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Influence of micro-plasma welding process parameters on characteristics of welded thin metal sheets

تأثير متحولات عملية لحام مايكروبلازما في خصائص الوصلة اللحامية لصفائح معدنية رقيقة

1108   0   70   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2018
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This research seeks to localize the technology of plasma arc welding (PAW), the best alternative against tungsten arc welding (TIG). So a quantitative comparison between these two technologies has been made, according to the particular case that is DC current. involving heat efficiency, heat input, tensile strength, relative elongation at fracture, micro hardness and angular distortion.

References used
Tseng, K. H., Jou, M., Chang, Y., & Huang, H. Y. (2008). Influence of process parameters on joining strength in microplasma arc welding. International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 13(2-4), 265-279
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Piccini, J., & Svoboda, H. (2012). Effect of the plasma arc welding procedure on mechanical properties of DP700 steel. Procedia Materials Science, 1, 50-57
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This study includes an experimental work to determine the effect of dilution on Hardfacing welding of clinker hammer crusher. In this work, samples have been prepared from the same metal type of hammer’s, of which is X120Mn12. Then the samples had been hardfaced using deferent kind of hardfacing Shielded Metal Arc Welding electrodes, and using deferent welding parameters (current, polarity), the calculation and measuring of dilution had done and then performed the hardness tests, wear tests, and their relation with dilution. This study showed that the reduction of heat input decreases dilution as the hardness of hardfaced samples increases and wear decreases. Direct current electrode positive (DCEP) increase dilution as the hardness of hardfaced samples decreases and wear increases, but the quality of the welding became better. Results showed that percentage of chromium and carbon in electrodes have positive effect on hardness.
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