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This research aims at identifying the opinions of the secondary stage teachers in Lattakia city about the effectiveness of some of the Active learning Strategies (Asking questions, story telling and Simulation) strategies were chosen Aquestionnair was designed to achieve the objectives of the research. The questionnair was applied on a sample consisted from (90) teachers chosen in an organized way.
إن البحث الحالي يهدف إلى السماح لهؤلاء الأهل و للمجتمع أن يلقوا نظرة شفافة و واقعية حول مسألة استقبال الطفل و أخذه على عاتقهم، و مسألة اندماجه في المجتمع الإنساني، و بهذا الخصوص، فإن العرض الواقعي لحالة الطفولة في فرنسا و في سوريا ضمن الاهتمامات ا لخاصة للرئيس الفرنسي جاك شيراك و الرئيس السوري الدكتور بشار الأسد، بقوة الطفل و ضعفه ، أظهر القيمة الرفيعة للطفل، و قد نتج عن كل ذلك مقترحات للعمل الواضح و حلول ملائمة لذلك الطفل في الجمهورية العربية السورية و في فرنسا، و إعطاء المعنى الحقيقي للمسؤولية التي من الواجب أن يتحملها الأهل و المجتمع.
The current study aimed to get acquainted with the students' opinions about their capacity for using what they have learnt in the literature subject in life situations. This is achieved through teaching literature to the control group by using the traditional method, and teaching it to the first experimental group by using the functional method which is based on connecting the piece of information to the environment and reality of students, drawing their attention with what they learn and meeting their knowledge needs through presenting the study topics as problems which draw the attention of students and push them to analyze such problems and achieve various solutions to them. The study also aimed to investigate the opinions of students about their capacity for using what they have learnt in the literature subject by using the adopted methods (traditional and functional), and examine the effect of sex variable on the three groups.
this research gives notice about the concept of theory of functional grammar and the most important developments in it since its inception to the present time, then standing on its roots in the heritage of the Arab, refers to the famously of scient ists whom have called for ridding the Arabic grammar, which suspended its ramifications overwhelmed and hamper his gift, such as Al_jahiz which claimed the calls in one of his letters to the limitation in the instruction as to the boy on the core issues that lead to the safety of obscene melody, and the amount of the ignorance of the common folk in the book that he wrote, and felt that chant, and something that he described. Search moves then to talk about the principles and objectives as functional theory, And it ends with a summary showing its importance, and calls for the need to apply its principles in the field of education.

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