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تحضیر و توصیف مادة لفح حراري شفافة راداریا

1636   0   20   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2018
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Modified resole resin/short silica fiber composite materials have been prepared. The resole resin was synthesized and then blended with Polyvinylbutyral (PVB) polymer with different weight ratios to reduce its brittleness. The mechanical, thermal and physical properties of Resol- PVB blends were studied to characterize these blends and select the most appropriate mixing ratio of polyvinyl butyral with resole resin, which was identified at 15 phr of polyvinyl butyral for every 100 parts of resole resin.

References used
Chawla, Krishan K, Composite Materials: Science and Engineering. Springer-Verlag New York. 2012.542p
Charles, M., Gilmore. Materials science and engineering properties. 1st ed. (2014). Cengage Learning, p. 704
Vincenzini, P. and M. Singh. Advanced Inorganic Fibrous Composites V. Trans Tech Publications, 2006
rate research

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The paper presents some of the results from a large experimental program undertakenat the Department of Civil Engineering of Damascus University. The project aims to study the ability to reinforce and strengthen the concrete by bars from Epoxy polymer reinforced with glass fibers (GFRP) and compared with reinforce concrete by steel bars in terms of mechanical properties.
Surface protective thin layers of high temperature oxidation resistant aluminum oxide Al2O3, have been prepared by the sol-gel processing, using the spin coating method. In order to increase layer thickness, corundum suspension was added to the al umina sol.
One popular heat transfer augmentation technique involves the use of rough surfaces of different configurations. The rough surface aims to promote surface turbulence that is intended mainly to increase the heat transfer coefficient and surface are a. It was reported that non-flat surfaces have free convection coefficients that arrive to 50% to 100% more than those of flat surfaces. The goal of this study aims mainly to examine heat transfer enhancement from a surface with same industrial roughness created by a special tool (roughness surfaces) with different shapes under convection heat transfer compared to equivalent smooth surfaces without deformations. The results show there is no need to apply the different roughness configurations in two mutually perpendicular directions. It's enough to cause it only in one plane. And we have got the same win in surface area. The results show also the rectangular profiles of roughness give the best result.
The research includes the main ideas, outline and preliminary structure for designing the proposed thermal hydraulic autonomic solar tracker. Who enjoys the benefits outweigh known trackers, raising yields and minimize energy expended, reduced vi bration through hydraulic movement. This makes the suggested tracker outweigh the Clifford-Eastwood-Tracker. Disadvantages of the proposed Tracker also much lower than the disadvantages of known passive trackers for variable intensity of solar radiation including the effect of clouds.
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