جمعت 30 عينة ماء و 45 عينة أسماك مصابة (نوع كارب أو شبوط) من مزرعة سمكية مائية عذبة
(سد 16 تشرين- اللاذقية) و حللت جرثومياً. أظهر الفحص العياني للأسماك المصابة وجود آفات جلديـة
نزفية مع بقع بلون بني أو أحمر على كامل جلدها. عزل ما مجموعه 64 سلالة للأيروموناس. توزعـت
عزلات الأيروموناس كما يأتي: النـوع hydrophila Aeromonas) 34 ,53 ،(%النـوع caviae. A
تعد، إجمالاً%). 8 ,5) الأيروموناس من محددة غير و أنواع %) 14 ,9) A. sobria النوع%)، 25 ,16)
أفراد الأيروموناس عوامل ممرضة انتهازية تسبب التهاب معدة و أمعاء و عدوات أخرى في البشر. أجريت
اختبارات التحسس للصادات الحيوية على كل السلالات المعزولة مـن أنـواع الأيرومونـاس باسـتخدام
عشرين صاداً حيوياً بوساطة طريقة الانتشار من القرص.
A total of 30 water samples and 45 infected fish (carp, Cyprinus carpio) were
collected from freshwater fish farm (Dam of 16 Tishreen-Lattakia) and
analysed bacteriological. Macroscopic examinations of infected fish had showed
the presence of haemorrhagic skin lesions with brown or red spots throughout
their skin. A total of 64 Aeromonas strains were isolated. The Aeromonas
isolates were distributed as follows: Aeromonas hydrophila (34, 53%), A. caviae
(16, 25%), A. sobria (9, 14%) and (5, 8%) of unidentified aeromonads.
Collectively, Aeromonas spp. are considered as opportunistic causative agents
of human gastroenteritis and other infections. Antibiotic susceptibility tests
were carried on all strains of isolated Aeromonas spp. using twenty different
antibiotics by agar disk diffusion method.
References used
Abraham, T. J., Manley, R., Palaniappan, R. and Devendran, K. (1997). Pathogenicity and antibiotic sensitivity of luminous Vibrio harveyi isolated from diseased penaeid shrimp. J. Aquac. Trop. 12 (1), 1 -8
Amir, S., Amy, S. R., Margaret, K., Janelle, B., Shawn, Mc., Polly, W. and Robert, L. (2008). Aquaculture practices and potential human health risks: current knowledge and future priorities. Environment international, 34(8):1215-26
Ascencio, F., Martinez-Arias, W., Romero, M. J. and Wadstrom, T. (1998). Analysis of the interaction of Aeromonas caviae, A. hydrophila and A. sobria with mucins. FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology. 20, 219-229
This study aimed at evaluating the productivity of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.)
farmed in the floating-cages in the 16 Tishreen Dam between 1995 and 2004. The results
showed that the feed amount was about (5000 tons) in 1998, while it was about
The study included 132 Free – living fish in Lake of 16 Tishreen Dam,
collected randomly during the period from 22/11/2011 until 22/10/2012, on
average once a month, for detecting the infection of parasitic copepoda, and
determine the distribution rate, and their effect on the fish productivity.
The study included 144 Free – living fish from the Lake of 16 Tishreen Dam, collected randomly during the period from 12/2011 until 11/2012, on monthly basis to detect the infection with Epistylis sp. and determine its distribution rate.
Fish sam
The research aims to determine the water Quality Index for the Lake of 16 Tishreen Dam. To achieve
this aim, we have carried out different periodical physic-chemical and bacterial measurements on the lake
water. The samples were taken at five sites
The aim behind this study was to isolate and characterize fungi from fermented olive
mill wastewater to determine the superior one that can resist high organic load and total
phenol of fresh Olive Mill Wastewater (OMW).
Two different media Czapak