئة المائية ( البحرية والعذبة ) كما تعد أهم مصادر الغذاء الطبيعية للإنسان إذ تحتوي الأسماك على بروتين مفيد جداً خصوصاً في مجال مكافحة سوء التغذية لاسيما في مرحلة الطفولة
تضمنت الدراسة الحالية تعيين التركيز التراكمي للعنصرين الثقيلين الكادميوم و الرصاص باسـتخدام جهاز طيف الامتـصاص الـذري، فـي أنـسجة الـدودة الـشريطية De inarmata Postgangesia 2003, Mariaux and AlKallak, Chambrier و بعض من أعضاء مضيفها النهائي من أسـم اك الجري glanis Silurus التي اِصطيدتْ من نهر دجلة في منطقة سد الموصل، محافظة نينوى. أظهرت النتائج الحالية وجود فروقات إحصائية عند مستوى معنوية (05.0) في تراكيـز كـل مـن الكادميوم و الرصاص في كل من الكبد، و الكليتين، و الأمعاء، و الغلاصم و العضلات للأسماك المصابة و غير المصابة بالديدان الشريطية، و بلغ تركيز الكادميوم و الرصاص في الدودة الـشريطية 24.24 و 87.787 ميكروغراماً/غرام على التوالي.
A total of 30 water samples and 45 infected fish (carp, Cyprinus carpio) were collected from freshwater fish farm (Dam of 16 Tishreen-Lattakia) and analysed bacteriological. Macroscopic examinations of infected fish had showed the presence of haem orrhagic skin lesions with brown or red spots throughout their skin. A total of 64 Aeromonas strains were isolated. The Aeromonas isolates were distributed as follows: Aeromonas hydrophila (34, 53%), A. caviae (16, 25%), A. sobria (9, 14%) and (5, 8%) of unidentified aeromonads. Collectively, Aeromonas spp. are considered as opportunistic causative agents of human gastroenteritis and other infections. Antibiotic susceptibility tests were carried on all strains of isolated Aeromonas spp. using twenty different antibiotics by agar disk diffusion method.

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